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Everything posted by Rheor

  1. Hello Bums, Few days ago, I went to the chiropractor for the first time to make a few adjustments, I won't go into details about that specifically. The point is the air conditioner was running next to the "chiropractic table" where I exposed my naked back. I believe I got cold wind invasion specifically in the right kidney (I got this exact same problem several times in the past from carelessly exposing my naked torso to cold wind, just to get some sun outside...), now it has been 2 days of fatigue/brain fog (a strange one, that I can link to kidney problems) and urine strip test showed some protein in urine. I pressed manually theses points earlier to try to mitigate the harm, from https://www.ryohoshiatsu.com/en/the-wind-points-shiatsu/ I think it has helped a bit, but can't help worry that I have damaged my prenatal Jing or something (happened 3/4 times in the past), is it something that the kidneys can fully recover from without losing strength each time ? Can I replenish at some point down the road ? Right now I feel my right lumbar region tender and a bit hot. Thank you
  2. Heart chakra opening

    I'm a definitely a fan of short mantras/syllables as "formal" ones scares the living out of me due to karmic sicknesses (I put them on hold for a little while..),. I recently started chanting "OM" freely throughout the day due to vagus nerve benefits and restoring overall balance, I just love the simplicity of it. I am curious to try this practice, it will probably provide the same benefits on healing the [nervous system]/[vagus nerve]. I also like the idea of visualizing blue with attributes of comfort, of support, of kindness. Sounds grounding and balancing to the yang expanding aspects. I assume you enjoy this practice considering your avatar, has it personally helped you with the heart center ? This sounds good as it will encourage me to get outside more . Here the only thing I am afraid of, is to want to the hide away from the vast expanse, but I guess doing it in nature would provide the grounding. Really appreciate your concern and your helpful suggestions. I hope you don't mind having asked a question here. I like to leave things in the open for other folks. Anyways, thanks for your openness.
  3. Heart chakra opening

    Thank you Giles, I remember doing this more than two years ago, I felt better at the beginning of the practice but then the blockages in my system "clogged up" fast and felt worse. I will give it a second shot to see how it goes.. Humming "Om" seems to help calm things down on a side note. Yeah, there was a lot of that I can't deny, I have been working specifically on this the past few months and will work with therapist to see if anything is left unresolved. Fortunately, I feel a lot less dissociated although I am still having the aforementioned symptoms of energy buildup in the chest, I learn to go with it anyways. Thank you.
  4. Hi

    Hello everyone, I have been lurking a little bit around this forum as I find topics related to Spirituality quite interesting! I am dealing with "excess" energy working in the heart at this moment, have been through an extreme of asceticism. Now looking forward to balance my outer-life with inner-life through lifestyle/herbs/practices/therapies/mindset/etc.. I already do some Zhan zhuang and Tai Chi (learning from youtube), walking barefoot. At this moment trying to go back to more social interactions and resuming professional life ("shop wood, carry water"), adapting to my "new" innerlife, going with it. Might share feedback of new findings or whatnot, cheers.