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About JadeWizard
Dao Bum
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In deep Meditation, i think there's things we do that can only be described as visualization but the reality is that we are doing "something else". That seems so vague but i don't know how else to describe it. maybe it starts out as a visualization but then progresses to something else completely if we are talking about energy. Another reason for visualization could be to create emotions and to bring awareness to a "Feeling" or a specific frequency. if you visualize winning the lottery you may observe changes in your body. visualize a negative situation your dealing with and you may notice how its actually effecting you. visualize something sexual you may actually SEE your body's reaction LOL There's a myriad of things you can do with the information from that feedback.
There was actually a few studies done on this. They had one group train regularly, one group not at all, and another only visualization of workouts with reps and all. The results actually showed that the people who visualized not only improved their performance but actually grew muscle fibers! I think it was only like 2% less that the group that did regular training. That's crazy. As Taoists, i think i speak for all of us when i say we shouldn't underestimate the power of the mind. I'm all for visualization but in conjunction with the regular training is obviously what you would want to do. This is simply a form of meditation used in Kungfu that shouldn't be overlooked if you have athletic skill goals. I think a big part of it is that you are just going deeper into the awareness of the smaller details your body thus improving the fine control of your body. You can actually grow and extend your nerves and improve control of parts of your body, and the nerves are extending from the brain. See where I'm going with this? Personally i think this gives me an edge in being good at things even if its my first time trying. I meditate a lot so my visualization is strong. Try it! Good Luck!
I actually agree with this here. In addition, more meditation as well as pandiculation exercises for the abdominal nerves. If you haven't heard about pandiculation, its basically the type of full body stretching you do instinctively when you wake up. Its when you inhale and tighten your whole body and exhale and release the tension all at the same time. This is the only way animals "stretch" (they never stretch like humans do). Pandiculation effects your nervous system profoundly and you can target areas directly with it. In your case, you would inhale and contract the abs, hold, then release it all. hope this helps! In a more Taoist light this is very similar to "buddha shows a thousand hands" in falun gong. And for meditations, one focus could be the trauma itself and releasing it, the other can be just focusing on your abdominal region and observing. Oyeah 2 more things. cardio workouts in general can help balance the nervous system on the come down. And also try magnesium sulfate baths (epsom salts). What your describing could also be apart of a magnesium deficiency and the best way for your body to absorb magnesium is through the skin. You have power over your body, you got this!
I agree, that adds to the weirdness of the whole topic. Any of us who have trained with methods in that book have also seen real results. Like if he is a lier, to what extent? I'm a martial artist and I've definitely seen teachers exaggerate stories from their past or even how people try to make it seem like this was their full lifestyle but really it was more of a 'I do this on weekends' kind of thing lol. Another example, with martial artists is how they'll talk about how they train Shaolin Kung Fu and they'll speak on the deeper arts and claim to have trained, when the reality is they never trained it traditionally, which means everyday for years. Basically what I'm saying is could it be that Wang Liping was around some serious cultivators who said he had potential and taught him many things but he didn't actually do it full time as the book makes it seem? It would make sense to me that anyone that goes to his retreat will experience seeing something mystical from him, whether he was trying to show it or not. I feel like it would be truly felt. Like, has no one asked him to play hide and seek or anything? lmao I would definitely try to silently test him, maybe throw a paper ball at him, or hide in a tree and try to scare him lmao. If he gets mad that's also a sign. I do think it's possible to show a high level of respect to someone but also respectfully ask for a demonstration or to test his abilities. In traditional martial arts, it is very normal to challenge a master before you accept them as a teacher. It should be respected that you're not just being gullible and blindly trusting him especially after paying so much money.
It's always great coming back and smirking at the many post from so many of you intelligent, wise, and enlightened people. I love knowing this community has stayed so strong all these years. Much love and appreciation to the creators 🙏 I'm at a stage in my meditations where I feel myself getting to the next level. It's getting so crazy now that it's what I look forward to the most, every chance of free time I get. I'm Nerding out heavy on Cultivation basically 😂 So I felt it would be a great time to come back and be more active.