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Everything posted by daofeidao

  1. My experience with Spring Forest Qigong

    Hi @Nuralshamal Thank you for your review. From SFQ website, I can see the self study course level 1, 2, 3. But I don't see level 4. How did you start level 4?
  2. New member

    Hi, I am living in Dallas, Texas. I practice Buddhism. I also have interest in Taos and the new age movements, especially ascended masters and theosophy. I have been meditating for several years. I want to use this community to ask meditation and religion questions, or offer my humble opinions. I came to this forum because I saw a great post on Spring Forest Qiqong when I was searching more information on it. It provided great helps to me. My next post will be asking some questions on this topic. Please accept me as a member.