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Posts posted by adept

  1. Hello Immortal4life.

    I would like to say sorry for my comments to you on the subject of Falun Gong a while back.

    It was disrespectful and immature just because I didn't agree with your point of view.

    Your threads and posts are very informative and I always like to read them.

    I offer you my hand of friendship and would like you to accept my humble apology.

    Best wishes.



    Thanks for that link !

    The minute I heard about this tragedy I immediately thought 'another inside job'.

    For me to have a reaction like this is because of the research I've done for over a decade on the way the world is run.

    It stinks. But more and more people are waking up to the fact that we've been lied to and manipulated by the powers that be for thousands of years. Most history that you learn in school is bogus. It's what they want you to know, and believe.

    Thank you Immotal4life for opening this up. People really need to know this stuff.

    We're not 'conspiracy theory nutjobs', just ordinary folk who know that governments, media, banking, communication networks, medicine, food etc etc are all monitored, doctored and controlled by an elite few.

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  3. That's terrible !

    All the talk of peace, non-violence, precepts, wisdom, insight etc seems contradictory.

    Buddhism, just like any man-made organized religion, is a means to control the masses.

    I've lost all faith in organized religions, all of them.

    Instead it's more wiser to look to the natural world as a teacher. That way, you know what you're getting and won't be disappointed.

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  4. Using Supernatural Powers to Understand True Nature of Reality & Achieve Enlightenment


    The Dao that can be spoken of is not the Dao.


    This statement is very simple. It clearly means one can never use one's mundane senses - material sight, material smell, material hearing, material touch and material tongue to understand, talk about and discuss the Dao.


    For those of you who keep pasting quotes from buddhist sutras, daoist teachings, hindu gurus, etc.. just a word of advice.. you can throw all your buddhist, daoist, hindu, alien sutras teachings books whatever out of the window.


    In fact for those of you who keep quoting "my teacher say this and that" without having really been to your teacher's level to fully comprehend the full meaning of his words.. a word of advice too.. you can flush your teachers' words down the toilet bowl for how do you know your teacher isn't misguided or wrong?


    Also for those of you who keep claiming there's no supernatural powers or that buddha never talk about supernatural powers.. yet you all have the cheek to talk about emptiness, the void, the tao and the true nature of our multi-dimensional reality just by relying on your base material senses.. just another word of advice.. keep your bloody gap shut please?


    As long as you do not possess the supernatural powers and senses to sense and interact with the higher dimensions, with the gods, with the buddhas and devas, then you will never.. i repeat again.. then you will never experience and understand enlightenment and samadhi.


    Cos True Enlightenment and True Samadhi means transcending this base material existence and evolving into a Super Powered Multi-Dimensional God and this at the very least means you need to evolve and develop your super natural senses and power in order to sense and interact with the Dao.


    Otherwise you are just talking out of your arse when blindly posting quotes from sutras and books etc.. what I see 99% of the population here seem to be doing because they have never developed the supernatural powers and higher dimensional senses to be enlightened in the first place!


    So this is why they have to paste quotes and stuff from other sources because otherwise how are these "internet experts on enlightenment" gonna reveal their fantastic knowledge on what's true enlightenment?


    And please don't tell me buddha always talked about not being obsessed with supernatural power.. Buddha died bloody what more than 2000 years ago.. how do you the sutras have never been tampered with? Do you really think that Buddha and all other gurus write down all the instructions for enlightenment on paper?


    What's written down in the books and sutras are just the most basic instructions. The True Instructions for achieving Enlightenment can never be written down in books! For how can our limited human 3rd Dimensional senses fully understand and comprehend the magic of the Dao?!


    Do you think a blind man can hear and understand the beauty of the colors of the rainbow? Do you think a deaf man can hear and understand the beauty of Chopin's Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor?


    How do you ask a blind and deaf man to understand beauty, the Beauty of God and the Dao when he can't even see and hear it?


    All hail the uberGuru, superdao !

    We are not worthy of your presence here on these boards.

    Oh you, who know all the mysteries of life, death and beyond.

    I bow at your feet and ask for the real teachings. The ONLY teachings as all the others are inferior to your higher teachings.

    Oh uberGuru, show me the errors of my past and quench my thirst for superior enlightenment.

    UberGuru, you are my only hope.

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    This is a physical disfigurement of the body and is not really needed for true spiritual union.

    It's not something I would do anyway.

    I doubt if Abinavagupta or Swami Lakshmanjoo have done this !

    Maybe a secluded hermit yogi would be inclined to such a practice.

  6. Let me just say, I'm not Hindu or even Indian for that matter.

    I'm just an ordinary English guy with a family, a menial boring day job, a mortgage etc etc.

    I've been on a spiritual quest for as long as I remember and I've read, studied and practiced a multitude of systems from all different traditions.

    People wise, I've met the wonderful, the humble, the mad, the egotistical, and the downright strange They've all been helpful and have gotten me to where I am now.

    But when I discovered the teachings of Shaivism everything fell into place. It's not that I've discovered something new to me, it feels as if this is what I've known all along, deep down in the core of my being. It is what I am. I have no teacher or guru, nor do I want one. I prefer the solitude of my sadhana. It's my spiritual practice, tailored by me for me.

    For the first time ever, I feel at one with my practice. There's no separation. It's not something I do anymore, it's something I am. It feels wonderful.

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  7. Om Namah Shivaya


    There is no real separation between God and the world.

    Siva is the only reality of the universe. Siva is infinite consciousness. He is independent, eternal, formless, secondless, omnipresent. Siva is the subject and the object, the experiencer and the experienced. The world exists within consciousness.

    He who does Japa of this Panchakshara is freed from births and deaths and attains eternal bliss.

    Sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana, facing East or North, in a quiet place or room. Repeat silently the Panchakshara and meditate on the form of Lord Siva. Keep the image in the heart or space between the eyebrows.

    If you practise meditation regularly, your heart will be purified. All Samskaras and sins will be burnt in toto. You will attain Siva-Yoga-Nishtha or Nirvikalpa Samadhi. You will attain the glorious Siva-Pada or Siva-Gati and become one with Lord Siva. You will enjoy the eternal bliss of Sivanandam and become immortal.

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