
Junior Bum
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About Jon

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Thank you so much for your help. Could you please explain why students would want to turn it into 'Shen'. I don't know anything about this. I also noticed a picture of the Buddha on Rudi's website. Do you know if students are required to say mantras or engage in Buddhist worship?
  2. I am interested in learning this to faqi and heal, but Rudi said ‘if I’m not with my teacher, I do not faqi, it's dangerous’ and ‘those who wish to use this for healing, will need to come from a medical background’. I do not want to practice something that is dangerous and will not be with a teacher if I am able to faqi where I live. I also do not come from a medical background, so my question is… If I don't use this for faqi or healing, what could I use it for?
  3. Meaning in life

    In The Quran, God explains our meaning in life as follows: ‘I created jinn and mankind only to worship Me.’ Surah Adh-Dhariyat (51:56).
  4. I wish to congratulate Rudi on his amazing achievement.
  5. Art is dead.

    If you haven't already seen it, you must watch this stunning spiritual art film from 1992. The film critic Roger Ebert said: "If man sends another Voyager to the distant stars and it can carry only one film on board, that film might be Baraka." Baraka means 'blessing' in Arabic.
  6. Jesus and Mohammad

    This statement from The Quran also shows the closeness between the Abrahamic religions: 'The believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians - whoever truly believes in God and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord.' Surah Al-Baqarah (2:62)
  7. Jesus and Mohammad

    On the subject of Jesus and Mohammad, I just want to show you how close the religions of Christianity and Islam actually are: Jesus spoke the language of Aramaic. The Aramaic word for God is ‘Elah’. This is very similar to the word ‘Allah’ that Muslims use when they pray to God. Muslims put their faces on the ground when they pray. The Bible says… “and he (Jesus) went a little farther and fell on his face and prayed.” Matthew 26:39 Muslims fast as part of their worship. The bible says… “When thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face.” Matthew 6:17 Muslims wash themselves before praying. The bible says… “When they came near unto the altar, they washed; as the Lord commanded Moses.” Exodus 40:32 Muslims give charity (also called alms) as part of their worship. The bible says… “Take heed ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them.” Matthew 6:1 Muslims greet each other by saying ‘peace be upon you.’ The bible says… “Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” Luke 24:36 Muslims take off their shoes when entering a house of prayer. The bible says… “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet; for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5 Muslims do not eat pork. The bible says… “And the swine… of their flesh shall ye not eat.” Leviticus 11:7-8 Muslims do not drink alcohol. The bible says… “Whoredom, and wine, and new wine, take away the heart.” Hosea 4:11 Conclusion - Islam is a Biblical religion, as seen in the Old and New Testaments. Muslims believe in the religion that was taught by Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all the Prophets and Messengers of God. I hope this helps to bring a little more understanding between Christians and Muslims. Peace… Jon.
  8. Sufi Journeying: Alam al-Mithal

    To practice this type of journeying, you first need to start with the basics of Sufism. In his book ‘Purification of the Mind’, the great Sufi saint Abdul Qadir Gilani says… You must keep to the fast and perform the five daily prayers at their prescribed times. So, to begin with, you should start by learning this method of prayer – Sufis are Muslims; they practice the five pillars of Islam, which include fasting. This is a powerful method of transforming the body and soul - You could also repeat one of the mantras of remembrance ‘La ilaha illAllah’ (There is nothing worthy of worship, except God) a minimum of 166 times after each prayer, or at any time during the day - These practices are the beginnings of the journey into Sufism. Mystical experiences (such as Alam al-Mithal) may come later depending on your dedication and faith. Contact the various Sufi organizations that are online to find a teacher in your area. They will be able to show you how to perform the rituals correctly. God willing, this will help you on your journey.