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Everything posted by DBT

  1. Fake

    Hi, my handle is the name of my private practice (Distant Bell Therapy). I am not trained in dialectical behavioural therapy, I have experience in cognitive behavioural therapy. Good point (check the facts), it's not necessarily what I had in mind but certainly relevant regarding the balance of acceptance and change.
  2. Fake

    I have been reading and pondering over your post. I share your views and concerns, every time I look at my phone I find scams and fake messages trying to catch me out. You mention many examples of outright fake behaviour around the world. I thought about, what can we do about it? We have recognised and accepted its existence, we are having to adapt to avoid being caught in its trap. As a psychologist I deal with the effects of this on a daily basis. It is disturbing to me when young people display symptoms of living in a pretend world where fantasy and reality cross over. Thank you for your post, it was interesting to see things from your perspective. How do you respond to this fake phenomenon, how does it shape you as an individual?
  3. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Whatever others may say about you, is none of your damn business.
  4. Where are all the martial artists at?

    Two opponents fight with nunchaku (Chinese flails), the nunchaku are made from leather. You get points for striking certain parts of the body, you fight three 3 minute rounds. The county team consists of 4 members + 2 subs.
  5. Where are all the martial artists at?

    I joined a Lau gar kung fu school around 1980. I worked through the grades until I got to purple sash. I was in the county free fighting team and nunchaku team. I stopped taking grades and focussed on Daoism, I was lucky, my Kung fu instructor was a Daoist teacher and took me on as his student. I still practice kung fu and Daoism.
  6. I agree that life is all we have, from birth we are on a journey to death. Life and death are the same, we are living and dying at the same time. Everyday I try to live, make the most of what we have.
  7. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got.