I know qigong practice gradually develops a certain level of internal qi awareness, but how can a person become fully aware of their internal energies?
I have been reading one of Dr. Pang Ming's books and he outlines a few different ways to develop various "psychic" abilities that allow you to diagnose others such as:
- tòu shì (internal vision)
- gǎn yìng (sensory reaction diagnosis method)
- gǎn zhī (direct knowledge)
- Learning to see qi with your eyes
I have also heard of other practices like samyama on the manipura chakra developing the ability to feel all your internal channels, and Daniel Ingram claims that during a period of intense kasina meditation practice during a retreat he was able to feel all of his chakras and meridians. Although he noted that all of his experiences might have been hallucinations since kasina practice tends to cause those.
I wondered if these or any other practices would eventually enable one to diagnose their own blockages, qi amount and quality in various organs, as well as being able to sense and differentiate between yin and yang qi, shen, acquired jing and prenatal jing, etc...
Having detailed feedback like that would be invaluable to someone's practice.