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About theengineer

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Greetings

    Hello all, My name is Paul, I'm an engineer by trade from the UK and I'm seeking answers and evidence, and hopefully contribute something in return. I have experienced a number of incidents which defy logic but also are unrepeatable. I could only interpret these events as beyond current technological understanding since I had no data or evidence to work with. This has led me down a bit of a rabbit hole ever since. I have heard many stories regarding Siddhis and Chi control but I have not witnessed such things myself. One particular video has caught my attention and that is the video of Mo Pai Master, John Chang who seemingly demonstrated an ability to control physical objects at a distance and discharged energy from just below his hypogastric region. Can someone kindly recommend a person who would be willing to demonstrate such things and allow me to record and gather data if possible? I am not part of an organisation, this can be kept purely between myself and the demostrator if preferred. Thanks, Paul