Celestial Fox Beast

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Everything posted by Celestial Fox Beast

  1. Hi lads, 2 years ago I was poisoned by heavy metals or something (doctors don't really know) and become hipersensible to anything, like... a bit of cold temperatures gives me fever and inflamation, can't eat peanuts, become allergic to many things that before I wasn't. I have a cronical condition that really fuck my life and puts my body in stress, so I'm practically always sick from anything. I even have a near fatal incident just from half iboprofen that put me on UCI with various shoots and observation (never allergic to this group of drugs), and 2 incidents that also require hospitalization. You really never miss your health until you lose it, I even think many times that I am just dying, not funny and terrifying. Test show no diabetes, no heart or renal conditions, no cancer (aparent, yet a doctor insist that may be it), no ETS, no nothing... You are just fucked. Well... I practice some neidan, not the regular stuff, I basically come to the conclusion that mysterious passage refers to other thing, and Quanzhen translations are less simbolic than Cleary and modern teachers think, and refers to concrete out of body states. I was practicing the other night, but I did not reach the point when jing starts to become qi in the propper way, my mind was still contaminated with the mundane, so of course I endedn in ''battle on the field'', wich I associate to just dealing with bad spirits and demons in the sleep paralisis condition. A failure... well.. lets interrupt the whole thing, no benefit from lower spirit practices. But... the interruption tecniques also failed, because there is some sort of strong void wind, suposetly because there is the most impressive storm of the year outside or something, yeah.. storms gives yo a plus if you practice during them... but well, I'm stuck... ok, eventually it while wear off and I will be able to recover physical body control, nothing to worry, just don't expel to much energy so bad things don't notice you. The void wind keeps pressing and acumulating in me, to the point that starts causing the zum zum noises and electric oscilation, but also, a sort of tingling heat in my chest. Not in the lower celestial gate that sometimes I use (base of sternon), but on the center of sternon, in a enlongated shape, It's curious, I didn't know there is any energy center there... well... the energy keeps growing, not cold like usual, but very warm, and... somehow, as soon as I recover movement and return to normal condition, I knew insctintively that I was healed. Not a guess, not a vague sensation, I just knew it for sure, and to prove it myself, I go to the market, but a shitty peanuts aperitive and eat it all. No inflamation, no reaction... nothing... and I've been just fine from that day, plus, the tingling warm sensation is noticable in everyday condition, this can't happen because physical body don't really have any organ or anything to sense spiritual things, but there it is, for at least 2 full weeks, then become weaker and disapear. Did I just make by accident a lesser grade golden pill? I didn't reach sheng that's for sure (jing<qi<sheng), just trapped in contaminated jing/qi interchange imperfect transmutation, but also trapped in the void wind of the storm. So... lot of questions that I don't think anyone of this forum could respond, but anyway, why that concrete place of chest? What the fuck just happened? Why I am healed?
  2. Demons!!

    I was asked to remove that too.
  3. I've been required to erase this and any reference on my supositions about the subject.
  4. Elaborating the golden pill, my progress and doubts

  5. Demons!!

    That wasn't a response... that was just a joke...
  6. Demons!!

  7. Demons!!

    I am pretty sure that Jesus was somthing special, but of course I wasn't there... if I have to guess... Yes I think he is a savior with a timeless spiritual message, on the other one... I think he is just a epileptic pedo crackpot possesed by demons that only has brought death, slavery and suffering both in life and in death, but of course that is politically incorrect nowadays, so I'm not gonna say it. I can't blame you for taking all of this as a joke, I myself take life as a joke, but I can assure that this is a serious matter, maybe someday you will experience it, or you will discover that your spiritual guides are just crappy demons doing gweeee gweeee. Just act with caution on the other side, they use your most intimate beliefs and hopes, remember that a true spiritual behing don't need you to do anything for him, and don't need to teach/show you anything either. Salvation is something that one must found himself.
  8. Elaborating the golden pill, my progress and doubts

    So... what GF should I start with? the Thomas Cleary version or the old one?
  9. Demons!!

    Same as above.
  10. Demons!!

    Yep... pleyadian digievolved big space brothers... just demons in disguise using modern pop culture, in the not so distant past, they come from venus... when that sounds to stupid, they come from the pleyades... also the ship aspect and tecnology seems to evolve, the message is always the same crap, peace, love, make a cult, kill yourselfs. But you can abduct me anytime baby... Same for you, you just gonna be drugged by a fake shaman and toyed by some demons.
  11. Elaborating the golden pill, my progress and doubts

  12. Spotting a fake master

    Well... yes, there is a lot of well documented stuff, you can search the case of Emilie Sagee, who seems to bilocate a sort of doppelganger of herself without any control, or some taumaturgic saints, even most recent ones like that one from Barcelona from 1800 something that can teleport, or more recent history... Ingo Swann, Fassman (Josep Mir Rocafort) who even have his mental powers cheched by CIA and rejected to work with them. Of course there is always fraud and fakes, but there is real phenomena as well if you search objectevily. Is it that hard to think that, someone that studies the spiritual, could reach spiritual phenomena? you can reply... well.. there is thousands of people meditating and following ascetic religions, why we don't see any of it from them? My guess on that, is that they are doing it wrong. Did I know how to do it wrigth? hell no... but if you want diferent results, try something different, that's what I'm trying at least.
  13. Elaborating the golden pill, my progress and doubts

    Same as above.
  14. Elaborating the golden pill, my progress and doubts

    Nup, I didn't see that, but sometimes when I return or on some practices, I see a sort of geometric lines and patterns, like a tunnel and acceleration, and sometimes when I re-integrate with the physical body, I see like electric circuit patterns behing my eyes, if I move them, they are static, complex, non cambiant... and I am... WTF... so, those are the most similar things I have seed regards your enigmatic photo.
  15. Spotting a fake master

    If I have to elaborate a bit more... I experience ''some'' spiritual practice, so I recognice some states, sensations, things that happen in those states and experiences... I can spot a fake astral voyager no problem (99.9999% of people that claim to do it basically), I can know who lies about it, who takes self-induced dreams for actual projections, and who is just doing low grade mental projections. Can I demostrate my awesome astral power to someone that has no real experience of the subject?... meh... difficult, maaybe I could focus enough to project to somewhere to see some object or thing that the other person arrange, but spiritual world is a jungle and the phenomenon is much richer and complex than pop culture represent it. With my poor skill that will be difficult (but not impossible). In fact, I participated in some serious studyes about it, here is some footage of my crappy intuition prowess, the fist photo is me in one of those studies: A 50% on 6 options x 16 times is a bit further than pure chance... the app btw is has been developed by Rusell Targ, one of the researchers on Stargate roject about remote viewing (see Sun Streak and Grill flame, the conclusions of those is that RV is real), I also recomend to read the works of Ingo Swann. Basically they get positives, but reach a limit and the thing is not accurate and confiable enough, after a while, the project changes its researchers and the declassified info just seems a bunch of guess and school grade redactions about the esoteric tendency of the moment to just keep grabing papa state money. So, one answer may be, yes, you can prove your skill to someone that shares some true grade of that skill, but that of course can also apply to any pure suggestive, even false beliefs and dogmatic practices, so... the correct anwer will always be, that true knowledge trascends dogma and can cause real phenomena. This is another example of crappy powers: I do think, and know, that if you practice energy/spiritual thingys, you will gain acces to energy/spiritual things, so, naturally, you can trow hadoukens... crappy fart ones if you are a noob like me, and real ones if you are a living Buda. I also belive that, if you attain such level, it may not be even possible to remain in this fake reality, and real people that have achieved such things, are very few in history. Because... let's be real...Jesus and Siddarta Gautama miracles are pretty meh... one died presumably of a meat intoxication, and the other was frikking crucified alive... yeah.. for our sins... wathever... (I DO think that both Jesus and Buda where exceptional indidivuals that have attained a form of trascendance, but apparently that don't allow them to be Son Goku... just saints on stereoids) I also belive that the hability to fly depicted in inmortals of ancient China, refers more to spiritual fly. But... yes, a true practicioner must be capable of show at least some crappy powers.
  16. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    Yep, one time when I toss a coin to a bum, I didn't like it... plus I have one coin minus, so I have never done it again.
  17. Enlightened movies

    The story of Ricky A ''so bad it's good'' cult classic, the protagonist practices qi gong, the prison is a reflex of society itself... This is how I always imagined a expert of Qi battle would look like:
  18. Spotting a fake master

    If he don't fly and trows hadoukens, its fake...
  19. Elaborating the golden pill, my progress and doubts

    Same as above.
  20. Nice to be here

    Hi, I'm a novice practicioner, english is not my languaje so excuse me if I write it funny. I began my research many years ago on clasical european traditions (not the modern or made up stuff, the aristothelic phisics, pneumathology, medieval croniques about supernatural experiences, many writings from erudites like saint Agustin and others) and achieve some results, in form of bilocation experiences. But I get to a dead end on a point, cause there is not much more material to dig in. There is ''something'' that ecoes trough the ages, that is the same phenomenons and you can more or less try to replicate, but there is not much exact info on how to, so, my results are wild. Then I found the works of Thomas Cleary and begin studyng his take on taoist Quanzhen text of 11 to 13 century, and, to my surprise, a lot of things are exactly what I experience in my practice, so, here I am, I'm still have to read all the books and investigate further.