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Everything posted by Narayana

  1. Hi Dear Bums, My name is narayana I am new to this website. I am interested in Taoist meditation. I want to practice Lower Dantian meditation. What is location of Lower Dantian? Waiting for your answers πŸ™
  2. Refining the elixir

    Hi Fellow bums, Anyone here readed this book? I ordered this book in Amazon I am waiting for this book. If you read this book can you give review?
  3. Refining the elixir

    Can you please elaborate?
  4. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Thank you very much for the links 😊
  5. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Hi, I am narayana I am from India. I am interested in Taoist meditation. Nice to meet you all.
  6. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Are you talking about Anapanasati ( breath meditation) ? In Anapanasati meditation we simply watch breath we don't control breath.
  7. Location of the Lower Dantian

    Thank you very much for your answer. Really helpful πŸ‘
  8. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    No. There is huge difference between Indian yogic breathing and Taoist breathing. Buddhism didn't have breathing techniques except for Tibetan Buddhism
  9. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    I never expected I get a grand welcome 😁 here πŸ˜‰
  10. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Yes. Most people don't know about Taoism in India. There are many buddist meditation centers in India which teaches Vipassana meditation and other buddist meditation techniques. So your assumption is right πŸ‘
  11. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Thanks. In my opinion they are same at very High level. But not at beginning. For example Taoist meditators cultivate Lower Dantian. Buddist meditators meditate on breath, kasina, Vipassana meditation etc. I like 3 religions ( Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism) but I like Taoism more due to neidan ( internal alchemy). Thanks for welcoming meπŸ™