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About snowymountains

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  1. EU Privacy Complaint

    No, you're just wasting your time and mine too, as I'm not interested in having this discussion with you. Yet, despite your links and theories, US companies and sites comply. I do not need to provide any additional information to my GDPR request, which has been filed. I will be waiting for the site to fulfil their obligations. So if you don't mind, I won't be interacting further.
  2. EU Privacy Complaint

    You're knocking on the wrong door, believe what you want.
  3. EU Privacy Complaint

    Sorry I'm not the one who will provide you the info you as to why US companies comply with GDPR. I've said multiple times I'm not interested in having this discussion with you. Also kindly note that I have now made a GDPR request and have nothing to add to this thread. My request is complete as-is and wish to add nothing to it, so I do not wish to add further responses to this thread.
  4. EU Privacy Complaint

    I've said multiple times, I'm not interested in having this discussion. You searched, you reached a conclusion and you cannot understand why us companies comply, you'll have to find the answer elsewhere, not from me.
  5. EU Privacy Complaint

    As I said previously, you can look these things up on your own. We have moved on.
  6. EU Privacy Complaint

    When discussing about mod ignoring a fundamental right of EU citizens, the issue is with the word "profanity" ? I want to be clear as well, if this site cannot show respect for a citizen right, then I want to have nothing to do with it. Therefore, I am making a GDPR request. Kindly note that this is not limited to deletion of my posts and revocation of my membership which you mention in your response. Also, revocation of my membership has no impact on the requirement to fulfil the rest of the obligations by the site. What also needs to be deleted includes quotes of my posts by other members, appearances of my username "snowymountains" in text, indirect references to it eg "snowy", as well as references to my username. This concerns both the boards and private chats between members. Also kindly note that I am entitled to a communication of the date by which all of the above will have happened and that they need to be done in a timely manner.
  7. EU Privacy Complaint

    I'll reply again, more directly. I gather you have a question as to why, technically, US companies comply with GDPR, I am not interested in having this discussion, that is not the intent of my posts. It's a different topic entirely. Honestly, all I need is ask for my right to be respected and if I ever choose to exercise it, for timely compliance - and I shouldn't even need to cite GDPR for this, compliance responsibilities are sorely with providers, not with EU citizens.
  8. EU Privacy Complaint

    As you say yourself US companies do comply with GDPR (or block EU users entirely so that they don't have a compliance burden). If it's an intellectual question as to why US companies comply with the right to be forgotten, as it may look unintuitive to you, this is fine, but exploring this inquiry is not the intent of my posts. The fact is they do comply. It's interesting that if a registered member who is an EU citizen at some point wishes their data removed, they actually do not even need to cite GDPR, just request that a site removes all their data and references to them in plain English.
  9. EU Privacy Complaint

    If a member's posts, quotes of posts, references to a member etc, stay or not depends entirely on whether the member wishes them to stay or not, if the member is an EU citizen. It's a right we have, I'm sorry if you find that right "tragic" but it became a right exactly so that it applies regardless of anyone's personal views and feelings about it.
  10. EU Privacy Complaint

    You can find e.g. the later French ruling, as well as later rulings by other member states, which were enforced, beyond the EU borders, US companies currently comply with it or if compliance burden is too high, block EU users entirely, as it's EU users who have this right. I am not interested in discussing further how you feel about it, how you interpret it etc if you don't mind. You may have your view of course but ultimately it does not matter if you are convinced it's a right or not, feel free to make a site where you ignore it if you want, not particularly interested. I do expect the site and the mods to respect that those members who are EU citizens have this right, instead of @forestofclarity 's profanities
  11. EU Privacy Complaint

    it goes well beyond self-editing the content, e.g. it includes but is not limited to quoted posts by other members, messages, private messages between different members who refer to a member. The issue is that @forestofclarity believes he's at liberty to define if posts stay forever or not and also ask that we "get" it. He's not at liberty to define anything on that matter and they do not stay forever, it's a choice (for EU citizens)
  12. EU Privacy Complaint

    Our right to be forgotten applies globally. There have been further rulings after the 2019 one, by member-state courts, which have been fully enforced. My point though is not to discuss the judicial history of this, my point is that I expect this right to be fully respected, especially by mods. Which is the opposite of what I'm seeing right now.
  13. The Neidan Direct

    I see, an interesting question is which branches have someone representing them today that's both a scholar/academic and a rigorous practitioner ? I gather from the above Ge Guolong is one for HYJ. Another scholar and practitioner which seems to be of high standards is Fabrizio Pregadio. I believe the site you linked is his. Which branch does he practice? One thing that's held me from looking into Neidan is not the practice itself, after all I haven't practiced it and thus do not have a view. But a lot of teachers look rather snakeoil-y to me and verifying their transmission always seemed to be a complex task. Looking at scholars of high standards who are also practitioners, simplifies selection. Some candidate names Ge Guolong, Fabrizio Pregadio. Livia Kohn also looks very interesting. Are there others like them?
  14. The Neidan Direct

    Thanks TT, How do branches differ, I gather they have a different textual basis, perhaps with some overlap, but are their end goals similar? Eg is a GF practitioner aiming at the same goals as a Huang Yuan-ji practitioner, just using different techniques and methods?
  15. New Book: Taoist inner alchemy

    No clue on the book. The book author though is discussed in another thread: