quoting seandenty: "Some of Sifu Chang's students have waited decades, bought John Chang cars and given lavish gifts, given up their families."
Sean, how do you know that John Chang has received cars and gifts from his students. Do you personally know this for a fact....or is it again from someone else's? It seems that most of your knowledge of John Chang is from someone else (particularly David). As you have stated that David is a non-practicing student of John Chang. What is that....a non-practicing student? Is it like a non studying student? I would gather from this is that David is not a student of John Chang. Then why would John Chang go to China to help David with his leveling up if David is not a student, or a non-practicing student. If David is not learning or practicing any meditation of Mo Pai, then it is safe to say that David is not a student of John Chang. Then, how could you say anything of Mo Pai and David with any authority. Just meeting John Chang does not make David a student.
Well, this is just my ramblings.