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Posts posted by adept

  1. You don't seem to notice the stench of fundamentalism in your life, do you?



    That's bullshit too. you are imagining things.



    Now that's really bullshit. You some kind of fucking expert on me, HUH?


    I'm too old for this shit. I'll leave you young losers to your arguments. By now.

    I rest my case.

    • Like 1


    It might seem that way to the fundamentalist Pure Landers. Wizards, on the other hand, recognize a heap of bullshit from quite a distance.

    You have used the word bullshit in replying to two of my posts in the last 24 hours. You seem to have a problem with me.I'm sorry if what I post doesn't fit with your superior worldview.

    You're another one who disses every other practice apart from your own.

    Your ignorance of the validity of other methods shows in the manner of your posts.

    Its obvious that power has also corrupted you.

  3. Hi Adept, why do you think this happens? What, in your opinion, could be the cause(s)?

    I'm not sure why or what the causes are but I've seen really nice, polite, decent people become really nasty and horrible when given positions of power. Usually within a few days or weeks. The transformation is startling.

  4. So go be powerless, live your live powerless and die like a dog just like everyone else.


    If you want to become something more it isn't going to happen with that peaced-out nonsense you keep feeding yourself over and over.


    This is about survival, you either want to survive what's coming or you don't.


    If you want to use fantasy and religion like a narcotic and play make believe that everything will be alright that's your prerogative.


    I never said any of this or even hinted at it.

    I'm in no way powerless and don't get screwed over.

    Survival is a part of being human but you can't go over the top.

    I don't play make believe or engage in fantasy lifestyles.

    I'm not living a peaced-out, blissful existence either. I treat each situation 'as it is' and act in a suitable manner.

    But you're way of 'survival of the fittest' is back to an animalistic way of living and is not the way of the Dao.


    You live by the sword and you die by the sword.

    • Like 1

  5. I've trained a lot of people, most turned out really well, the odd one went the other way. I think TG is less likely than most folks to go in that direction (from the personal stuff I know about him). Not impossible of course, but just less likely than most.


    When you're messing with a supposed high level power, anything can happen, especially if you're not ready for it.

    For instance, murdering entire villages of innocent men, women and children, and even worse, thinking that it's OK.

  6. Stop with the silliness.


    The point is evolution.


    Nature is brutal, cruel and uncaring.


    Everything eats everything else alive.


    That's the same nature we crawled out of the trees from.


    If you want to make up sour grapes excuses, and play make believe and roleplay spirituality that's your prerogative.


    It seems to you that anything other than Mopai isn't worth practicing.

    That John Chang and the lineage that preceded him practiced 'the ultimate cultivation method' where all others pale into insignificance ? Well, if that system is ok with genocide and racism then it is the worst example of those thirsting for power.

    Power does indeed corrupt, at all levels, without exception.

  7. A violent storm will not last.

    The most extreme forms of energy will lead to immediate power and destruction.

    Like Hitler and Stalin.

    One may admire that type of force

    -- and many people did, as evidenced by the dictator's thousands of blinded supporters--

    But that power is a short-lived and disappears like a blink of an eye.

    It will not last.


    If the immortal pursuit is eternal and everlasting,

    and represent true power,

    will you find it in imbalanced and extreme energy?

    The Tao has nothing to do with violence.

    It is the long-lasting truth.


    What is Qi?

    It is life.

    And if Qi is life,

    how can you limit its development to meditation and the meditation mat?

    Can you only accumulate qi while you have a plug in your perineum?

    That is a narrow view.


    Everything is energy.

    Spirit is energy.

    Body is energy.

    Mind is energy.

    It is only a different matter of frequency.


    Compassion, wisdom, and equanimity is an certainly an expression and accumulation of a type of energy.

    Power, destruction, and anger is also a type of energy.

    Sincerity is also a type of power as well.

    Energy, and life as we know it, is merely how you fulfill it.

    Everyone has a choice.

    Everyone has to live with the consequences of those choices as well.


    Thank you, that is very fitting to this thread.

  8. Liao sifu, Chang's teacher slaughtered an entire village filled with men, women and children. He was still more advanced than 99.99999% of everyone alive on earth today.


    I read the book years ago and this story actually made me feel sick to the stomach.

    These are supposed to be 'high level cultivators', whatever that means.

    How people do such things is beyond me.

    We don't even know if that story is true. It could have been included in the book for 'entertainment' purposes.

    Sick, twisted and racist.

  9. What you think is spirituality is not.


    Being at peace has nothing to do with your spirit.


    Equanimity has nothing to do with your spirit.


    Wisdom has nothing to do with your spirit.


    Compassion has nothing to do with your spirit.



    You could be worse than Hitler, worse than Genghis Khan, and still be more spiritually developed than Mother Theresa or the Dali Lama, if you you were training in a legitimate method like mo pai, and were able to dedicate your entire life to it.


    Caterpillars turn into butterflies, but working in soup kitchens isn't a requirement for that metamorphosis.


    Yes, I agree, but racism ?

  10. ...

    What about a book exchange?


    I'm in the UK too, south London.



    Well, I am trying to clear out so replacing one book for another doesn't make much sense.

    However, if there's anything that catches your eye and you have something I might be interested in, maybe we could swap.

  11. That's why all Caucasians were expelled.


    Whatever the intentions were of this, it is racist. Banning teaching of a supposedly high level practice to people because of their skin colour ? However you dress it up it's racist. If this is what these high power practices do for you then thanks, but no thanks.

  12. I don't think qi = mind, since how to get the strongest qi is to blank the mind :P.


    I disagree. To 'blank' the mind, one would become like a stone or an animal carcass. Or as it's also known, dead tree zen.

    To 'blank' the mind would leave it in a fixed state. In this way, qi would stagnate and cause health problems.

    Similar to meditators that focus on one point, such as the dantian or third eye. If qi is allowed to gather in one place it causes numerous problems, both physical and mental.

    However, to empty the mind, leaves it in a flexible mode, where it is left to work, without any thought distractions. The thoughts recede into the background but are still there.

    There is a big difference between 'blanking' and emptying.

    'Blanking' suggests using force to block out the 10,000 things. Whereas, in emptying, the mind is left to settle on it's own accord without any interference, allowing myriad possibilities.

    Quintessential wu-wei.

    Blunting the sharpness.