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Posts posted by adept

  1. And theists on this board delete and move topics from the General Forum into the pit and the Buddhist sub-forum. Not everyone can be perfect like Jesus.


    Well I may be a (mono)theist but I don't have any control over forum mechanics.

  2. Loppon Namdrol is never wrong.


    Going back to the days of e-sangha, namdrol frequently banned members who disagreed with his own biased views on Buddhism. He thought he was always correct. Reminds me of internet Buddhists everywhere. :P

    • Like 1

  3. You understand this could be seen as ironic, being that this is coming from an adherent of Islam, right? Recorded history, up to modern day events, are not on the side of demonstrating the compassion of Islam.


    Well, typical western media has demonized anything to do with Islam, making it public enemy no 1.

    It's blatantly obvious when you investigate, that organized religions have been manipulated by 'the powers that be' throughout history to create conflict with one another. This enhances the agenda by the ruling elite to dominate and control world events such as the medieval crusades, recent financial collapse and 'staged terrorist attacks' such as 9/11.

    Real Islam has nothing to do with such things as sharia law. These were later inventions by the political rulers of the time to keep the masses in check. People please do your own investigations and homework.

    Islam is submission and a feeling of immense gratitude to a one and only God/Creator.

  4. No easy answers here.Could it be said that Buddhism denies the concept of God but not the nature of God? What's the difference in the Heat Sutra's 'beyond thoughts, beyond words, beyond form .. ' and a 'Creator who exists beyond the capacity of religious framework or human comprehension' (1)


    Edit: tpyos

    Nice article about magic there rex. That could well be the valid path I'm looking for. Thanks for sharing.

    • Like 1

  5. To be quite frank, I don't give a damn about all the Buddhist rants around suffering!


    Me neither.

    I guess what I'm looking for is:


    A valid path where I can enjoy life as best as possible whilst still believing in, and being mindful of a Supreme Creator. To give thanks and express my utmost gratitude to the Supreme Creator for having a life to do this. All this without man-made rules/regulations/restrictions.

    Is there such a thing ?

  6. Came across this quote:


    'Krishna, who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.'


    More fuel for the fire. ;)

    • Like 2

  7. This is an age old argument of myth as opposed to pure reasoning. No one has provided an answer and the answer will not be obtained via this discussion.


    Agreed, but some of the things brought up in this thread could prove illuminating for some people.

    • Like 1

  8. I'm just saying, I personally wouldn't put them in the category of monotheism. It's your prerogative to disagree with me.


    Ok. No worries. I'm just investigating stuff and trying to find something that resonates with my obvious monotheistic leanings.

    The Qur'an seems too cold, violent, and fear based, as does the Bible to some extent.

  9. The Vedas are considered by Hindus as shruti i.e. eternal and uncreated; considered as of 'divine origin'.


    Thank you. Some common sense at last. I'm glad people can have honest debate.

    That's also what the Qur'an claims.

    So did Islam borrow from the Vedic texts and distort them ?

  10. I briefly looked at the videos, too long for a busy man like me to watch. Due to my personal experiences, I can assure you those videos are nothing. :) You will be left in tears, only if you can talk to your spiritual guide only.


    I find myself in tears at the magnitude and complexity of Creation, and of the Creator who produced it.

    Such complexity and magnitude can surely not be the result of rocks crashing into each other.

    Therefore I need no spiritual guide. God is enough.