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Everything posted by zanshin

  1. LOL

    Lots of love. We used to write notes in grade school signed lol and that's what it meant.
  2. Becoming like a child... ?

    It does depend what age, but I don't agree childlike is always wanting the best and survival of the fittest. Kids like quirky things and follow their nature. Like gift of a big fancy toy and preferring to play with the box.
  3. I think celibacy and dedication to a solitary spiritual pursuit is a valid perhaps even admirable path. Much nobler than desperately seeking relationships with unrealistic expectation of the other person and relationship then continually bashing the partner over the head with blame guilt and only partially conscious agendas.
  4. You can only have so much romance anyway, I can see looking for a compatible partner, but beyond that why not let people be what they want. If not what you want keep looking- or just rest. A thread about what race is most spiritual would be offensive too, but never mind pc- it would be stupid People are individuals.
  5. 5 elements in the real world

    Spring expansion plants explode from seeds and roots, summer ascension sun and rain help crops grow tall, late summer rotation cycle of growth coming to close, fall contraction harvest cut it all down done growing, winter descending left over organic matter decomposes under snow and ice to fertilize ground for next year. And kids just lose their minds in late spring. Expanding ascending too much energy to be still and focused We need a summer break even if we're not agricultural.
  6. Seriously? It's not that unusual. Maybe you could get to know some women before you analyze us.
  7. It's a reflection of a copy of an echo of a distortion
  8. "When men lose against me, they always have a headache ... or things of that kind. I have never beaten a completely healthy man!" - Susan Polgar
  9. You can play with Tallahassee Kenny, have some compassion and leave him with bus fare. Never buy snake oil from a hamster.
  10. Don't walk into a snake pit and try to make them to kiss your feet. (obscure Arcturian proverb).
  11. i meant nurturing and teaching compassion, not talking about romantic attachments.
  12. 5 elements in the real world

    People were more linked to nature in agricultural societies, spring and fall are when you "work out" and use your muscles the most, summer time to rest and stay cool in heat of day.
  13. LOL

    Smile it can't be that bad. That's a line I don't like, I once got that line from some clueless idiot soon after I found out a relative had a terminal illness. So I told him I was thinking about that, then I told him a few other issues and all about my problems. And the idiot did agree it was sort of bad and I suppose the implication was I was at least temporarily excused from smiling. Cynical jerk that I am, this sort of made me smile- but not LOL.
  14. There's a warrior mentality that is very insidious in the culture, that men are supposed to be somehow above their bodies and their feelings. Even little boys are criticized for crying if they get hurt "be a man." But why this social programming for men? Nothing enlightened about it, someone wants warriors that will go hurt others with impunity, compassion is seen as weakness. Of course we see this in spiritual traditions too, heaven is reality, jihad, valhalla. Yeah, we should keep men, men should cry if they want to, we should hug them and kiss them a lot. Women probably are more materialistic since we tend to be the caregivers for children and families really do need a certain amount of stuff for comfort, security and even social status, but this gets taken to extremes.
  15. What is individuality?

    I think we have perception that individualist is a rebel and does their own thing. When I was a kid I was a dreamy introvert. In the 90s I was a punk rock girl, wild hair and clothes and f-you attitude to go with it. I know I wasn't as much a rebel as I thought I was, but I tried. It became sort of depressing and it wore me out. Somehow drifted back to dreamy introvert which seems to be my happy place. Can you live mostly in harmony with the status quo and still be an individualist? So many individuals and so many ways to find.
  16. Definition of happiness

    Laughing til your face hurts, falling in love, adrenaline rush, lazy Sunday morning, dancing in the kitchen, learning new tricks, helping someone out, warm bread from the oven, thinking spot by the creek. Lots of fabulous ways to be happy.
  17. What is individuality?

    And why is Dick short for Richard anyway? Rich or even Rick makes sense. Why Dick? And why is Margaret Peg?
  18. What is individuality?

    Being a modern stay at home mom is very difficult and really not a natural thing. Both isolated and under appreciated. A more natural state would be for mom and kids and men too for that matter to be surrounded with extended family and supportive community. I certainly agree better a parent than daycare, but really it does take a village. Sometimes we have to be creative in finding and making our own villages, but lots of variations on family anymore. Side tracking my own thread..
  19. Yes, lime is awful and no one should eat them. That's what my kids think. So being hot and sweaty with no lime Popsicles because the neighbor kids ate them was an unexpected level of hell. They could have had the cookies, they could have had the ice cream sandwiches.
  20. Pain

    Reality can be bliss and pain and everything in between. Now our bodies can get toughe, harderr and stronger and do more before they feel pain and start to break down and I agree it's good to challenge your body regularly, great way to stay grounded. But what about our hearts(emotional, not cardio)? Can we extend that breaking point and still feel love?
  21. What is individuality?

    Lots of good posts. But river, rivers seem like they have personalities in spades to me. Yet, rivers flow on to another river and eventually to the sea.
  22. Evolution is a word for species and dna. Evolution is driven by reproduction and the drive of individuals to spread their dna. No reproduction, no evolution. You should find a different word.