
Junior Bum
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About Mikao

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Hello everyone

    Thank you. _/\_
  2. Pangu Shengong

    Hello, I want to share my experience with Pangu. I’ve only been practicing for a few months, so I’m still a beginner, but I’ve noticed quite a few positive changes so far. On the physical level, I like how the exercises activate and stretch my muscles and spine—or at least parts of it. At the same time, I feel a significant amount of energy in my hands both during and after the practice. What surprised me, however, is the increased lucidity in my dreams. I’m not new to lucid dreaming, so it took me a while to identify where the changes in my dreams were coming from, and I can clearly see a connection with practicing Pangu. So far, I haven’t experienced any negatives for myself, but I also haven’t had a healing session with the master yet, so I can’t share any personal experience with healing from him.
  3. Hello everyone

    Hello everyone, I’m new here and excited to join this forum! I’m interested in tantric Buddhism, Western magic, and the realms of magic and mysticism in general. I’m looking forward to learning new things, exchanging ideas, and benefiting from the experiences of others here.