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Everything posted by ragune

  1. Wang Liping Contact

    Daoist teachers retiring? In December Damo Mitchell has announced that he has retired from teaching life: https://lotusneigong.com/live-events/ Similarily Nathan Brine has semi-retired as told his community in December that he is often "off the grid" for a while and hands over the online contacts/communication to Brooks Snyder, a student of him: "As I don't spend much time online and often find myself off-grid, I asked Brooks to help out. Now it's official. I still keep an eye on the questions, and when I feel it's important to comment, I will." In personal communication he stated: "I don't have any plans to travel and teach at the moment, but one never knows what the future holds." Jefferey James from Texas has a small group of students teaching personally, but has not updated his online videos since 2022: Only good old Mantak Chia even now being in his 80ies is still doing his "world tour": https://www.mantakchia.com/event/full-schedule/ But the question is: How reliable and effective is it, if you want to learn online? And is it possible for anybody outside the US or Canada to find a personal instructor? This possibility seems meagre to me. My advice thus: If you are young, learn Chinese, go to Asia (including Taiwan, Hong Kong etc) and ask around for a teacher, invest a few years and you might find the right person. If you are really, really, really lucky, you might even find a teacher who does not make a living from his teachings, like being a doctor or a common householder, who is reluctant to take students even. But nowadays you will find mostly those who teach to generate an income. The others do not want to be found.
  2. Q's...ONLY Teachers may Answer.

    @thelearner: Good luck with teachers answering your post. Those who know do not teach, those who teach do not know, or at least do not look here in this place for students. I would recommend to look for teachers who do not make a living with teaching, but then the responses are probably even less than nil. My tip: If you have a Chinese community go ask for any old guy who knows a little about it, it does not have to be Jet Li from the beginning. Have a good journey. PS: I am no teacher. Actually, I would never even dare to teach.
  3. Wang Liping Contact

    I suppose i can only show you another door behind the door, but maybe you know someone to translate this for you: It is a lot of Longmen content clearly explained by a nothern master BUT IN CHINESE. A part of the content you mentioned before is in this video (see description), and in the channel there are many more, about 170 clips, but some only audio. BTW, the teacher there (双丰老师) also does not answer the mails provided on YT (i tried), and as Nathan stated, that he is rarely online, which is reasonable if you are living a daoist way without much disturbance of the mind by modern media. Good luck!
  4. Hi

    Hi everybody, I had an account a couple of years ago, but my Mail-confirmation did not work and I could not find it. So - here I am again supple and soft reborn even though NOT YET CROSSING (未濟) or neither even entering the stream (smiley) before advanced age (64) and from Germany (again). If this is all nonsense to you don't worry! My Asian studies were from 1988-2001 in Taiwan, China, a little in Rangoon and some in Europe. My story is too long to be told here. Some if my teachers were Burmese, Chinese, Thai-Chinese, Taiwan-Chinese and Tibetans, as well as many Europeans. But I am very stupid, so better don't ask me any questions... 內龍道
  5. What is your purpose for your practice?

    As everybody, I can only talk about myself, of which I don't know if it is in any way representative: Same as for science, I was very curious in the mysterious world. At 8, I read a weird book by a weirder author (Frank Rudolph Young) and dabbled with the exercises until they freightened me a little. Later on, there were many, many, many other real contacts with real teachers, but I rarely practiced anything for a longer time. At 22, I had a WOW-experience when an I think advaita acharya from a sect (Ananda Marga) initiated me by meditation (or hypnosis, I don't know), where I completely lost any sense of me and dissolved in everything. I realize, that sounds like really weird stuff, but it neither left any long-lasting impact on me and neither did my other "initiations" into any system. I was just curious and - born at the end of the fifties - one of the late hippie generations (Taijiquan, BaGua, Magic Mushrooms, anything you name it). I tried fasting, veganism, vegetarianism, darkroom meditation (boooooring!) andwhatnot, but neither of this became a longer lasting passion. Tibet and India were also on my schedule, but not for long. After 13 years in Asia I went back to Europe, founded a family, had kids and forgot about all that stuff, since I was busy enough and thus my curiousity was on hold. Finally, when my kids were adults, I gradually felt a very subtle kind of longing again, but unclear for what. So I dabbled again, met some of my former teachers (then 40, now 80) like Christopher Titmuss and looked for something nice to learn again. Since I am very bad at emptiness meditation and needed some exercise for my "cauldron-storage", I took up the exercises I was taught in Taiwan again, then by Master Lee Feng-san (actually its 李風山, shan with "sh")who now is only famous for his Shuai Shou Gong - and while I felt I also try some silent sitting I took some retreats to take a look, about whats out there now. So I ended up doing Daoist meditation again (whatever you think it is it is), since had this affinity to China since the first time I read the Lao Lao-Zi (I was 16 then). Funny was, with 15 years later my dream came true and I read the original text in Taiwan and was disappointed that neither Marcel Granet, nor John Blofeld nor Richard Wilhelm was wrong about it, since there IS no right interpretation of the Dao De Jing, haha. Now, I rather shun away, when another clever guy puts out ANOTHER NEW translation of it (makes me want to vomit...). But anyway, half my family is Chinese from both sides of the Taiwan straits (I spent 7 years on the mainland, after the 6 in Taiwan) and find classical texts not very hard to read (sound like boasting, but I really like this stuff). So now I study what some call Nei Gong (internal work) doing Zuo Wang (坐忘) and my old exercises for keeping fat belly's moving and have not yet seen anything great about neither of it. Maybe there won't be. So why o why am I doing this? I definitely am not afraid of death (never was), and I don't want to spend 20 years with Alzheimers just to live until 100, and I never understood what is the big deal about "enlightenment" or Kundalini, although I had some experiences that could have been interpreted as such, but who knows whether it was real? It's over now and not important, there was no lasting impact on my life as such. Maybe I am still waiting for something? If rolled up in one word, why (alas, above there are many more words, I know), I would say: curiosity. But - the good thing is: I have no goal, thus I cannot be disappointed if I don't reach it. ;-) I hope that helps (probably not, sorry)
  6. White Skeleton Meditation instructions

    If you can read 繁體字 or understand Master Nans eastern Chinese accent, here is a speech, where he describes the meditation (part 2 of 3) at YT, beginning at minute 28:27 and (after disgression again after 33:55).