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Posts posted by adept

  1. My friend, you really need to pin down ONE set of practices and stick to that for at least six months. I have noticed that you have asked questions on quite a few different practices. I used to be exactly the same. I would get into something and then read/hear about something else, get sidetracked, and before you know it, back to square one again.

    I'm not going to tell you what practice to do, but I can give a little advice based on what I've experienced so far.

    Stay away from energy moving practices such as MCO, Kundalini etc. They will lead to instability of the mind and unless guided by a legitimate master, can be very dangerous to health.

    This is the way of the EGO.

    Do not LOOK for results, they will come with consistent practice.

    For the mind/self

    Make time each day to just sit and observe. Don't force anything. Don't follow the thoughts. Just be aware. Do not judge, compare or discriminate.

    For the body/energy

    Practice a moving qigong/neigong such as an internal arts form followed by some standing post.

    Slow down. Take your time. Eat healthy foods.

    Don't expect anything.

    Everything will reveal itself to you in time.

    This is the essence of Wu Wei.



  2. Last night I had 10 packs of M & M's while sitting in full lotus.

    This gave me the trots, so I ingested the pineal glands of 200 dead Mongolian horseman while listening to Jean Michel Jarre.

    That seemed to do the trick until I was abducted by female Ethiopian throat singers who forced me into non contact orgasms and depleted my jing.


    Oh well :lol:

  3. Hi WYG.


    I have the exact feelings in my legs and butt. I have concluded that this is a by product of my Zhan Zhuang training. Like wudangspirit said, don't become attached to the feeling, it will probably be replaced by something else later in your cultivation.





  4. Throughout the day as I go about my activities, I've noticed what can only be described as internal shaking, especially in the legs. On some occasions it feels as if my mobile phone is vibrating in my pocket !. Is this normal ? Is it a by product of Zhan Zhuang and/or Nei Gong practices ?



  5. What's your current routine? What were your routines, for that matter?


    Nothing wrong with evaluating your practices, or reevaluating, as the case may be. If you've found stuff that works for you, that is great! One certainly cant endlessly search for more. When I started Kunlun I felt like my practices were lacking in some amorphous areas. Since then I havent really done much reevaluating, just to give the practice a shot...just goin with it, sarge! :D I guess the thing is, without really giving a given practice a chance to resonate with you on some level, it would be shallow to consistently opt for something that looks better at the time. I know for myself, a lot of the practices I had before I still do, only slightly less, since I wasnt doing anything incompatible with kunlun i.e. kundalini yoga.


    Is there anything stopping you from giving it a rip, so long as you integrate it in an appropriate manner with your current practices?


    The thing is I don't have any more time to do any more practices. The only time I get free from distractions is very early in the morning (4.30 - 5 am start !).

    Previous routines are too many to mention.

    Now I've got it down to Nei Gong, Zhan Zhuang and Vipassana which takes about 1.5 - 2 hours in the morning.

    Then some Xinyiquan late afternoon.

    Yin Yoga on an evening with some bodyweight exercises thrown in to the mix throughout the day.

    So I'm pretty well spoken for.



  6. I've been lurking on these forums for a long time now and have only posted a couple of times. It was said in another thread somewhere that there are only about a dozen or so folks who contribute regularly. So, I think it's about time for some new input.


    Never before have we had so much choice in the way of cultivation practices. This forum in particular is home to an absolute goldmine of information and wonderful human beings who share their thoughts. There are a lot of other websites and forums which are very good also. For the beginner who is just starting out, it can be quite daunting.

    When I first started out in about '99 there was a huge amount of information available to me. I've tried dozens of practices and read hundreds of books, jumping from one thing to another without giving myself a chance to settle into a routine. I just think I have the ideal practice for me and then bam!, along comes something which stirs my interest and I jump to that for a while.

    Thankfully, after a while I've settled into a routine which works for me.

    Then I heard of Kunlun !

    So far I've resisted the temptation to do any Kunlun practice. Not because I don't believe in the claims being made about it's effectiveness. Or that I don't think it will work for me. It's simply that I've become sick and tired of trying different practices.

    I finally have a routine which I enjoy and which works for me.

    Am I being narrow-minded?



  7. Had to laugh at this. This is absolutely hilarious. This is none other than Peter Yeung who hails from Newcastle in England. He is a FAKE. He is a master of having his photograph taken with respected martial artists and spiritual leaders and then making up titles for himself. He also used to beat up his students in his Wing Chun class. A bully,liar and a cheat. Stay well clear!! :lol: :lol: :lol::lol:



  8. There seems to be a lot of so called 'master's,sifu's,lama's and guru's' who are only too willing to show you their 'secrets' these days. Usually this comes in the form of having to hand over differing sums of money, ranging from a few pounds/dollars etc, for a book/dvd, to vast amounts of money for courses and seminars.

    As there is such a lot of choice out there, especially since the internet is in so many homes, can we separate the wheat from the chaff? The fraud from the honest,sincere person who just wants to share what they know to anyone who asks?

    I realise that a lot of practices can not just be shown and taught to anybody. I'm talking about the genuine seeker

    who is searching for advice on their particular path.

    Some of the name's that keep popping up on internet forums get a mixed response. I was looking for opinions on who we can or cannot trust with our time and money.

    Here are some names that spring to mind


    Mantak Chia

    Lama Dorje

    Dr Yang Jwing Ming

    Kosta Danaos/John Chang

    Paul Dong/ Rich Mooney

    BK Frantzis

    Peter Ragnar


    Are these people genuinely out to help others, or are they just after our cash.

    This could get interesting. Let's keep it civil and not let the topic turn into a slanging match.





  9. Hi everyone. This is a wonderful site. I'm looking forward to corresponding with people of similar interests who can help me on my great journey.

