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Everything posted by Forestgreen

  1. Spotting a fake master

    I'm not superstitious, I have no doubt That there's a reason, how things turn out Europe
  2. The chakra system is genderless

    The LDT, in described function and location, would correspond with where some systems locate the kanda rather than a chakra. Not like different traditions locate these energetic centers in the same location though, so I guess one picks one tradition and stay with that.
  3. The chakra system is genderless

    It maps out quite a few if them.
  4. Zhan zhuang

    I had a conversation with Steve years ago, before he started to write the practical book. He was quite clear in his description that his methods was based on "this is how you do it, and you will feel the ******* result when it kicks in". Knowing theoretical definitions of things wasn't his thing then. I guess he felt the need to put it in the book. Book buyers like information, needed or not.
  5. The Idiots Way

    And how many do you know that are in a position to do that that got there without putting in any effort?
  6. The Idiots Way

    And getting back to that unconditioned state might require effort.
  7. How does it work?

    I thought alchemy would make one wake up to reality.
  8. Su nu jing

    Implying that your question is very direct.
  9. Hi!

    Hi! I'm Forestgreen, which is just a translation of my surname. I started with Chen taiji and Hunyuan Qigong in -94, tested other stuff in the 90-ties, and settled with a Shaolin tradition when the millennium shifted. This led me into a neidanish practice, and that is where my practice lies at present.