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Everything posted by Ascetic

  1. I'd like a personal practice journal. Want to organize my studies
  2. I have been dangling with Luck Path for quite some time, the Dao of Luck. It's not really included or mainstream but I've gotten very far with it. Lucky circumstances that aren't physical in reach or access, have led me to be overjoyed and consider that Cultivation may be more prosperous than Asceticism. I am sure Soul path is the next step, access to resources that are reliant on the Soul to exist. Like being able to consume Qi even though your observation is the only thing saying it's there. Really fascinating topic anyways. Luck Path was so fun, I would hope my Luck doesn't drool away now that I'm moving into another topic. But thoughts? I consider Soul Path to be the opposite of Buddha's teachings and negligent towards Discipline/Routine/Balance as well. What are other paths like? Things that revolve around the Skeleton and Bones have such a fascinating color.
  3. Taoist Daily Practice Hacks?

    My personal opinion is that any Dao that is Heavenly does not consider a absence of Purity as an ill/limiting event. Just as having more Jing is better than trying to Preserve it.
  4. Taoist Daily Practice Hacks?

    Listening to the Loudest Sound. Really causes an obscene purity that really takes you from 0-10 real quick.
  5. Holding/creating an energy ball benefits?

    I heard this was a practice for Magical Sensitivity not for Qi. I am Familiar with the idea of pulling Qi from outside sources. Becoming a Conduit is part of the process that cleans things up. Any practice regarding Qi is going to build some benefit elsewhere.
  6. "Non-dual" misnomer

  7. "Non-dual" misnomer

    One thing that bothers me about non duality or belief in the self is that even if it is the truth, is it the most beneficial? Just like how something is alive or present everywhere, or an idea fills every space (beyond space) even: there is still the potential for radical ideas which are not true or accurate, but are healthier/more beneficial. I guess this goes onto the Jhana's and loss of desires in some sense, but after experiencing shrouds and the psionic ocean along with the supposed pleasure of elder gods it feels preferable to try entertaining pleasure over dispassion. Meanwhile, it is fair that something is alive and all/expressed in all natures, and that certain things are beyond just being accurate. Enquiry does point towards this truth, and the self is the most everlasting state of being. My own desire probably clouds this puddle, but I still look forward to the fruit of my asceticism so it is a reasonable distraction. Wise men do not neglect the fruits of their own labor. I also know that Enquiry away from the standard of the self is unhealthy, things that deny the truth: that being nonduality are not good for ones immortality even. I know this from how deadly psychic corruption can be. The nectar of the self is the cure to every affliction. Maybe I'm getting off topic, but If I consider that non duality is the sincere truth that cannot be refuted anywhere. Going so far to say that my considerations and angle do not dent the nature of this truth. Then can someone explain what it means for the experiencer? I'm not seeking another answer that blatantly pulls everything towards a spiral. Spirals are clean but if I wanted a spiral I'd practice eating and become a glutton. Even if the idea that what I have experienced is delusion and false, this is still an acceptable explanation to me.
  8. "Non-dual" misnomer

    Personally I think total nonexistence is a more comfortable outlook. It's hard for me to find the real side of things appealing, like someone stealing a portion of cake. Or someone being able to. A Lonely, and personal sky is what nonexistence is, everything is important and personal. There is benefit in being alive, if only for your own pursuits. Immortality is also easily possible. I'm sure there's a Non Dual outlook that is complete non existence, but it must be hard to think about.
  9. I admit I somewhat lost my sanity a bit. I suppose I have stopped. I just don't vibe well with most understandings, I shouldn't take that out on others. Regardless, I think losing more and more of a resource will turn you more towards it. Body Aptitude is skipping a step, so in this case losing Heavenly Energy should fulfill everything that the loss of Heavenly Energy does. What do you spend most of your day losing? Lifespan, Hope, Clarity, most losses have to do with Flesh. You need to lose more Heavenly Energy than every other resource, and that's through obsession. There is some fairness in the point that a high level cultivator just loses different resources than an ordinary person. Nothing is going to stop you from just losing more Heavenly Energy, ability to lose a resource when you have none left is considered Purity anyways.
  10. Heaven is so clear, people in the same place do different things. Turning Heaven into confusion does not constitute intelligence, it is just illness. Now with that being said, how is finding a mace or being cautionary of more sharp objects helpful? Purity is lack of malice not awareness of painful organs. Cruelty will always illuminate light, but people like you will mistake that as progress. Is it that difficult to condense Qi? There is not a problem or health hazard that is ignored with quantity or the condensing of Qi. So many people who have mistaken cultivation to be making themselves useless or impassive.
  11. What utter nonsense, in pain or agony one should continue practice. People who preach safety and safety again have nothing left to look forward to but malice, it's the excitement of their life even if they try to point out that they avoid it at every turn. These people know nothing about how painful self control is to the mind and they exalt 'bliss' as achievement, when in reality bliss is the death of psionic energies. It is fair to say that the countless humans who basically say bliss is the only achievement with every motion of their bodies, have ruined the psychic sea into some psychotic mess. These are the same people that say working out is healthy and that meditation is good for your body. Even their buddha only meditated in asceticism and because of his own uselessness, who here would somehow believe meditation is good for the body? Ive also never seen someone lose their essence of psychic domination so easily by working out or falling in line with other humans. Truthfully, I am more impressed as I don't know how removing the rubber casing around wires is seen as healthy or the sign of being advanced here. If I look at the mind of most of these so called masters with chakras or great foundations, they look like rocks with no psychic noise left. Their genetics have accepted failure at every term, and they have begun worship of consciousness stealers like the self to satiate their happiness. Ironically, it is these practices that have degenerated what should have been fine human specimen and made the entire species look like a laughing stock. Now and days, there is only benefit in denying human origin because these millions of fools have ruined the psychic sea. How pleasant it feels to deny humanity and take up some other species, because the complete mess humans made of their own psychic abilities. They only seem fascinated in killing themselves and not exhausting any effort, ascetics like me only appear emaciated because I am out of work, even the common man is more of an ascetic than I am and the world doesn't require my services. Siddhas and psychic individuals make things healthier through their own experience, in contrast I'd be suprised to see someone today who isnt estatic at spreading the taste of rotten meat. Even if uttered by a great man, there is no use in believing the words of those who appear more ascetic than ascetics. Furthermore, there is nothing in this world that advises caution, have you seen the meridians of those that advise caution? They taste bliss in the nutrition of a blade of grass and think cake does not taste pleasant. Though appearing to be happy or fulfilled, their bodies are in agony to their own cancer and they are only known as cowards even to their own minds. Seeking retribution, they turn away their own Ego and mutilate it to redeem themselves. They even turn love into malice, mistaking the sharpness of an arrow to be love. Like a crazed man swinging around their firebrand for the benefit of others, they somehow think that light is more beneficial than darkness and ignorance is the root of evil. There is a story, on another world, of Heaven taking human form after being corrupted from the worship of humans. Their essence became dirty, their habits became evil, and they themselves accumulated human form. They were in some sense conditioned, but the purpose of the story is that only Heaven was conditioned. Humans had not actually suffered conditioning, they were born the way they were and were what they are. In fairness, if you wish to make use of Heavenly energies why not become Heaven? Or start as an immortal. Which reasonable man finds progress later, or gold when one no longer has any greed left to be good for the spirit? Even obsessed with my own torture, I would not make use of psychic energies without being an Psionic Emperor, there is no pleasantness in exalting belongings that are not yours. You can probably begin the process of becoming Heaven or believing you are a greater being. Brahman, the self, or other wise creatures; these are not greater beings, they are not even princes. Or another path/fate that increases your gravitas or destiny. One should never give up or lose faith at failure, their eyes should only look towards brighter stars. Does man become fire to weild fire? No but he is still man, and fire is his. To wield Heavenly energies, is it not better to be Heaven? Work without reward or pleasure without your own familiar gain is not worthwhile. And in fairness as well, even self attitude knows value towards the demons and knowing who you are is helpful in psychic combat. I've never seen a man who is being attacked or locked in a siege against the enemy, who advises giving up or pausing their own aggression. I should probably leave the forum for a while though, to avoid the aggravation or heartless responses to come. Any place where caution is advised and accepted as the greater form, is not a good place to be.
  12. Dreams can contain horribly accurate information. There was one that had me as an elite of a mage society, and I was given access to one of their libraries. How horribly odd it is that some information is useful and enriches your mind. It really didn't feel like a joke, that it took so many loops to get to one of these libraries in a Mage society, you would literally have to get permission from an Elder to read a single book and you were expected to then study that book for up to a year. I could really only read about the process of an adept becoming a Mage, or opening a Vase. But it was legitimately useful, and I woke up feeling an enrichment and information I could never lose. Regardless, it felt weird because I lived the dream as someone else, and then woke up as myself. Weird theories about being able to measure how large the outside of a Vase is, if you only have the inside to measure from/can only act from the inside. It's my general emphasis, that mundanity here doesn't stop magical societies from developing outside of consciousness. And I think they'll eventually invade worlds like this one. I wish I could have read about the theory of Ether that they had in those libraries... Things like that would change everything, might even make it possible to get a grip of Magic here.
  13. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    What uselessness has pervaded humans into thinking Gods or Demons are a higher order. In the social ladder, Gods are actually beneath humans, it is through exaltation and faith that they achieve higher status. Faith en mass, concerted effort unlike what is visible in the modern world, does achieve beings that are so beyond consciousness and have their own pleasures/enjoyment. Faith is a science that has not been developed here, it has been a lazy effort that while receiving much attention has never been developed to the point that Magical societies develop their faiths. The trick of Faith though is being able to make use of something that you are supporting with your intelligence or even gain from one sided conversation. It would be like somehow being able to help yourself when you are suffering, unnatural and requiring skill. Conversation with Gods is always one sided unless there is miracle for this reason. It is fair to assume that a God does not exist outside your intelligence, and that every favor and indulgence is reliant on your being. Relationships can form that are entirely present only in your mind or divine secrets that have no actual benefit or value. Gods can become a dominant part of nature, but never happens here because people don't exhaust themselves as they should. Enormous amounts of Faith can make miracles more common but it is a spectacle because even one worshipper is enough to spawn a Demigod of a Faith: whether todays inability is because laziness or uselessness of today's human; it is hard to say. But exposure to faith is healthy, being able to visualize or have your consciousness support things greater than yourself only brings happiness. It is not unreasonable that Gods can accumulate resources and Demons can exist on their own. There are also some Archaic Gods that can exist after worship, but these are like scrolls and ancient ruins in consciousness that need to be uncovered. Purely valuable in some sense, and holding vast vats of information. Just as someone might find a bitcoin wallet hidden on a flash drive somewhere; there are countless flash drives you could pick up but few actually have anything valuable like a bitcoin wallet. But anyone can make a flash drive very valuable through concerted effort. Faith with Gods is very similar, in a large faith I'm sure there can be communication from other followers. Humans being the Higher order and Gods being the lower order, this is how humans worship. Because all things considered Humans do not actually have the talent for worship. That talent falls towards Kobolds, Kobolds are the only creature I've found with a talent for worship whereas humans may only have a talent for soul/intelligence. In Kobold Worship, there is true worship from lower order to higher order, and worshippers can manifest their gods into the physical world. The idea of being able to think of something larger than yourself, and that having a larger impact than you yourself. To put it simply, most humans who worship have to demean themselves into Kobolds, and Kobolds ... well... are already Kobolds. Of course though Kobolds do not exist here and are only present on other worlds. What I can say, is that one can even gain benefit from consorting with Kobold Gods in other planes, far more easily than it is to gain benefits from your own worship. Perhaps a true name is like slavery, because it'd be like finding someone's enlightenment before they do, but enlightenment is a rash term. There is some kind of psychic market in selling valuable true names though, it's hard to navigate though. One valuable connection I know of is odd, one begins by worshipping a Kobold Princess instead of the Kobold God and then having that Princess manifest the God's pressure. You can ask this pressure or the princess for true names and so on through the God's presence. The sense of your own dominance over conversation you naturally suffer is actually an advantage in environments/scenarios like this. Made up... made up... of course things that someone thinks are made up will be made up. But not everything in faith or that has to do with Gods is like this. Some things can't be disproven and are even more solid that science in their value.
  14. I have been repeating a Mantra of sorts for 8 Months now, day and night without any stops in attention and life being centered on this. It feels odd for me to stop, but I feel like is adequate practice to have the soul to do this instead. It doesn't feel wrong, feels like a waste to stop in some ways because the mantra is horribly productive compared to anything else I could do. At the other end though, it feels right because my life would be consumed by this singular practice and this may allow me to do something new. What are thoughts on this or training the soul to do something?
  15. Yes, maybe because my asceticism I see some difference in the soul and my own personal action. I have learned and collected some Demonic runes that may have caused this as well, leaves one feeling sleepy or delirious/able to distance themselves from what is present.
  16. How to get the Soul to do what I wanted to, while getting the same gain of doing the practice personally.
  17. It seems so, it's weird to bring up but I feel oddly convinced towards psychic practices again; I don't think it will ever be possibly to be a Psychic Lord of a "Space Opera" scale ever again. Like whatever accumulation it takes, the effort probably needs a long time to accumulate. Just wish I could do more to speed things up, maybe I should start researching things like the Force. I once had a really really realistic dream about the Force, something about listening for the highest sound/loudest noise. Someone in the dream had been an ascetic all their life and practiced listening for the force, they were reborn in their next life as an Elf as their boon. In the dream that is. There was also this weird scene, of some force user committing suicide with a grenade; they still seemed immersed in meditation which was really weird.
  18. Yes somewhat, but It seems I couldn't figure it out. Went back to practicing the Mantra.
  19. Almost everything now feels like resistance training now, struggling against some force and object and overcoming. Wish there was something more opulent haha. I guess what they're trying to say is setting blockages to produce supernatural results. I know of a method that deals in blockages, thats fun to play around with till your mind feels dirty and there are blockages that you wouldn't want. But I'm at a loss what the actual use of such a cultivation technique is. I guess you could form blockages for holding immense amounts of Qi that you can't access.
  20. I like being ascetic towards asceticism, want to enjoy life haha. An ascetic that doesn't enjoy asceticism anymore is somewhat emaciated, I experienced way too many things that were enjoyable and now I can't stop.
  21. Well, Soul to me is kind of like the thing that says you're a person. I can avoid it and ignore it with asceticism, but soul still comes up sometimes, it feels more pleasant than unconditional love or bliss to me. Sometimes not so much. The feeling that I have something I guess. It was horribly productive in the sense that it artificially generated the souls of Shamans that would be communed with me permanently. The essence of the practice was to be made of Shamans and prove a psychic cause to the universe rather one that had to do with the self or creator/things more natural. There were some very interesting mechanics to the practice that I could go into, like how things changed when you generated less shamans or the psychic purities varied with greater amounts. It was at an odd point where more didn't necessarily mean better. But besides Psychic practices, I've uncovered an inheritance of a Blood Mage. It feels faster a lot more fulfilling, maybe more dreadful in a lot of ways; but there's also no way to rectify what was lost. The practice I had going was odd, in the sense that even with a servitor performing the task for you, you still wouldn't be gaining anything unless you did it yourself. It was an odd encryption of sorts and my mind can't move past it. So having my soul do it was the only way, but even then (after some time has passed) it leads to a different result. Just no way to go around your own personal action being important I feel. Just want to try my hand at magic, feel like if it's what calls to me more. And as someone who is trying to be ascetic towards asceticism, I want to enjoy things even if that risks my personal progress.
  22. I want to switch from psychic practices to learning Magic or Cultivation. What I was doing had to do with psychic practice purely, I mean I'd diversify things with communication and so on but that was about it. Something calls out to me though that I may be destined for Magic, and it will provide far faster results. Just feels odd to leave everything, so I figured I'd give what I have to my soul and continue.
  23. "But what would be the motive for training a soul or attempting to train the subconscious?" In this case, the practice doesn't generate any results or the same results if you don't do things yourself. I've considered servitors multiple times but it won't work. Just doesn't feel the same or do anything at all, even if by some essence it is more productive. I figured since I had been doing the practice for so long the way I was, I could leave it to my soul to do things the same way I had. With the personal attention, variations, and personal motives; giving myself space to take on something new.
  24. I feel like this topic probably comes up a lot, but it's something that's not taken as relevant in today's culture of very self propelled effort and progress. How much of what we are incapable of is actually the fault of the Psychic Sea? So much of the modern spiritual has to do with pushing forward and ignoring the environments affects. There is the odd point though, that so much that we blame ourselves for isn't actually our fault and instead only came up because the Psychic sea could be legitimately dirty and no one knows how to actually fix it. I'm sure there are a lot of pure lights, but they could all be failed attempts. For me psychic carefulness is making sure that you're the only psychic in the Psychic Sea, it keeps that mass psychic feeling but also individualizes it. I don't like other people or interaction so I get annoyed with sources that blast bliss and loving lights, as its like a glimmer I can't get rid of. It leaves me with a feeling of being watched or interactions I did not want to make, some kind of dirtiness or influence that I feel like wasn't always there. Some things stick around for too long, and some problems seem nonsensical with how they start. Admittedly, this could be my own impurities and blockages. But how much of that is actually blockages and not the result of a Psychic Sea that is getting dirty? I get that some people can counter this and say its perfectly pure, but for someone who's somewhat new to this, I feel like I've been left a dirty plate that everyone is doing their best to ignorant of. Is it even our fault in the first place, or is there something actually going on? Could it be that our failures with psychic behavior is one of the Psychic Sea being dirty and not one of skill or personal placement... There's a lot of reasons though the Psychic Sea could feel dirty, so many experts and masters; so many sources of bliss or intelligences that could exist. That along with 8 billion humans with their own minds buzzing about... I imagine it used to be easier, I also think that the mass phenomenon of removing Ego or blaming it as a negative in one's life is disastrous towards psychic phenomenon. These are just my opinions though, could be some distorted angle I'm sitting at to believe these things. Because as far as I'm concerned psychics should benefit from more people being alive and doing things, but for someone devoted to isolation and purity of my own psychic space it feels difficult. I don't see why I would suffer these issues in the first place or why it took so much to feel that I had dealt with them. Regardless though I think that on some level, we are experiencing not only the psychic sea getting dirtier/separated but also the dwindling of psychic power leading to the effect of the world becoming more mundane and abilities become more neutered. Just like how magical worlds run out of magic, maybe ours is appearing to run out of psychic? What's everyone's thoughts on the matter?