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About River

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Pangu Shengong

    I hope so too. I’m glad you asked the question. I should have done that whenever I started all this. It could have me a lot of life.
  2. Pangu Shengong

    I mean…how do we know anything? You can tell that the presence is still there. I think he has a hard time disconnecting from certain people, I’m sure this doesn’t happen to everyone. I just wanted to speak up and warn people that this could happen to them.
  3. Pangu Shengong

    Hm, that’s ironic because one of the reasons I chose him was that he wasn’t part of a lineage. I had had bad experiences in the past with other ‘lineage’ teachers. I reached out to him in 2017 for an in-person session to remove the constant energetic presence and harassment of Tenzin ‘Rinpoche from the Bon lineage, another creeper who psychically had been attacking me for 8 years. At the time the in-person session did help and the lurking diminished after some time. Sadly, since then they’ve commingled and become great friends. But yeah the master title is pretty arbitrary and, IMO, just as irrelevant as any other title from any lineage.
  4. Pangu Shengong

    I guess things can get out of control and you never know where you might end up.
  5. Pangu Shengong

    I never read the books in any kind of detail. The storyline seems a little far fetched and self serving - understatement, I know. What I can attest to is that during this time there has been an enormous importance placed on sexual energy to the point of obsessive sexual harassment. I purposely gained a ton of weight to make sure my figure does not in any way stir more of this sexual harassment. I also believe that he places ‘marks’, kind of like land mines, (I call them military bases) on your chakras so that his energy that he leaves behind can be reactivated at a later time. I feel like I’ve been scarred for life by these sexual attacks and no, I don’t consider them as making spiritual progress.
  6. Pangu Shengong

    Interesting… I wouldn’t think of practice as necessarily creating dependence. In what way do you mean? I stopped the little bit of practice I was doing after the first session. I think it had to do with not being able to practicing on my own given that he didn’t disconnect from me.
  7. Pangu Shengong

    It’s not easy to write about this and there is a lot there. Basically he just never disconnected from me following the sessions. At first, I considered it extra attention to my situation and a sign of kindness, but as time went on his influence became more and more controlling and creepy and he would energetically find more and more reasons to stick around. I wish I had some warning that this was a possibility, I never would have reached out. Whatever help I received pales in comparison to the harm he’s caused and keeps causing. I believe he deliberately displaces your own intuition and trust in yourself to his own energy. It’s hard to keep your bearings and it’s very destabilizing. His ‘help’ consists of making you dependent on him instead of restoring your integrity and getting you back on your feet. As much as I try to disconnect it becomes impossible. There is more to the story, but this is the gist of it. What made you stop practicing?
  8. Pangu Shengong

    Hi, Not sure if this is relevant to your question, but I’ve had very bad experiences with Ou Wen Wei when asking for remote healing. I’ve had in-person healing from him on and off in the last 20 years and practiced the form some. I have been helped some through those. But based on my experience since receiving remote sessions in the last 3 years I don’t consider him ethical at all and more of a predator. I was hesitant to ask for help remotely, but other friends of mine had done it so I thought I was safe. I have since found out that one passed away and the others have disavowed him. I would only recommend him to my enemies.
  9. Never Letting Go

    There has never been a contract. And just to be clear, I am talking about psychic control here, not emails or phone calls. Dissociation becomes impossible IMO when they have that type of control over you. Thanks for your thoughts.
  10. Never Letting Go

    Thank you. It’s been analyzed to death, I’m aware of what might have lead to it. The power and control I can’t seem to be able to remove. Anything you want to share about your experiences?
  11. Never Letting Go

    How do you withdraw from it?
  12. Never Letting Go

    It’s worse (for the patient/student) if the practitioner/teacher becomes dependent on them. Sadly, I have been experiencing this and was wondering if anyone else has.
  13. New person here. Wondering if anyone has experienced a healer or a teacher never letting go of their student or patient. Thanks
  14. Never Letting Go

    Yes, they don’t seem to be very motivated to change.
  15. Never Letting Go

    What made them leave eventually?