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Posts posted by Alchemist11

  1. I can't seem to post here.  I've tried 5 times and nobody responds for assistance.  Seems like a super site with lot's of people with lots of knowledge and experiences.  interesting topics.  I've been meditating and practicing for a long time, but always curious what other people are doing and their experiences. Let's see if this works otherwise I'll pull my account as a waste of time for me. 

    • Wow 1

  2. Hi, I've been trying to post on here and have tried to do this 3 times with no success.  Ok let's try it again.  This forum seems attractive, if i can get it to work.  Seems like people have a variety of spiritual practice back grounds and experiences.  I've been meditating since 1971 doing yoga and mindfulness and chi Kung practices since 1980.  I use meditation practices in my counseling practice, as well as other approaches.  I teach meditation and spiritual practices on and off.  I've written more before but too frustrated with this to add anymore now.  Let's see if this works! Â