Julie Generic

Junior Bum
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Everything posted by Julie Generic

  1. Hello

    I found this site in a search for Taoist approaches to resolving psychic attack. My acupuncturist is a Taoist priest, he recommended exploring the Taoist approach to the subject as there are conflicting TCM stances, which he explained. Myself, I am a trained energy worker, psychic and 4th degree reiki, though my practice is in dire need of a good dusting-off. I study and practice medicinal herbology, wildcrafting, and shamanism. I am a strong dreamer. All this comes naturally, I had the good fortune to be raised off- grid in the redwoods. Chop wood, carry water. I have a friend who has been dealing with psychic attack for about 7 years. I do have his permission to research and explore for the highest good. I've dealt with psychic attacks in my personal life, but what he is experiencing is not a situation I have been through. I did read a thread on the subject here, it seems this is an intelligent and respectful community, so, HI!!!