
Junior Bum
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About GuiKang

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    It's definitely not. Its type of Yin Fire (not pure Yin) post natal Qi.
  2. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    It sounds like your personal opinions in this case. I have just put the words into meta AI: That's a beautiful Sanskrit verse! ṛtasya dṛṣṭau prathamaṁ mahīyate Here's a breakdown of the verse: ṛtasya = of truth/ reality dṛṣṭau = in sight/ visible prathamaṁ = first/ initially mahīyate = is revered/ respected Translation: "Initially, the visible manifestation of truth is revered." Or, in a more poetic sense: "The first glimpse of truth is awe-inspiring." This verse likely originates from ancient Indian philosophy, possibly from the Upanishads or other Vedic texts. It highlights the significance of perceiving truth and reality. Would you like more information on the context or origin of this verse? and the second one: Another profound Sanskrit verse! yatra brahmā viśvam idam varīyasi Breakdown: yatra = where/ in which brahmā = Brahman/ the Ultimate Reality viśvam = the universe/ all existence idam = this varīyasi = you value/ cherish Translation: "You cherish this universe where Brahman resides." Or, in a more interpretive sense: "You value the world where the Divine is present." This verse likely originates from the Upanishads or other ancient Indian texts, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the universe and the ultimate reality. Would you like more insights into the philosophical context or related concepts?
  3. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    Are you sure Rigveda 10.189.1 has that meaning ? 🤔 I thought it is talking about earth and sun rotation ?
  4. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    Nope. Those kundalini thing is post heaven Qi
  5. So this is Daode school that based in Moscow ? Are you learning online ? I have read some of your posts and inspired how Neidan practice improved your live.