Thank you for your consideration and answer. But I think maybe you answered like this because I haven't given a lot of my background so here it is :
I have been meditating since 5 years, anapanasati, Maha sattipathana, Vipassana (Goenka style), a bit of zen (which I'm doing more recently).
I practice 1 or 2 hours a day.
I have perfect physical form, not from Tai chi, but from a sport involving a lot of movement (floreio), of control, of breathing right, and flow.
I'm greatly aligned with who I am in almost total acceptance of myself, and I'm looking to move forward that point in spirituality.
At the moment, I'm working on my ego more precisely as I would like to physically experience the fact that "I" do not exist and that we all are one. Going more deeply into the Dao in a way.
Regarding the ego, I'm suprise because for me Neidan is a way of doing just that, realizing the no "I". And the non dualistic way of thing.
But I read a lot of answer that resonate with more or less ego in the answer from people supposed to practice it. I wonder if it is then the right place/way of going where I want to go.
I come from Buddhism (mostly theravada) which was incredible and which is still a big foundation for me. I recently discovered Tao and after reading the 3 big books, I'm learning about energy work which talk to me, but from which I would like to know more.
Now that you know that, if your answer is different I would like to know about it
As for not to base my decision on experience of other, it's more about deciding if I want to be dedicating the time for Neidan (as it would take from my meditating/sport time). And I want to know what can come from this dedication. (Because results take so much time)
After I made my mind, I will try for myself (I'm already actually), and see if the insight people gave me resonate with me !