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Posts posted by adept


    You hurt me years ago;

    My wounds bled for years.

    Now you are back,

    But I am not the same.


    In the past, warriors fought by striking the same points that acupuncturists use. One famous swordsman nearly died in a duel in which his opponent attacked him in such a way. After that, the swordsman became a wanderer and tried to renounce the martial life. Years later, his enemy found him and challenged him to duel again. They fought. In the first flurry of blows, the aggressor stepped back in surprise. The swordsman smiled and said, "I trained for twenty years to move my vulnerable spots." With that, he was finally able to triumph.

    Spirituality is a process of inner healing. The wounds of the past can be the greatest obstacles for self-cultivation unless we find them all and heal them. This task can take years, but we must accomplish it.


    In many cases, our wounds were inflicted by other people -- enemies. This is subtle. Our enemies can be others on the street, or people much more intimate with us : parents, teachers, siblings, lovers, friends.


    If we move away from such people and succeed in our practice, they will have no chance to come back in our lives. How can they? We change whatever made us vulnerable in the first place.


    Single line drawn from one ocular corner to the other.

    White clouds firmly tethered to shadows.

    What is close at hand must first appear on the horizon.

    What is cast upon us always has a source.


    Life need not be the travesty of confusion and disorganization that it seems to be for so many people. When one feels this way, it is nearly always due to two things : Either one isn't even looking, or one's vantage point is too low.

    Those who follow Tao position themselves on high vantage points. Life never surprises them. Whatever is in their lives today, they foresaw many days before. Whatever is on the horizon, they take the time to prepare for. Such people are called wise, not because they have special abilities but because they take the care to view things from a high place.


    Those who follow Tao also realize that all phenomena have a source. Just as shadows on the ground are cast because clouds float between the earth and the sun, so too are the events outside of ourselves cast into our minds. A reaction in our minds is like a shadow cast by an external event.


    We can understand such phenomena clearly if we stand at a place where we can see them coming. We need to remember to deal with them not simply by how we feel, but also by looking at their external form, and even checking to see their source. If we take care to do this, then we shall never be deterred.

  3. No this is not the truth, the Buddha would see someome who harms themselves as well as other people by their non virtuous actions when away from his eyes, he would see it as ignorance and just furthering their own suffering and thus he would have compassion for them rather than disgust. It appears from this post and others that you have the view of the Buddha as being judgemental, this suggests a lack of understanding of his fundamental teachings.


    The Buddha died 2500 years ago. He does not look from anywhere, nor is he judgemental or an eternal being. He is dead.

    This view of an eternal infinite life is a Upanishadic or theistic teaching, not the Dhamma.

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    Only when the last spoke

    Has been fitted to the wheel,

    Is there completion.


    Ambitions, career, family, and everyday identity are like the outer wheel. All the different talents and deep aspects of the mind are like the spokes. The consciousness is the hub that holds all together. At the center of the hub is emptiness -- that aspect of ourselves that is open to the universal reality.

    Unfortunately, we are not always whole. Perhaps it is a matter of opportunities missed when we were younger. Perhaps it is a lack of education or experience. Whatever it may be, we should, through introspection, search out what we lack and then work toward fulfilling it. Once we identify and complete some part of ourselves, it is like fitting a spoke into our wheel. When we have enough spokes, we are whole.


    A new wheel will have a long future of rolling. Our selves, once made whole, can then serve our spiritual aspirations until the end.


    The sun shines half a day,

    The moon dominates the rest.

    Even contemplation

    Should have its proper duration.


    Some monks meditate sixteen hours at a time. Some have sat cross-legged so long that they have calluses on the sides of their feet. Others need frames to prop their bodies up, or they rest sticks on the floor with the sharp tips at their chins, so that they are awakened by a stab if they doze off. Is this admirable? Or is it mere obsession?

    Meditation should have its proper duration. Once one finds the proper procedures, they should not be seen as an activity isolated from the rest of life. Those who follow Tao hold meditation to be imperative, but not exclusive. The primary point of this existence is to live, and all living things move and grow. Therefore meditation should be integrated with the flow of life. It should not dominate above all else.


    There is one exception to this. That is the case where one spontaneously and naturally falls into a long period of meditation. Sometimes this state will last for hours, even days. This is not the same as meditation artificially induced by forced sitting. This is a wholly different type of meditation. One is now with the universe and meditation ceases to be an activity. It becomes a natural expression.


    Once a statue is finished,

    It is too late to change the arms.

    Only with a virgin block

    Are there possibilities.


    It's not easy to raise a child. You have to set an example all the time. Sometimes it is important for both child and guardian to understand that a child should not do certain things that the adult does. This is not hypocrisy. It is wisdom.

    There was once a child who responded to his father's admonitions by saying, "You do the same things." The father took his son to a carver of temple figures. In the yard were great blocks of camphor and rosewood. Inside the studios were deities in various stages of completion, from gods still with fresh chisel marks to brightly painted and gilded masterpieces.


    "I am older than you," said the father. "So I am more like one of these finished statues. I have my accomplishments, and I have my faults. Once this figure has been carved, we cannot change the position of its arms.


    "But you, my son, are like the pieces of wood in the yard, still to take shape. I do not want you to have the same faults as I do, so I do not let you do certain things. Look at me. Yes, you say I still do certain things, but doesn't that show how hard it is to undo a mistake once it is carved into you? Don't copy me, and don't make the same mistakes that I did. Only then will you become more beautiful than I."


    Birthdays, anniversaries, memorials, festivals

    Measure our progress on the path.


    How old are you? Have you made a life you can look back on and be satisfied?

    How long have you been practicing your devotions? Can you look back on years of unbroken progress?


    How long has it been since a significant world event? Has the world gone any further in creating collective good?


    Is today a day of celebration? How much have you done since the last holiday?


    Each day of measure is a milestone on the path. If you are just beginning on the path, then it is good to determinedly look forward to the day when you can look back on a year, a decade, or many decades of perseverance. If you are today standing on the vantage point of some anniversary, then count the time that you have maintained your progress and be glad.


    Those who follow Tao do not celebrate their birthdays, do not mark the anniversary of their embarking on the path. They say that following Tao is one continuous flow, not to be violated by the calendar. They are like hikers who wander, not worrying about the road, not concerned about distance or time. The rest of us have not yet attained that level of pure spontaneity. For we who are still struggling to maintain a foothold on the path, it is profitable to look forward to passing milestones as a way of encouraging ourselves and measuring our progress.

  8. All orthodox religions have a Master who present the teachings and still the orthodox religions are no cults.

    The ONLY difference is that Master Li Hongzhi is still alive while spreading his teachings and doing the scriptures himself. All the orthodox religions were started by everyday people after the Master had passed away(Jesus, Buddha Sakyamuni etc). That made these religions go wrong since the everyday people misinterpreted the real teachings. It also shows us how incredibly strong Master Li is, even compared to the old religious icons.


    Remember, Falun Dafa is not an everyday phenomenon like you seem to imply in your analysis.


    All people who talk about Dafa without even reading the book or trying the exercises are talking about things they absolutely have no clue about. Dafa is supernormal and many people can not believe it until they experience it.


    No matter whether we look at the Bible, the Buddhist scriptures, Nostradamus, Swedenborg, Ge An, the Asatro etc etc.They all predicted Falun Dafa to take over this world at Judgment Day. They mentioned it with all kinds of signs like the eastern Kings, the turning wheel from the east, "Li the God - He who comes from the east with knives and swords to rectify the world", the Udumbara flower prophecy, the 200 million horsemen, the 1999 CCP persecution of Good by the Dragon etc etc.


    Just look at the world with open eyes and an open mind, is anything that happens a coincidence? Is your life not planned by a higher being?


    Is dafa rising up now a coincidence? This world is bad and immoral and it needs Truth-Compassion-Forbearance and it is going to get it no matter what some people think.


    There are dimensions much higher(and more microscopic) than ours and the beings in charge there can do whatever they want to us down here. They want us to be truthful, compassionate and forbearing because that is the ultimate law of this universe.


    Oh dear ! :o


    Wind stirs the bamboo,

    But once the wind passes,

    The bamboo is silent.

    Geese land in the chill pond,

    But once the geese fly away,

    There are no reflections.

    In the same way,

    Once the red dust passes,

    The mind is still.


    The affairs of the world are often euphemistically referred to as red dust. This is the involvement of the world that is hard to brush away and yet equally hard to hold on to. We may seek meditative detachment, but as long as the stimulations of the world continue to blow through our minds, the true stillness of meditation is impossible.

    If we do not involve ourselves with the difficulties of the world, there will naturally not be an y suggestion or stimulation present. Then the mind will be still. The still mind is capable of the most supreme states of existence.


    Obviously, total withdrawal from the tribulations, dangers, sensual temptations, and entanglements of everyday life would be one way of doing this. If you feel ready to do this and you have that option, then you should do so. You will find satisfaction and happiness very quickly. But if you are obligated to remain in the world for some time more, and still want to practice the art of tranquility, you must execute withdrawal on a more microcosmic scale. Then stillness is possible for at least short periods.


    Autumn trees swept with dawn

    Look as if they've been lacquered,

    Rooted around an old battlefield.

    The mists linger here like ghosts.


    There are still places where you can walk and feel a profound gloom. Such is the case with old battlefields. People died there. The force of their determination still resonates.

    You can find such places in every country. Often no one builds anything there, even when land is dear. We say that we do not want to forget our dead. We say that there should be a memorial. Others say that the disturbance there is so great that the living cannot abide with the dead.


    History is essential to our understanding of the present. Unless we are conscious of the way in which we came to this point in time as a people, then we shall never fully be able to plan the present and the future. We need to know what roots are still alive. We need to know how things came to be so that we can project from here. We also need to know the failures of the past so that we can avoid repeating them.


    History is not always glorious. Sometimes our history is melancholy. We must accept that. This life is terrible and people do terrible things to each other. If we are to live for the sake of the good and strong, then we should have as much of a background as possible.

  11. WHOLE

    I hate the way this chicken comes

    All bagged in plastic

    Without head or feet;

    Neck, heart, liver, and gizzard

    Stuck into its cavity.

    No wonder people feel unconnected.


    Traditional people like to see the whole animal when they shop for their meals. In cultures where personal contacts are more meaningful and closeness to the earth is a way of life, it is no surprise that people are interested in a complete relationship to their food. They buy it or raise it, they harvest it, they clean it, and they cook it -- all before they eat it in gratitude. They don't become sentimental over their food -- practicality is to understand that we kill to survive -- but they do give thanks for what has died to sustain them.

    Today we have a very incomplete relationship to our food. We don't see where something grows, we eat foods out of season, we buy prepared foods made by someone we don't even know. There is a great power in knowing your food, knowing where it came from, preparing it with your own hands. This food, whether vegetable or animal, died for us. The least we can do is partake of it thoroughly and with respect.


    Nowadays it is quite common for people to feel isolated. They lament not having friends, not having genuine experiences, not having a sense of who they are. If even the food that we eat and the way that we eat is lacking in wholeness, then how will we feel completion in the rest of our lives?

  12. MOON

    Silver disk: Let me call you goddess --

    You, with your mirrored face.

    Tonight, of all nights, your shape is perfect,

    Your presence sublime.

    You know it too. You appear before the sun has even set,

    Glorious without your cloak of night,

    Gazing down in supreme splendor,

    To make this dusty world pastoral.


    Tonight is the harvest moon. The queen of night is at her most perfect roundness, closer to us than at any other time of the year. She glows silver in an indigo sky.

    People celebrate this night for many reasons. For some, it is the time to enjoy the view of the moon, and they toast it with sweets, wine, and tea. For others, it is a time of relaxation and thanksgiving for the harvest.


    The Moon Festival is a woman's festival, their time to worship. The harvest moon symbolizes the ascendancy of cool darkness over the bright heat of summer. This reminds us of equality in the cosmos : light and dark, male and female, heat and frost, hard and soft -- all these things are part of an overall equilibrium.


    If you are a woman, then tonight is your night for worship and celebration. If you are a man, then it is a night to step aside and give your wives, mothers, and sisters their privacy. But for all, we can be thankful for the riches of autumn and begin our preparations for the coming frost.


    There are no ancients before me,

    No followers behind:

    Only the vastness of heaven and earth

    On this mountain terrace.

    Though heaven may know the ultimate,

    Joy or sorrow is our own will.


    We stand alone in this life. No one lives our life for us. Neither drug nor sorcery can remove us, even for a moment, from our own life. We can deny it, but it is useless : We are here alone, to engage every precious moment according to our wills.

    The precedents of the ancients may be helpful, but in the end they are only references. The thought of those who will follow after us is likewise merely a consideration. What matters is being, pure being. Accept who you are. Be who you are.


    If there are gods in the heavens, maybe they know the future. As a human being, I can only say that the future is yet to be made. Let us go forth and make it, but let us make it as beautifully as we can. The degree of elegance is determined by our will and the perfection of our own personalities. Therefore, do not sigh over misfortune or adversity. Whether you are happy or sad is entirely up to you.


    Three subtle energy currents:

    Twin helixes around a jade pillar.

    This glowing presence

    Is the force of life itself.


    Deep in meditation, it is possible to become aware of the life-force itself. You can see it if you learn how to look within. To describe it as electricity, or power, or light, or consciousness is all somewhat correct. But such descriptions are inadequate. You have to see it for yourself. You have to feel it for yourself. You have to know it for yourself.

    To be in its presence is like being in front of something primeval, basic, mysterious, shamanistic, and profound. To be in its presence makes all references mute and all senses slack, leaving only deep awe. One is drawn to it in utter fascination. It is the mighty flame to our mothlike consciousness.


    This column of energy that coils around itself holds all the stages of our growth. It is our soul; it is the force that animates us and gives us awareness. If you want to engage your life completely, it is essential for you to come to terms with this inner power. Once you harmonize with it you can blend with the dynamics of being human.


    Lady butterfly,

    I saw you a week ago.

    Now you are back,

    With your lover,

    In tandem flights

    And helical tangents:

    How many times

    You return gladly!


    In the legends there is the story of the butterfly lovers. They loved each other so much that even in death, their hearts were fixed faithfully upon one another. In honor of their devotion to each other, the gods changed them into butterflies and let them come back together in reincarnation after reincarnation.

    Would that all of us could manifest such determination and faith to what we loved!


    Maiden plucks folk tune on steel strings,

    Crickets chant like monks.

    I've walked into autumnal contentment,

    Yet a young boy seeks guidance.


    One my be quire far along on the path, but if one meets a beginner who sincerely seeks guidance, then one should help without reservation. If such a beginner were to come to you, what would you say? This is what I said to someone today :

    "The time of beginning is one of the most precious times of all. It can be very exciting and full of wonderful growth. The first thing to do is to make up your mind that you are going to go the distance.


    "When I first began, I made a lifelong commitment. I determined that I would learn from my teacher for at least seven years. Now, it has been much longer than that, but the essential element is still the same : commitment.


    "But commitment needs something else in order to be perpetuated. It needs discipline. This is the perseverance to keep on when things are tough. Adversity is life's way of testing and perfecting a person. Without that, we would never develop character.


    "Rice suffers when it is milled. Jade must suffer when it is polished. But what emerges is something special. If you want to be special too, then you have to be able to stick to things even when they are difficult."


    Commitment and discipline -- these are two of the most precious words for those who would seek Tao.


    Have you ever had a knot in your shoelace?

    You have to bend down to untie it.


    Difficulties in life confront us all; people respond in their own ways to adversity. Some succumb, some grow boisterous. Some marshall their determination, some respond with trickery. All too often, hardship will mow a person down.

    When confronted with difficulty, those who follow Tao respond with modesty : they conform to the situation. They bow before it, and they concentrate upon it until they find a solution. They do not apply undue force; neither do they acquiesce meekly to fate. They examine the situation and carefully undo it. In the same way you bend down to untie a knot in your shoelace, they bend down to find guidance.


    Even modesty can become an error if we become meek and insecure. Some people become so humble that they become self-defeating. They are talented but their personalities are so split that they cannot achieve their potential. Therefore, there must be limits even on modesty. It works. Like anything else, it must be applied in the right manner.

  18. STYLE

    An old man sits on a granite step.

    He plucks a treasured guitar.

    The strings throb with feeling;

    He needs no audience to open his heart.

    A boy enthusiastically wants to learn his style.

    "Style?" asks the man slowly. "My style is made of

    The long road of life, of heartbreak

    And joy, and people loved, and loneliness.

    Of war and its atrocities.

    Of a baby born.

    Of burying parents and friends.

    My scale is the seven stars of the dipper.

    The hollow of my guitar is the space between heaven and earth.

    How can I show you my style?

    You have your own young life."


    Everyone has their own style in life. The old have perspective. The young have vigor. We can learn from each other, but we cannot have what the other generations possess. We are each shaped by our generations, and to transcend the limitations of our time is a rare occurrence indeed.


    The sun rose and set today in twelve hours.

    We plucked golden pears from arching branches.

    Climbing a thousand steps to a rustic temple,

    We made our offerings to the gods.

    At nightfall, we sat in warm companionship.

    A crescent moon joined our circle.

    Dipping water from the silver-braided stream,

    We set it bubbling in an earthenware pot.

    It's not easy to brew good tea,

    But this teapot has a venerable history:

    A scholar once pawned all his books for it.

    Now it imparts the flavor of antiquity.


    Autumn equinox is the time to reflect upon life. If we have enjoyed a bountiful harvest, we express our thanks. If the year has been difficult so far, then we are happy for what we do have and resolve to do better once the chance comes. The appreciation of life does not require wealth or plenty. It requires only gratitude for the beauty of the world.