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Everything posted by Keith108

  1. Software issues.

    I have never had a moment of glitchiness or any other issues here. Maybe the op's equipment is the issue.
  2. Very nice post, but wrong forum? Maybe looking for the Abrahamic Religions Discussion forum?
  3. Transcendence vs Integration

    That is correct. Meido Moore is the abbot of Korinji In Wisconsin, US. He teaches a very traditional version of Japanese Rinzai practice, as well Shugendo and AIkido. He doesn't embroil himself much in online conversations these days. That thread is already 15 years old. Sheesh, time sure flies! It's snowing outside my window. Only falling here. _/|\_
  4. Transcendence vs Integration

    Actually, it occurred to me that this is more of a Yogacara thing, and might not exactly align with the Dzogchen viewpoint, which is informed by the Madhyamika perspective. Could be wrong about that, though. I am no philosopher!
  5. Transcendence vs Integration

    Another possible interpretation of the Layman's words is that they are the same point. See Awakening of Faith in Mahayana, or Dogen's "Practice-Enlightenment". _/|\_
  6. Haiku Chain

    touching mystery the rough bark of a pine tree originally nothing
  7. Haiku Chain

    Nothing here remains And yet, the body feels cold Sitting in winter
  8. Disenchantment

    As always, the middle path is best. Overreliances on either magic or science will increase the effect of dukkha (dissatisfying quality of being a human being). A student once asked a teacher: "Where does suffering (dukkha) come from?" The teacher simply responded "I want". So the disenchantment comes from not getting enough of the things we want, and too much of what we don't. I guess for me, having an overreliance on rational thought is the result of thinking we understand everything. Of course, that's nonsense. An overreliance on magic would suggest living in a fantasy world. I was reading a biographical piece on Feng Zhi Quiang recently, and there was a story about him defeating an opponent with bolts of qi coming out of his eyes. So, I am not saying that's impossible, or it didn't happen. But yeah, I am going to need to see or experience something like first hand before I believe it. We have made money, fame, national identity, etc. sacred, and made humility and basic human decency profane. You mentioned one of the reasons: greed. To that I would add ignorance and hate. The world feels very out of balance right now. Not sure if that's because we are more aware of things going on in the world, due to the internet. I think we forget how fast things have changed, and are changing. When I was in college (early 90's), having a computerized word processor was some amazing tech. Things are changing too quickly for us to keep up. So, what's the solution? Heck if I know. For me, it's the path of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. YMMV
  9. Disenchantment

    Straight up samsara, my friend. Love Brandโ€™s line, hits the nail on the head. Of course, the world is what we make. Samsara and nirvana are two sides of the same coin. ๐Ÿ™
  10. Haiku Chain

    Beautiful! I love the peace and solitude of winter. โค๏ธ When I started posting here, I made the same mistake in this thread, though. For this thread, we are supposed to use the last line of the preceding poem, which in this case was โ€œlicked clean by the dogโ€. Challenging one! Licked clean by the dog Plate on the floor, now empty Full belly, big smile ๐Ÿ™
  11. Wang Liping Contact

    Hello Sinai, Thank you for taking the post with the spirit in which it was intended. I have no doubt you are serious, and I have no intention to insult you. It appears that on Master Wang's site, nothing new has been posted in almost 5 years. I see on youtube, Nathan Brine posted something yesterday, and also 10 days ago, with an announcement of a new Tai Chi class in Vancouver, Canada. So, he is actively teaching. I imagine to get the kind of attention you are looking for, especially given the subject matter, will require in-person practice at some point. As someone noted earlier in the thread, the courses he sells look pretty much self guided, but I don't know that for sure. I am a Buddhist, and a pretty simple one at that. So, it's easy for me to practice, and occasionally meet with my teacher. This is especially true with zoom, etc., although I vastly prefer in person. I understand this is not your situation. But, it isn't hopeless. Trust in your practice, and most importantly, ask yourself why you want to do this in the first place. Our "why" is often not what we assume it is. Sometimes the worst that thing that can happen is we get what we want! _/|\_
  12. Wang Liping Contact

    Hello Sinai! Earlier in the thread, you said that the beginning practices were mastered, so you are looking for a teacher to give you the "good stuff", i.e. higher level practices. But, where did you learn the foundational practices? Seems a lot to ask. With just a little google fu, I see that you have had a conversation with Nathan Brine on Facebook. After some back and forth, he stopped answering. I can't say I blame him. Teachers don't owe anyone anything. Respect and instruction are earned. Constantly badgering someone is against the Dao. Keep practicing, and the teacher will appear. Meanwhile, the quoted part above reminded me of an oft told story I read the other night: To go with the Dao requires patience and humility. I wish you luck! _/|\_
  13. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    My books live in my kindle, which I use on my iPad, which gets charged on my nightstand. Relevant to this forum, I've been re-reading Yang JW's book translation and commentary on the Dao De Jing, in which he also interprets with a Qigong viewpoint. Up to chapter 45 now; enjoying the read. _/|\_
  14. Dark mode?

    Also interested
  15. Haiku Chain

    (takes one to know one) ice cube melts, leaving a puddle which melts another
  16. Transcendence vs Integration

    My apologies, I haven't read the whole thread. But, I thought the OP was well thought out and presented. There is a blog called "Awakening to Reality", where various stages are presented which, using the op's presentation, start with integration and end with transcendence (although they make the point that they are not necessarily sequential). Anyway, just posting this in the event it may be helpful reading to someone. I find commonality with both integration and transcendence in my own practice (a Western offshoot of Korean Seon (Zen) Buddhism. It isn't an either/or situation for me. _/|\_
  17. What are you readying for the holidays?

    There's an exhibit in the Mystic Seaport that is an entire hall of figure heads. I bet you would love it! I am reading a book about Zhan Zhuang. Boring, I know.
  18. Dopamine detox

    Beat me to it. There doesn't seem to be any scientific backing for a dopamine detox (as with most detoxes), but turning off the noise is helpful whatever it's called. At least where I live (East Coast, USA), we are assaulted every day with a blizzard of inputs from tv, radio, cellphone, on and on and on. Just inject silence wherever possible. For me, that means silence in the car, no tv or radio on in my house (when it's just me), etc. It does a world of good. _/|\_
  19. Taoist methods of training & developing intuition

    From here. Emphasis mine. It might be useful to see how much silence and stillness one can bring into their life. Then, without trying, intuition appears. Be the observer, not the judge, and our true nature unfolds. eh, my two cents anyway _/|\_ edit: there is a typo in the quoted's Chapter 15, not 14.
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    You make, you get. - some zen guy
  21. Haiku Chain

    In a beer bottle A fly stuck in the backwash Samsara again
  22. obsolete

    I believe you. ๐Ÿ™
  23. obsolete

    Nah, just a stalemate, and a shake of hands. ๐Ÿ‘
  24. obsolete

    It is knowable, through direct experience. But, that's just my opinion. โœŒ๏ธ
  25. obsolete

    Thus ends the discussion. ๐Ÿ˜