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Posts posted by adept

  1. I've been interested in PL Buddhism for quite a while and have read some fascinating accounts of PL cultivators actually knowing the date and time of their death, well in advance. Reports of rainbows at the death site and the calm and peaceful passing of the person involved.

    It seems to me to be the easiest way of stepping off the wheel of birth and death once and for all.

    I say easiest because enlightenment is not sought after in this existence but is something which is done in ideal circumstances (the Pure Land), after physical death. I also believe you don't need the presence of a teacher to practice. Just an understanding of a few sutras and the methods prescribed within them. A Buddhist teaching for busy lay people (like myself).

    All these folks chasing immortality with potentially harmful forceful energetic practices when maybe mindful recitation of Amitabha Buddha could be all that's required ?

    I must admit I remain skeptical and it does seem a lot like the Christian reliance on a heaven for repentant sinners. However, I may have it all wrong.

    Does anyone here have any actual practical experience with these methods ?

    Maybe I should ask elsewhere such as a purely Buddhist forum, but I thought I would ask here first.


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  2. The Other Buddhism: Amida comes west.

    by Caroline Brazier

    Essential reading for anyone interested in a Buddhist cultivation that actually works and does not imply aping alien cultures. A wake up call to wannabe Tibetans [who aren't actually ethnic Tibetans]. Buy this book before wasting a single penny on Buddhistic merchandise or ritual kit. It will save you a fortune.


    I've always been under the assumption that Pure Land Buddhism was faith/devotional based and was dependent on the culture one was brought up in.

    For instance in China and Vietnam, PL is often fused with other forms of Buddhism, such as Ch'an, Hua Yen etc, as well as being a standalone tradition.

    In Japan it's Jodo Shu or Jodo Shinshu which are PL only, while Kegon, Tendai and Shingon have PL practices within their tradition.

    I believe that all forms of Buddhism taken up in the west are aping alien cultures because it's not been part of our history and culture. The eastern nations have up to 2500 years head start on us.

    It looks like you have found something that has worked for you and would be interested to find out more.

    I have an interest in Pure Land practices but have had my reservations/doubts for a while now.

    I may be wrong but the premise seems to be a cop-out in this life in regard to a future life in a paradise style existence. Therefore neglecting our responsibilities here and now. Like I say I could have interpreted the whole thing the wrong way.

    Would love to talk more on this though. PM me if it's more convenient.


  3. There was a post about bringing down energy here:


    According to the story, Hakuin Zenji learned this (and other methods) from a Taoist cave hermit named Hakuyu, who he sought out in the mountains of Japan to help him cure his 'zen sickness'.

    Hakuyu had only 3 books in his possession. The Daodejing, Doctrine Of The Mean, and the Diamond Sutra.




    It does sound like a very good method. Personally, I don't suffer from any of these symptoms but it could be a variation, and possibly easier to practice, than the water method.

    Not allowing any sickness to arise in the first place, has got to be better than trying to get rid of it, when it happens through malpractice.

  4. but I'd be wary of reading commentaries. The original text is all you should consider. If you don't understand something, try to remind yourself of the fact that there is really not much to understand.


    That's very good advice Boy, and over the years I've come to realize this. Commentaries, to me, are an individual's interpretation and contain personal biases which tend to warp the original text somewhat.

    Sometimes when I read a new text, and just don't understand it, I'll put it aside for a few days or weeks even.

    When I return to it, after days and weeks of meditation and contemplation, suddenly it all falls into place.

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  5. i think its amazing how the expectations or conditioning of the mind can influence what one experiences in the bardo... as if, if one was attached to their family, they will see ancestors, and if they are attached to religion, they will perceive angels and the light as "god", while shaivites perceive it as the kundalini of shakti, and buddhist as the buddha-nature or clear light.


    how wonderful. Having been out there myself, i was pretty convinced when i came back that there was actually a god and that i was bathed in its energy for a nice short while. It was overwhelming bliss, like words cant describe.. like overfuckingwhelming, thats the best i can do with english. a cosmic tidal wave of unconditional love and ecstasy washing my mind and spirit. It was the most excellent experience of my life by leaps and bounds, i can't even think of number two... maybe my first internal orgasm or something that doesn't really even compare so its stupid to think about.


    the best thing about my NDE is that it eradicated my fear of death. I will be happy to go, it is wonderful. Death is fun. as long as you go into the light that is... crucial point


    edit: also want to link to for more stories and where you can submit your own experience to the database if you have had one. yknow for the sake of science


    Thanks anamatva for sharing your thoughts. Wonderful.

    For those of us that haven't had a NDE, but are convinced of it's authenticity, what kind of preparation practices can we do in this current life ?


    p.s great link !

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  6. - as for Tao being a spiritual practice, i couldn't agree more. please look into the prerequisites of starting that practice.


    I'm not sure any prerequisites are needed to allow 'the mystery of mysteries' to enter one's life.

    Only to be like an empty vessel.

  7. My question to all of you.


    If in the next 10 seconds you could make a decision to never think ever again, not think another single thought, what would you decide?


    Who can give up thoughts all together?


    Why would anyone want to do that ?

    We're humans not emotionless robots.

    Observe the thoughts without reacting to each and every one that comes along.

    Where do thoughts come from ?

    Where do they go ?

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  8. Well the book arrived today within two weeks and I only selected the basic shipping !

    I wasn't expecting it for another month or so. Well pleased with the delivery time.

    I haven't had a good look, just a quick flick through as yet.

    Not that many pictures in it, but I'm not sure if many are needed actually. It looks chock full of good info though.

    The postures are seen from front and side on views.

    Once you've got them sorted it's down to yourself to do the work.

  9. He seems to run down "other important figures" not because he wants to compete with them but rather he knows you are the only authority(I see for myself what the world is) of yourself and for you to give away that authority to another is irresponsible.


    "When he teaches", he likes to take you with him to explore. Exploring with him requires clear thinking.

    Many times I find myself re-reading/listening/watching pieces of he's stuff to follow what is being said.


    Here is a good interview, it was the first one a friend refered me to:


    But this is Jiddu Krishnamurti.

    The only thing they have in common is their surname !

  10. I've been following this thread with interest and I've ordered the new book. It's gonna take six weeks to get here in the UK :( .

    I plan to practice from it 100% and not just read it as another cool book with nice ideas.

    In preparation for the practice I've stopped any methods aimed at raising kundalini or mco. I was following JJ Semple's Golden Flower Meditation but as yet I haven't activated any upward energy flow, so I'll not pursue that.

    Maybe some emptiness meditation and zhan zhuang would be a better idea until I get the book and start practicing.

    Looking forward to a new phase in my ongoing development.


    p.s. Just noticed I'm on my 500th post !

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  11. 6. Who in your opinion has good iron fists?

    was renowned for his iron fists.

    So much so, that the officials actually thought he had metal bars inside his gloves. This was, of course, proven to be wrong.

    His immense hitting power had a lot to do with his falling step technique, where his strike landed the exact time his foot/feet landed. Think hsing i style whole body force. Awesome.

  12. Interesting thread.

    I started over a month ago with GFM after re-reading JJ Semple's book and listening to his podcasts.

    I sit in full lotus each morning and also practice the walking meditation as JJ describes in his books and his podcasts (which are great by the way !).

    I've got the deep diaphragmatic breathing part pretty much sorted now and I can no longer hear the breath, either on inhalation, or exhalation.

    I'm not really counting the days as the 100 days is just a rough estimate, it may take shorter or longer until the practice is deeply ingrained, and the next phase (detecting, and then reversing the flow) begins.


    Hope everyone's doing fine.

    It's good to be back on the forum after a few months away.

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  13. Well I've just managed to acquire a copy of this huge book at last. Yipee !
    Casually flicking through the pages I can see I'm going to have my work cut out though.

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