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About Rheor

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  1. Hello bums, I have been through stressful traumatic events lately. My solar plexus/upper abdomen sometimes contracts like I am doing crunches, this has been quite unpleasant, also accompanied by impending doom like feeling / panic feeling (perhaps from trauma, adrenals). My life has been messy, I am actively working towards balance. I was wondering if there would be any suggestion as for recovery. If anything comes to mind, feel free to let me know. Thank you
  2. https://buddhismnow.com/2015/09/12/zen-sickness-by-zen-master-hakuin/ You can imagine the melted butter also moving through arms and legs, that's what I do. I often come back to this over and over, this is very helpful. I always regret having stopped doing it when my health takes the wrong turn, I should do it everyday until the rest of my life to be honest. This is one thing that never aggravated me.
  3. In the first class Qi Gong class, we learned about joint loosening, self-massage, 8 brocades qigong, wuji, that's all. Otherwise, what I do personally: - allow myself to feel the negative emotions fully - small mantra to ease suffering - Hakuin's butter meditation - Regular breath awareness meditation - eating nutritious dense foods
  4. @Thrice Daily Thank you, I will never forget your support.
  5. I think they had no clue about what happened exactly, it was elusive, they talked about some exchange happening. Well personally, I had to admit to myself what really happened, it was a cold shower, the reiki thread confirms it. I preferred to wait it out a bit before contacting the school and talk about it, they seem like regular folks practicing chinese medicine for the most part with no apparent personal cultivation. I preferred to investigate myself, have more elements, regroup, and recover minimally after the upset before returning to them.
  6. @Thrice Daily I will be focusing on recovering for a while, I hope that I can make choices based on wholeness in the future and not with a divided mind / chaos in me. It is clear to me that the grounding is also to be from a place of alignment (energetically, mentally, emotionally, intentionally, etc..), which I have yet to achieve at all yet. I forced my way to the course too much, but I take heart in the fact that I can learn from this experience and have some tools to navigate more safely. Thank you for sharing your own story
  7. Wow, this thread is quite sobering, especially about energy exchange (cf. freeform), so my feeling is that energy actually left my body from the middle dantian, in fact I felt drained like I shouldn't have been, now my energy process is a lot slower. I already put so much hope in this studies, it feels quite compromised now, in one time I lost so much Qi, obviously I want to protect my life.. It feels awkward to envision myself going there where it happened while I haven't recovered, a disillusionment. I underestimated what it entailed to go there in my state. Lessons learned, at least it showed some deep attachments about my energy, letting go and letting go of the "incident". It feels like I am facing a dead end, I can still do distance learning, but it feels unsavory with a bitter taste left, at least I can keep my integrity by being far away. I feel a bit unmoored now... Perhaps this is my karma for trying to do everything alone and ignoring universe's signs. Thank you for the earthing ideas (would walking barefoot on grass work for protection?), I still need to finish my personal growth, have my life sorted out, be stable and confident again before trying to meddle with other people energy field. Thanks again for your replies, I appreciate your clarity and wisdom.
  8. We did wuji before each "sensing" being mindful of alignment and feeling our own bodies, keeping aware of the sensations in our own body. I was not grounded anyway due to energy opening process running freely, I was aware of the possibility of this kind of thing happening and it actually happened in the most disturbing way.
  9. Hello everyone, Something I dreaded has happened last week-end during Qi Gong class (as part of TCM studies). I was at the time going through middle Dantian opening (and still am fortunately). I don't have anchored energy due to my opening process and weak wei qi (easily subject to wind invasion for example, especially in low back). We were paired in two : one person laying down, the other person standing trying to "feel" information about the other. I felt the other person hovering her hand over my higher abdomen, it was cold, my energy moved around in my heart area like it was being pulled (it was working there). Then I felt huge malaise, had a panic attack due to what happened, I turned white and my hands were tingling. They called for some help, the director came in and did pressure points and tapping to help me come back to earth. It took 30 whole minutes for me to be functional again to leave the class. I don't hold grudges on this person nor on anyone, as I recognize it was risky for me to take on this studies in the first place considering my energetic vulnerability. This incident could have happened anytime along the way. Multiple times, it was as if the universe was keeping me from going there, but I was also encouraged to keep going, so this is a bit confusing. Any idea about what happened ? I was wondering if I should drop my TCM studies as I can't afford to let that happen again. Has anyone has gone through this kind of thing ? It is still fresh and disturbing memory, I do unwise things sometimes and am still learning. I hope you will understand. Thank you.
  10. Heart chakra opening

    It helped me few days back, I wonder if it delays / prevent the necessary build up of tension for the heart chakra area to be cleared out by flowing energy back down. For this I am quite puzzled, I am not confident yet to answer this question. Yes read, also take with a pinch of salt and make your own conclusion It is really helpful tool, if you are interested in grounding / front channel release, regardless.
  11. Heart chakra opening

    For information, I have been doing a simple practice from a link I found on an other thread. https://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3296 It has taken the load off from the heart, no more heart pain, my chest feels a lot lighter from doing this. I still have the brain fog / head pressure issues from energy overload but I am more relaxed and it seems to help digestion also. It helps cope with too much energy in the chest much easier and avoid hypertension. A big relief to have found this.
  12. Heart chakra opening

    Sleep is okay between 7 and 8 hours of sleep daily at the moment, I usually sleep right away, yes. I meditated 30 minutes yesterday before sleep, it helped getting to sleep more easily with less pain. I focused on the lower abdomen, breathing deeply without forcing, I will keep doing that for now. While focusing gently on the lower abdomen and not concerning myself with the rest of the body, my breathing is deeper and more relaxed but still constricted between sternum and throat for known reasons. 2/3 times 103 movement form for the day ~30 minutes. Tai Chi helped a lot, but it did not regulate energy in the trunk that much in my case. Yes breathing deeper and deeper, I didn't pay special regards to that, that was the missing link, extra care on deep diaphragmatic breathing. With that in mind I feel confident to practice more as I enjoy it a lot. Wow this is very dynamic, what style is it ? I personally learned alone from watching David Dorian Ross. You seem quite involved and enjoying it too
  13. Heart chakra opening

    Hello, A quick follow-up/refresh for informational purpose, stemming from @Sahaja and @ChiDragon suggestions. Lately I stopped all meditation practice, it was a little bit tough due to being attached to it. For now it does not make things easier, I might resume if it gets too hard. Still doing a little bit of Tai Chi. At the moment I am getting migraine headaches and strong heart pain especially before major releases. I have watched videos about Damo Mitchell on Qi Deviations, I was a bit reluctant at first but he speaks about this stuff with appreciable tact, the main takeaway: Stop being introspective with internal practices, instead focusing more the attention outwards using the physical body (walking in nature, going to the gym, biking, hiking,...) and socializing more. Yin anchor not strong enough. To build the anchor, eat dense heavy food, building the body (perhaps even better to build stronger legs). My added ideas: earthing, absorbing moon energy, forest bathing, Yin herbs (any suggestions?). Building the Dantian. All of them could be theoretically be useful for all kind of Qi Deviation, "dragon" sickness, kundalini syndrome, excess Yang Qi rising, etc.. I will see if any of the previous points can compliment / make the process a little easier, by strengthening the foundations while going through it and gaining more clarity on the way.