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Everything posted by agharta

  1. For me, the single best foods I've tried have been 1. fish eggs. You have to try several kinds to find YOUR best. 2. Raw shrimp, particularly with their brains. 3. raw coconut oil. 4. Ormus preparations, including seawater precipitate, some kinds of trap water, and sodium burn m-3.
  2. Serious Offer

    "It's going to be for the chapter 9 of my forthcoming book "Wife - a legal prostitute"." Max made a funny.
  3. Being perceived

    Speaking of stalking, the Tom Brown tracker school teaches people to be able to walk right up to a wild deer and touch it. I've never gone, but I have a couple of friends who recommend his workshops highly.
  4. ho shou wu

    To Mythmaker--I really don't even eat 5% cooked, It's purely for social reasons. As far as animal products go, I have found excellent results with shellfish and fish eggs. I eat shrimp and shrimp brains. I also eat raw oysters and scallops on occasion. I enjoy several different types of fish eggs. They are truly packed with nutrition. I also eat liver, brains, kidneys, and raw lard sometimes. I find that the seafoods are very important. The seafoods have really helped my tooth sensitivity problems that came from being a fruitarian. they also have helped control the social anxiety and panic attacks that comw from being a low-fat fruitarian. The healing clays are of the utmost importance for 2 reasons. First, you need to detox all the heavy metals in our food and water. Second, they protect you from food poisoning, according to Dr. Weston Price's work with native groups in Africa and South America that use clays to stop food poisoning. I have only tried 3 kinds so far, plus the clay from the woods near my house. Terramin, a calcium bentonite, Pascalite, and Redmond Clay. You can Google all three. I get the version of Terramin sold for use with your pets, it's the same stuff, and a lot cheaper. They have helped my skin tremendously. I have had dry, inflamed patches most of my life. The clays have helped more than anything else I've tried yet.
  5. ho shou wu

    I hear that Hung Brothers in Atlanta has the good stuff. I have also ordered from Lin's Sister (name of the company) in NYC, but they don't speak much English. Plato knows the good sources in NYC Chinatown. Ask him.
  6. ho shou wu

    I know about wild animals because I have lived most of my life in an extremely rural area with lots of wildlife. Do your research. Any zoologist who has done a lot of field work knows. I agree with you Lozen, raw vegans do run the gamut from almost-dead to quite healthy, and on the exact same diet. I have not seen the same degree of variation when including some raw animal products. I am personally also a big fan of healing clays.
  7. ho shou wu

    Well, Lozen, if your hair was falling out, you were probably eating the wrong things. Veganism is almost impossible to sustain long-term, in my experience. It's foolish to talk trash about an all-raw or mostly-raw diet. Wild animals never have crooked teeth or cavities. Many humans do.
  8. ho shou wu

    My hair started turning gray when I was 25. Then I went all-raw. I haven't seen a gray hair on my head since. This is a usual thing when someone goes all raw. I'm still about 95% raw.
  9. Atlas Axis

    I have tried NCR (neurocranial recontruction), check out I have also had about 20 Alexander technique lessons, which are pretty good for this area of the body, as well as a little bit of Trager work. They are all good.
  10. zen stories

    One of my favorites: A man-eating demon decides to become a monk. (Zen, Taoist, it doesn't matter). The demon dons robes, says prayers, eats vegetarian food, or at least not people, says prayers, and in general is a good monk. After 10 years of filing down his horns and teeth and living the life of a monk, the demon gives up and kills all the monks in the place. As he is finishing drinking the blood from their corpses, the abbot of the monastery returns, surveys the scene, smiles, and says "Good! Now you are getting it, finally..."
  11. Healthy at 100

    mbanu, take a look at the research of Dr. Francis Pottenger. or Also, here is a poem translated by Thomas Cleary from a Taoist Immortal from around 1100 AD ABSTENTION FROM GRAIN By Sun Bu-er Once you can feed on the living energy, Your lungs will be in an extroardinary state of clear coolness. Forget the spirit, and there are no appearances to cling to; Merge with the ultimate, and the existent emptiness is gone. For breakfast look for wild taro roots; When hungry at night, pick wetland mushrooms. If you mix in smoke and fire, Your body will not walk on the jewel pond. find the link at
  12. Worlds oldest Person died

    Most mammals live to about 10-14 times the age of puberty. Dogs commonly live to age 14, and smaller dogs to age 20. Some have lived to age 30, and dogs hit puberty around age 6 months to 1 year. Cats live even longer. Cows hit puberty around age 2, and can live to be 20 or older. Gorillas and chimps are similar, except that gorillas usually die of blood diseases before they reach old age. Humans are alone in their short years. The ancient Taoists used ot say "120 is dying young". Dr. Francis Pottenger noted that cats eating cooked food were much sicker and died young than cats eatintg a raw diet. check out I personally believe that it's the overcooking and overprocessing of food that is the biggest cause of humans dying of aging-related diseases before reaching 120. I eat about 95% raw, and I feel a lot better when I eat this way.
  13. Are you raw curious?

    Sun, Bu-Er was a Taoist Immortal who wrote a poem about eating all raw. I myself have been all-raw for up to 18 months at a time. I currently eat about 90-95% raw, most of the time. I agree that being raw vegan can be dangerous to the health. I eat a lot of raw organ meats and fish, just like the Eskimos and plenty of other traditional groups. The French eat lots of raw meat, as well as Eastern Europeans, and some Middle Eastern societies.
  14. Cancer, Chemo... natives eating their traditional diets got cancer, but they had rates of cancer the same as anyone else when they switched to westernized modern foods. the M-3 or the Golden Dew. Don Nance runs this site and makes the products. he healed himself of terminal colon cancer using these alchemical methods.
  15. I think I got some Orgon

    Hi, Is there scientific research on Orgone? I was told that Orgone is readable by a Geiger counter, but it is not blocked by lead shielding. However, it is blocked by aluminum foil. Is this true?
  16. Aluminum

    Did it just rust? Couldn't you sand off the rust and reseason?
  17. I've been using tooth soap for the last 4 days, and it has really been great for my teeth. I recommend it highly. >I don't unfortunately eat shell fish. Would it be safe in the middle of germany, and raw? I would steam any oysters, mussels, or clams. Crab or shrimp should be all right raw. >I have recently started taking some cod liver oil to replenish my vitamin D. That should help. But I also can get raw liver if I need it. There is a good bio shop just next to the office. I would cut out the raw muscle meat and stick with raw organ meats like liver, brains, etc. Muscle rarely has anywhere near the same nutrition. Make sure you get the meats from healthy animals. >But some time I do take some pressed oat with raw unpasteurized milk. It's not fermented. According to what I've read, oats don't really need fermentation, although you can soak them overnight. Most oats, though, aren't raw, according to what I've read. I would go very easy on the grains if I were you. Eat some raw honey, raw fruit, or raw dairy for your carbs.
  18. Pietro, Dr. Weston Price's work is something you might want to look at. He studied native peoples and their teeth, and found several things that really helped cure his patients of their cavities. Here are the things that help get rid of my tooth problems: 1. Coconut oil plus something with minerals, like dulse (seaweed), or liver 2. green veggies and seaweeds alone will work, although probably better with some liver or coconut oil 3. no white flour, white sugar, or suspect vegetable oils like safflower, cottonseed, canola, or non-virgin oils of any kind 4. eat shellfish 5. Be very careful about your grains. They must be prepared properly. Fermented, whole grain, etc. 6. eat your food lightly cooked, or raw 7. Stay away from sweet foods/carbs. Eat them in great moderation. Stick with coconut oil, shellfish, greens, seaweeds, and liver or other organs.
  19. He Shou Wu/fo Ti Question

    I didn't analyze or expect it to happen. I've never thought about whether they fell out or darkened. The hairs were visible from about 2-3 feet away in good light.
  20. He Shou Wu/fo Ti Question

    If we're talking about turning gray hair dark again, I can offer my experience. I started to have gray hairs around age 25, then went 1005 raw foods. They gray hair was gone in a couple of months, and hasn't returned since, 6 years later. i still eat mostly raw, but I'm not vegan.
  21. tooth regeneration

    Avoiding refined grains, or grains that were not properly fermented, is probably a good idea. Shrimp, clams, etc. and other shellfish have really helped my teeth, as has butter oil. Lard and organ meats from healthily-raised animals are said to be good. Fruit and veggies, except for dark leafy greens, don't help much, in my experience.
  22. tooth regeneration

    I have found coconut and coconut oil to be amazingly good for teeth, both to whiten and strengthen teeth. I have also read that brushing with powdered cayenne pepper will regenerate gun tissue. IIRC, I tried this about 2 years ago and it worked.
  23. New diet research book

    Sorry, but it just isn't as simple as avoiding meat and fish. Hello? Eskimos who eat almost nothing BUT meat and fish, and have no tooth decay, heart disease, cancer, etc.. Read "nutrition and physical degeneration". It's not a cold environment or being near the poles that is the key, either, which was a bullshit theory proposed by the dietarily-clueless Juan Li a few years ago. plenty of East African tribes eat almost nothing but meat, milk, and blood, and have excellent health, no heart disease, etc. They key is the health of the animal, lack of toxins (environmental and endemic), and the body parts you eat. It's a bigger topic than one past can cover.
  24. Hi, My goal is full splits and extremely good flexibility in the pelvic area. I am looking for recommendations. I'm close to a full split, and getting closer, but not there yet. mike
  25. Magnesium 101

    again, I'm talking about facts. I never told you what to eat. Dr. Price also found that fish eggs were one of the best foods available, according to every group he studied. You can get dried fish eggs for about $28 a pound. A little goes a long way. You can also mail-order raw cow-s cream, milk, sour cream, etc. pretty easily. Go to and order their 2006 food guide for $1. You can find dozens of places to buy raw foods of all kinds, including dried fish eggs, raw butter oil, raw dairy, etc. Most Chinese TCM doctors couldn't give less of a shizzle about your health. They are no help. These are the same people who will tell you that white rice is associated with wealth, and brown rice with poverty. That's REALLL good health advice. Not.