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Everything posted by Teddy

  1. Please be my friend

    This is a great forum! We have such enlightening conversations, and you all seem so friendly. Would you like to have a friend that shares similar interests to you? I have recently moved to Hertfordshire, and am looking for friends. You would enjoy my company. I love meeting with people who share similar interests. (qigong, taiji, taoism, mysticism etc). Even if you are not in my area, please say how you made friends when moving to a new area. If you ARE in the area and you messaged me you would really be making my day; So be friendly and let me know!
  2. Eastern secret societies

    In Dan Millman's books he sometimes mentions a secret school in Japan that you find when you are ready for it. Does anyone have any idea what he is talking about?
  3. Kunlun benefits?

    Ok I am now very curious about 'kunlun'. However, I am still very unsure as to what benefits you actually get from practicing kunlun. (please dont tell me to buy the book and find out for myself thats not why I am asking this question) I know that these things are different from person to person. So, ... What benefits have you got from practicing 'Kunlun'? ...Also what benefits do you get from practicing kunlun that you dont get from qigong? Thanks
  4. Kunlun benefits?

    Thanks a lot for everybodys responces! They have made some things clearer for me. One thing I keep wondering is: There are a lot of things that give bliss and extreme experiences, eg Ecstacy, heroine etc. In the long run many of these things are very bad for you (obviously). Can everyone be sure that kunlun is safe and not damaging? Also what do kunluners actually mean by 'spiritual enlightenment'? Thanks!
  5. Does qigong GIVE you a pot belly? There is a chinese saying that a rotund belly is a sign of great inner wealth. If qigong does produce this effect, then why? Surely there is nothing beneficial to having a big lump of extra flab to carry around. I am in great shape. I do not drink, and yet I have a pot belly. I have noticed that so do a lot of qigong/nei kung practitioners. why?
  6. Tien Tao Chi kung

    Wow! Thanks for the link! This is awesome -a complete course! WOW. Has anyone followed it over the nine month period that it suggests? Is it possible to follow it and perform it correctly from the pdf alone? If so I would love people to tell me all about what it has done for them please. What, if any, beneficial side effects does it have? So far I have only read the introduction. Usually I practice Yiquan. Is there any other literature available on this 'tien tao' system in english?
  7. I have recently been researching yoga, particularly Iyengar to see if I can incorporate it in to my daily practice. However, I have found that Iyengars methods go against a lot of what my Chi Kung teacher Lam Kam Chuen has told me. ...For example... Iyengars 'Mountain pose' says that you should have locked knees -this blocks chi ...and puffed up raised chest like a soldier -this blocks chi ...and also Iyengar says that your feet should be together. To me this pose looks like the way a soldier stands, and for from being like a mountain, it raises your centre of gravity and makes you very easy to knock over. I have heard so many great things about yoga, and I am really tempted to try it. However, I am put off because of these sort of concerns. Plus, I have heard all sorts of anecdotes about yoga teachers who have damaged themselves by practicing yoga. So, I am hesitant. Can anyone allay my fears and suggest a good form of yoga to practice, because I am genuinly intriged. Thanks.
  8. Hello

    Hi. I practice Chi Kung. I joined this forum because there are so many questions that I have about Taoism, and I really look forward to talking to people who share my interest.
  9. ...so How come there are so many big fat internal martial artists? Like Bruce Frantzis etc? I agree with all the other stuff you said. Chinese internal martial arts are by far the best form of excercise that I have ever experienced. But it is an unavoidable fact that a lot of 'masters' are big fatsos.
  10. Thanks for all of your replys. Adept -I will check out yin yoga. Is this the same as Taoist yoga and Qi-yoga? ...or are these three different things? James -I am interested in yoga partly because I find the obsessive zeal of yoga fans very intriguing (there must be something good about it), but mainly because I have never seen a fat yogi. ...I could really do with losing some fat, but I dont want to use the kind of exercise that depletes chi ie, getting out of breath etc. I have managed to lose a bit of wieght since starting daily ba duan jin roughly three months ago. However, there is still a long way to go. Can anyone suggest any qigong type exercises that are good for weight loss? Ian -I am in England, near London :-) Good to see another Brit in here! Thanks also to Eric and Hagar. This is all great information! What a wonderful site. Im so happy I discovered it.
  11. Hi. I just joined this forum a few minutes ago. I quickly noticed 'Kunlun' all over the place. Id never even heard of Kunlun before coming here (and I have been fanatically researching all sorts of Chi Kung for the last half year)... So, I googled it and found the website. At first glance it seems to be either very superstitious, or scary. And at the moment I dont really trust it. Can anyone tell me more about it, and describe some of your personal experiences with it? Also, what does it have over other forms of chi Kung?
  12. Combining Hatha yoga and Thai Chi

    I have recently been researching yoga, particularly Iyengar to see if I can incorporate it in to my daily practice. However, I have found that Iyengars methods go against a lot of what my Chi Kung teacher Lam Kam Chuen has told me. ...For example... Iyengars 'Mountain pose' says that you should have locked knees -this blocks chi ...and puffed up raised chest like a soldier -this blocks chi ...and also Iyengar says that your feet should be together. To me this pose looks like the way a soldier stands, and for from being like a mountain, it raises your centre of gravity and makes you very easy to knock over. I have heard so many great things about yoga, and I am really tempted to try it. However, I am put off because of these sort of concerns. Plus, I have heard all sorts of anecdotes about yoga teachers who have damaged themselves by practicing yoga. So, I am hesitant. Can anyone allay my fears and suggest a good form of yoga to practice, because I am genuinly intriged. Thanks.