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Posts posted by adept

  1. Maybe 'evil' is the wrong word. I think Xunzi uses 'flawed' in some commentaries on his work.

    Yes, there is a lot of good in the world, but there are some seriously sick, twisted individuals, and groups/nations.

    This is why the Buddhist path doesn't work for me, however hard I have tried to understand and practice it.

    I just cannot have compassion and forgiveness for every sentient being. Some deserve punishment for heinous crimes.

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  2. Some points to discuss :



    1) How quick and often can we enter the described status of mindlessness ?



    2) Although the old mind has receded, it seems a new Mind has not popped up...



    3) A much deeper mindlessness should be some kind of embedded mindset in the background ,

    no matter how fluctuating the minds on the front stage can't dissolve it ( " 惠能無技倆 , 不斷百思量")



    4) It is only after the appearance of that much bigger Mind, can we talk about the pre-heavenly qi,

    the greatest benefit...


    1. In my case, it seems that EVERY time I meditate, I enter this state, within a few minutes.

    2. It seems that Mind has dropped off altogether. No-mind.

    3. I wouldn't say that this state is 'mindlessness' at all. Far from it. No mind is not needed in this state.

    4. I'm not so sure about this 'bigger Mind' that you speak of, or of 'pre heavenly qi'.

    I only believe I have entered 'The Great Stillness', 'The Dao', 'The Source of all things', 'God consciousness' or any other term suitable for the un-nameable.

  3. No I'm not but I do do nembutsu, been chanting for a big lottery win for years.

    I'm superstitious NOT religious.



    The nembutsu is the heart of Pure Land Buddhism. The reason for it is for birth in the Pure Land of Amida, where you end the cycle of birth and death once and for all. It is a holy practice and shouldn't be taken lightly. I've never heard of someone reciting the nembutsu for material gain. Maybe you're confusing it with the chanting in the Nichiren schools.

  4. Greetings.


    In my meditations over the years, I've had glimpses of the void, or what you could also call the great stillness, peace, bliss, no-thingness or whatever. Just little bits here and there. But recently, EVERY time I meditate, I fall into a wonderful state which lasts for quite a while.

    Some of the sensations/feelings :


    I can't feel my body at all. It feels as if I'm just a floating consciousness.

    I can't detect any breathing.

    I can't feel a pulse/heartbeat.

    I don't even know that I have a body or a mind.

    Extreme peace, serenity, calmness and bliss.


    I have tried various types of meditations but the one I've come back to and stuck with has been awareness of my breathing. Not focussing on a particular point like the dantian or the third eye or the nose, but just on the mechanism of breathing, as a whole.


    Is it that the simplest meditations, when pursued and practiced diligently and regularly, have the greatest benefit ?

    • Like 4

  5. Until you can bend your legs to 45 degrees with the knees passed the toes and able to stand for a long time without having the legs shaken and no pain, then you are considered to be accomplished the course of Zuan Zhuang.


    Sorry, but this is NOT good advice. Knees should not pass the toes at all. This goes totally against everything I've been taught.

    • Like 1

  6. I'm also enjoying this thread. What a contrast Confucianism is to Buddhism !

    For instance, this is from Xunzi:


    "The gentleman, knowing well that learning that is incomplete and impure does not deserve to be called fine, recites and enumerates his studies that he will be familiar with them, ponders over them and searches into them that he will fully penetrate their meaning, acts in his person that they will come to dwell within him, and eliminates what is harmful within him that he will hold on to them and be nourished by them. Thereby he causes his eye to be unwilling to see what is contrary to it, his ear unwilling to hear what is contrary to it, his mouth unwilling to speak anything contrary to it, and his mind unwilling to contemplate anything contrary to it. When he has reached the limit of such perfection, he finds delight in it. His eye then finds greater enjoyment in the five colors, his ear in the five sounds, his mouth in the five tastes, and his mind benefits from possessing all that is in the world."

  7. Well, I've had a couple of weeks away and you know what ?

    I actually quite like being here. I think having a few nut-jobs makes it what it is.

    I've learned so much from the wonderful people here and investigated subjects completely unknown to me.

    That, alone, is priceless.

    Thank you everyone, for making this place what it is.

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  8. I think it's time for a break from these forums. Whether it's temporary or permanent I'm not sure. I'm using up way too much time and energy here.

    What used to be an enjoyable experience where thoughts were shared and notes compared has turned into a place populated by whack-jobs and certain members who feel the need to post in every topic. It's all become a bit suffocating to be honest.

    There are lots of good people here, most of them are long-standing members, and their advice and help still shines through.

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  9. I don't think that I will ever have sex with a Korean or American woman in this life-time. The negative karma from eating red meat is too great in the Koreans' and Americans' karma and I do not want to get myself dragged into hell just by even talking with a Korean or American woman.


    Oh dear, you really are twisted.

    You condemn not just single persons but whole nations. Or should I say the females of a nation.

    Then what about the Chinese who eat locusts on sticks and animals penis's.

    Or the Japanese who eat sushi.

    African tribes who hunt and eat their own food.

    Would you talk to their females ?

    In fact don't even bother answering tulku/bodyoflight/eternalnoob/mak tin si.

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