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Posts posted by adept

  1. Great topic !!!!!


    I started way back in '86 when house music exploded in the UK. Went to raves, warehouse parties, outdoor and indoors. Clubbing every weekend for about 6 years till '92. In that time I had taken copious amounts of cannabis, speed, lsd, mdma, cocaine and ketamine. I absolutely loved it. The UK club scene has always been fabulous. In '92 ( I was still only 23 ) I got bored with it and stopped for a few years. I still took drugs now and then at home or at peoples house parties.

    In '98 I got itchy feet and started clubbing again, this time with my wife who I'd recently married, virtually every week for another 6 years till about 2004, when we both finally gave up for good. These were probably the best times we ever had, apart from getting married and having our children.

    I've been clean ever since. Although I sometimes miss the scene, I had some wonderful times which shaped me into the person I am today.

    Techno was, and still is, my love of all forms of electronic music. I still play it regularly. Techno is part of me, of who I am.

  2. Maybe they are. :)

    You helped me realize a lot through our communication here. I think your words and encouragement brought something out that was always here, but had been hidden.

    Thank you.


    I realize that realized adepts are not easy to find.


    Some day…❤

    • Like 2

  3. If anyone is interested in the Paleo or Ketogenic diet please let me know if you would like any advice!


    Hi Dzogchen. I wouldn't mind some advice.

    I've been steadily cutting down on carbs recently. Initially it was for fat loss but I can see the benefits of a total lifestyle change. Mainly my diet consists of organic meat, veg, fruit, nuts, eggs and a little organic milk and organic yoghurts. Potatoes, rice, bread, noodles and pasta have all but disappeared from my life. Hunger is something I'm trying to overcome at the minute.

    I wouldn't want to see all the good work I've put in over the last few weeks come undone.


    Tim Cartmell's Sun Style Taiji DVD series is very very good. Not just copying form movements, but lots and lots of detail on structure, weight distribution etc etc.

    • Like 2

  5. Today's entry in 365 Tao :



    Each day I forge my body into steel
    And fold in bright strands of consciousness.
    Piling up ripe fruit and fragrant flowers,
    Lighting red candles and incense,
    Serving tea, rice, and wine.
    Anointing with aromatic oils,
    Offering heart and bones,
    The altar is my anvil, sun and moon the coals,
    Discipline the hammer, lungs the bellows.

    Followers of Tao have private altars in their homes. The pious see
    an altar only for supplication; the skeptical see the altar as false and
    insincere. Actually, devotional effort is absolutely necessary for those
    beginning on the path.

    True spiritual cultivation begins with the premise that you already
    have a pure spirit and only need to clear away obfuscations. Thus one
    must work on both the physical and mental levels in order to achieve the
    quickest results. Such varied efforts need a strong center. By focusing
    on the altar as the platform for all practices, you will keep yourself
    strongly on your path. The outward acts then pile up like offerings
    after offerings, and the outward votive furniture becomes your means of
    memorializing your efforts. Then your body itself becomes a steel altar,
    an unshakable monument to spiritual devotion.

    • Like 1

  6. last year me and lazy cloud traveled several hours each way from kentucky to northern virginia. we crossed rugged country with majestic mountains to arrive just in time. we are both greatly looking forward to attending this years initiation event, and it looks like 4 or 5 making the trip from kentucky this year. good luck to you in your efforts to attend the london event.

    I remember reading your account of it last year and it was your postings that got me interested in the first place.

    Me & Mrs adept are planning on making a weekend of it in London.

    • Like 1

  7. Oh for the love of puppies!! I keep thinking that my question is getting covered up by all of this thread warfare!! Ahem...Noone has any experience with the Fu Fak Shen?? I find this concept incredibly awesome. I can't say I'm looking to experiment with other entities or Gods because my heart is full of Christ right now but man....I wanted to hear about it....

    From what I was told, practitioners are not supposed to divulge any secrets to non-initiates.

  8. Back to topic - I did the course with XYP last year and was told there would be a UK initiation this year.

    The only drawback is that it's in London, a few hours drive away. However, this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'll be trying my damned best to be there.

    Please don't let a certain individual ruin this topic, just ignore him is the best way to do that.

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  9. I have often thought about purchasing that book after hearing good things about it and the practice.

    Especially when I read of Dr. Wu’s Daoist Aunt, Cheng Yu Li who was 140 years old in 2006. I'm not sure if she's still alive but that is a good advert for any cultivation system.

    I'd be interested also to hear from anyone who has practiced this for a while.

    Good topic soaring crane !

    • Like 1

  10. None of those disciplines conflict with each other, that's why I recommended them specifically.

    I would learn only ONE, and practice it daily for at least 3 months, before adding further practices though.

    Also, the one that you do choose, get as much information as possible on it. If you don't have regular access to a teacher, ask a friend or family member to check your posture.

    Most importantly, go within.

    Learn to feel and listen to your mind/body/spirit.

    Try to find the time for solitude for an hour a day.

    If you have nature nearby or a park, take time to just mindfully walk there. No ipod ! Listen, look, smell, feel the wonderful creation all around you.

    Best wishes

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