
Junior Bum
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Everything posted by molecule

  1. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    Unfortunately the statement carries no meaning, provides no evidence, refutes nothing and is intended to establish a superiority of understanding between you and I with you as the knowledgeable one when I am the Arahant speaking the truth about the nature of reality, Soni. Fact it's a direct indication of cognitive dissonance and nothing but a statement of arrogance and an act of aggression, but thank you for chiming in and taking up bandwidth with nothing useful or expedient. Maybe you have developed the persona of a character that belongs to the fictional atmosphere that arises in the minds of the people who use the space for years and years without having come close to teaching the goal?
  2. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    Even the Buddha said it likely that the next Buddha would be a laymen, so no, we don't need a Buddha like the person said, and that person was not an Arahant. Secondly, like you said since we are talking about Buddhism; Dependent origination, the doctrine that is the core foundation and reasoning behind: *No self *Impermanence *The middle way *The 4 truths *Emptiness and *Nirvana Also sYs there is no essence. If there is no essence how can one of the three principles be an essence?
  3. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    There are no complete paths. Each path was forged by a laymen whose innovations and insights are shunned by the institutions, because they defy the foundations of the institutions. The institutions, such as Buddhism and Daoism are man made systems. Buddhism is lacking; Buddha's teachings were complete at that time and for a time after, but after the teachings are completely diffused they lose their potency, they have become, and what they became is impermanent and passing. A complete path will not be devoid of the masters, but at this stage in the new era and paradigm there are no complete systems that live up to the claims made by the due to their success in the past while diffusing into to the earths populations where needed, but will be an innovation requiring a new system of thinking, new perspective; it will expound on the old traditions and illuminate our ignorance in n them while shining a light exposing a new doctrine. Due to lack of potency the modern master likes to down play things like meditation proclaiming that meditation only does this or that and not to expect greatness. This is due to their own ignorance and that their mastery is the myth. They will be the first to mock, hurl stones, dismiss and avoid the truth and the complete path when it is revealed. When it is revealed it will rise from the street, from the muck and the myre, not from the institutions, not from the modern masters or their regurgitations, not from the lofty, not from the penthouses, mansion, or suburbs or from anyone or any place where clinging to worldways/attachments through a system of living that through interdependence all are guilty of oppression and pushing the earth and our species to the brunk of destruction because they think that is how one eats, drunks, relieves themselves and sleeps; not from a system that exalts the greedy amd oppresses those not in pursuit of accumulating materiel things; light is divided from the darkness- the lotus is dormant in the muck and more from where it will rise, the lowest point.
  4. Prophecy of the Coming

    It's incredible how much ignorance and disrespect is in the comments section. None of you can read the Dao de Jing; none; none of you can understand intuition, symbolism ot anything esoteric, or anything that requires realization to understand if the OP is word salad/AI babble, or incoherent in any way; none of you can see or hear if you cant make sense of the OP and instead falling into mob mentality, hater mentality, mocking to hurl stones and insults. None of you. News flash, your the joke not the one trying to share with you. This is whether you agree with the person and their inspiration or not. Disgusting.
  5. Transgender Q&A

    Gender is such as fascinating subject that I wish it was more talked about indepth. The fact that people in general don't understand it is a direct indication that people in general have no idea about the construction of their own psyches and thus are totally ignorant of their own selves.
  6. Incoming Newcomer

    Greetings Taorma Bums- I am Molecule, a non-dual citizen of the multi-dimensional reality; a homeless wanderer and beggar; a quantum being whose business it is to accumulate infinity for the purpose of giving it all back; slave of the Truth's. I am joining you all from Portland Oregon. I'm looking forward to uncovering, exposing, and quantifying the ultimate reality through meaningful discussions and exchanging information and ideas. I have no practice other than interactions, relationships, renunciation meditation, breathing, and karma. My practice is life. Thank you for maintaining such a wellspring of information and sharing that this forum has become over the years.