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Everything posted by Elysium

  1. More Unpopular Opinions

    Do you want me to push the deterrence button?
  2. Voidisyinyang

    Here is one more https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caral–Supe_civilization The civilization flourished between the fourth and second millennia BC, with the formation of the first city generally dated to around 3500 BC, at Huaricanga, in the Fortaleza area.
  3. The Idiots Way

    But how can one reach to an effortless state without effort to get there? Seems like a paradox to me.
  4. Today, while I was meditating to clear my thoughts, I sank in. Thats how I could explain the experience, my mind sank in and in and in. I wasn't sleeping, still had awareness, but there was no thoughts, or my body moved at all. I felt like a statue and it also felt really warm and good. Now that I believe is okay but now I am trying to read a book but can not concentrate? This "sank" feeling didn't completely vanish? Can anyone here give me some advice how to get out of the meditative state? I have to contiune my studies after all.
  5. Question about meditation

    Yeah cold water fixed the issue ASAP. Come on, ten minutes of meditation a day won't hurt. It would however, if I can't come out of these said states and then exam days come and I go "whuh"
  6. Spotting a fake master

    This is not a foolproof way of picking chaff from wheat but if I am asking a question and the answer comes to me as incoherent I will flee from there. A master should be able to explain something cleanly, in my opinion. But again, its not a foolproof way, after all there should be experiences that could be beyond reason. Demonstrations of power would always be a sketchy point for me, there is a stage trick for anything nowadays. Suppose its just best to follow ones instinct and learn what you can even if they turn out to be a fake master but do steal id's of fake ones)
  7. Greetings - Deeper Knowledge of Qi/Energy

    I love the name welcome.
  8. The chakra system is genderless

    Nice of the asylum to let you out for a bit.
  9. The shadow self

    The feminine side of man and masculine side of woman? Kinda sounds like the famous Yin-Yang symbol. What about them?
  10. Firstly, apologies if this thread would have been better suited to another subforum. So I am having a little contemplation while I am browsing through. And it dawned on me that I can only describe myself as a "sleepwalker" for a lack of better term, as if I am more of a program running endlessly rather than a concious being making concious choices. Why do I have this monkey mind running endlessly on background for example? Why do I move so much even when sitting/lying down? Why do the things that irk me, do irk me? Do I not have a say in it? Why do I switch between apps constantly even while I am typing this? Seems like a giant waste of energy more I think about it.
  11. Seems like this is a condition that can be reversed or mitigated at the very least. Also seems like an impossible task however, after all one lives their lives like this.
  12. As far as I know, there is only one angel that gatekeeps heaven and his name is RÄądwan. Password phrase? I don't think that would be neccesary at all. I do not know of anyone that went to heaven and came back save for Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Idris ascended but he never came back so there is that. I have already explained what I think of this above, to expand on it, only Salafis think that arsh is a place of dwelling. Most sufis think its created as a symbol of Allahs power.
  13. Ever read Dantes Paradiso/Inferno? The sevenfold concept is pretty similar. While there are other opinions, most agree there are seven layers to heaven/paradise/jannah. After one dies, one goes through judgement, and gets to one of layers in Jannah or Jahannam. This is why you would essentially only need to do your duties Allah gave you, and be a good person overall. You should be getting to Jannah sooner or later. In a way there is no need trying to "transcend" in Islam because death will take you there no matter what. To expand a little however: There are three types of worshippers. First ones worship him because they are scared of the eternal punishment. The second type worhips because they want to get to heaven. Allah loves the third ones most however, because, to quote a famous poet: What they call the heaven is Just a few mansions and a few houris Give them to the ones who want those I need you, only you. The third ones are devoted to him because they love him and can't think of else. These are called "friends of Allah/Awliya". If we are looking for transcendence or siddhi, which would be called Karamah, its better to start looking here. But I am diverting. Last but not least, the seven heavens are said to be just a ring that is in a desert, compared to the desert that would be "Arsh". Arsh means throne. Nobody really knows what Arsh truly is, and in Islam I am sure nobody aside from perhaps the last prophet saw it in Miraj. Miraj is a famous event, Muhammad ascends to heavens one by one, and communicates with Allah directly at the end. In fact, archangel Jibril/Gabriel who travels with Muhammad can not cross a certain point, saying that his wings would burn if he would try to breach this point. My interpretations: Jibril means messenger, which is an allegory to mind. Muhammad has to perhaps let go or transcend his mind in order to go this further/deeper/subtler place/plane of existence. For Arsh, which I said it meant throne, I believe its the concept of Allahs dominance over everything. So it goes on like this: Allah exists, none else (its kind of a nothingness here)---> The concept of his supremeness is created---> Everything else is created. For a similar concept you may read about Jewish tree of life, especially the negative veils of existence. TL;DR: Penguins are taking over the world.
  14. I wrote a somewhat two hour long essay here that included concept of awliya/sainthood in Islam, layers of heaven, Wahdat-al Wujood, how important your intent is, list goes on, and then it said "show new reply" and then when I clicked that my response vanished. 😭 So yeah, not doing that again, but will still link a system that I really like and would have used myself if I was still a muslim. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lataif-e-Sitta Zikr is used to work on these Lataif. For more info: http://maktabah.org/blog/?p=227 Without a shaykhs guidance, its gonna be either ineffective or downright hazardous just like some of the eastern practices. And for the sainthood I was refering to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wali
  15. Are you refering to the daily prayer or is it to prayer to Muhammad when you say Salat?
  16. the need to know

    Now I am feeling like I hijacked the thread, just waiting that PPD approval so I can talk about these all day every day, lol. I am only doing the first standing that is shown in "The Way of Energy" and I will keep doing that for a while. That and simply meditation for building concentration.
  17. the need to know

    Some days I can't help myself but read on this forum for hours, haven't felt this kind of childlike wonder since my teenage years. I can see how it can turn into a nasty block on the road, though. Jumping from one read to another, it could make me very detached, and also jumpy for a lack of better word, so I promised myself to just stick with one practice only. Otherwise I won't even qualify as a jack of all trades, I think.
  18. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    I will take your word for it then. No hard feelings I hope
  19. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    Offer some perspective instead of snide remarks in umbrealla of hand sign emojis perhaps then?
  20. May I get a PPD section?
  21. Know thyself

    Seems like we found a motivation for therapy/psychologist already . I was just looking for something to read and now I have that. Much appreciated.
  22. Know thyself

    This is very interesting indeed, may I get a short source so I don't have to walk through sands of time (being endless writings of Jung)?
  23. Hi all, though I feel like a psychologist would be better to ask this, going to ask here anyways. In december of last year, while I was reading Corpus Hermeticum, in all of a sudden I felt that all resentment and hatred I felt towards anything and mostly myself just leaking out of me. Thats how I could define this moment. Something leaking out of me, my heart & chest feeling a kind of healing pain, and as if a truck got lifted off my shoulders after all said and done. I was only doing a half-assed attempt in soul mirrors by Initiation Into Hermetics, also the void of mind excersise from same book at the time. I haven't put any meaningful effort into it. Back to three days ago, I have noticed my fear of heights which stemmed from me jumping from the second floor on a single leg like a dumbass, is highly diminshed if not gone. Currently I have only added 5 mins of Zhan Zhuang into what I practice so I am pretty sure it isn't related. The question is, since I am not doing much, why did this two persistent treats that I have had more than a decade just vanished overnight? Any ideas?
  24. Reflecting on TDB

    I have noticed this too, in the short time I have been here. People show lots of restaint in general and are willing to listen what the other side says.
  25. The way I see it, one wrong step, and I may find myself in a problem that I can't untangle. Been reading about dangers of the practice, and it sure seems like you don't know it until its too late. Sure not all mistakes are fatal. The point still stands however, so when I see big claims, I am skeptical of it. Yeah we discussed therapy and I agree with you and other members pointed out that this doesn't require it. But its on back of my mind now and I think it will be a great invesment, alongside finding a proper teacher. Just need this college to get over with. Until then I suppose I will enjoy this blessing, why not right?