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Everything posted by zanshin

  1. Haiku Chain

    jump chump, if you dare he's waiting for the next run what a piece of work.
  2. Parts of the brain

    No that's a myth, we use most of our brain as can easily be seen with problems from even small amount of brain damage. Yes, meditation can change brain wave patterns and activate centers, but the idea that most of our brain is dormant with latent psychic powers to be tapped is a myth.
  3. It is time.........................

    There's a smaller Harley Rally Labor Day weekend in Chillicothe Ohio, maybe some year I'll go to Sturgis, I'm sorta out of place at the Chillicothe one, but it is fun.
  4. Haiku Chain

    and fix my split ends dividing oblivion where did they begin?
  5. Conscious Indulgence

    I think indulge conciously would mean in a mindful manner almost as a practice in itself, opening to the partner and experience, not guilty, half hearted or mixed feelings following where your natures take you.
  6. Spirit Guides

    Anyone know where the idea of spirit guides popular in New Age beliefs came from? Doesn't seem very Taoist to me, but is there anything similar in Chinese folk religion or other old Eastern religions? thanks.
  7. Neck muscles cause headaches

    I mean let your arms float up while keeping the muscle that runs from your the top of your shoulder to the top of your neck (upper traps and levator scapulae) relaxed. Plastic thing is called suboccipital soother, make sure technique works for you because I think a lot of money for a plastic thing, foam roller might work too.
  8. Neck muscles cause headaches

    I tried to find instruction and found you a video, this is great for headaches that start in back of head, try it with someone's help, if it helps there is a plastic thing you can position like the Dr's hand to do it yourself google suboccipital release, I didn't copy a link for the plastic thing. Also be concious of tension in jaw and eyes, sort of a positive feedback cycle all tense together, eyes soft, tongue resting on the roof of your mouth jaw soft, shoulders and shoulder blades relaxed and even better than down lightly into a V with it's apex at about the bottom of your rib cage okay. Are you hiking your shoulder blades a little when you do the movement forms, keep them relaxed just let them float up without exessive tension.
  9. Where is the mind?

    I've searched and tracked it down the trail it's left, candy wrappers, car keys, sunglasses, my left shoe strung around in all sorts of odd places, it must have come thru this way but I can't find what it is that left these sundry items about. It's not in my head or heart as I always know where those are, they do not wander.
  10. Improving eye sight

    The more you go without glasses or contacts, you'll start to realize vision has a dynamic quality and you can make some connections with what internal and external physical and psychological factors help you see more clearly. It can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be, simply being more visually engaged with your environment is a great presence and body awareness practice.
  11. Send some love

    Love and light to your father, you and all your family.
  12. 'Quiet Sun' baffling astronomers

    Even Mother Earth might have a dark side.
  13. Spirituality without an afterlife

    I believe virtue and compassion can and probably should be cultivated in the complete absence of fears of retribution and aspirations of rewards, virtue and compassion are their own rewards not about what you're going to get for it.
  14. unfinished sentences

    [ how would you finish these sentences when looking for advice __be receptive to ideas since you asked. when giving advice __be kind and constructive, criticize sparingly. when in a fight__use your judgement when fighting more than one person ___try to line them up. when choosing a teacher ___look at the whole person, are they the right example for you? if you meet someone and fall in love ___use your judgement. when you have nothing to do ___nothing has been left undone. when you feel life is testing you ___become stronger. when you have to do something that you are afraid of __it's really good for you to overcome your fears. when people don;t agree with the way you live __it doesn't necessarily mean they disagree with it either.
  15. How do you prepare your tea?

    Thanks for all the fabulous suggestions! Will definitely try some of these- no more heating water in microwave.
  16. Haiku Chain

    then rent out heaven harps, halos and wings galore where's the fireworks?
  17. what makes a home?

    Congratulations! and location, location, location. Walk around potential neighborhood with your family at different times, see if other young families out walking or playing in yards strike up a conversation see how people like it, what kind of activities accessible for kids, do they feel safe, how do they like schools? Good luck!
  18. Haiku Chain

    soar through the heavens a hot burning ball of gas lots here on earth too.
  19. Coincidently, the 5 initially named are the top 5 I do now- maybe the universe is telling me I have everything I need.
  20. Hatred and intent

    How about those family political discussions? Mine get very intense and Easter is coming. Any suggestions to be a calming influence, or at least not get upset by them? Hoping for good weather to slip out the back door with kites and the kids.
  21. Haiku Chain

    seeking clarity? I want to find both my shoes simple mysteries.
  22. Herbs for memory/brainpower/concentration

    Ginkgo and fish oil are the ones I know of. And do cardio (as long as cleared by your doctor with medical issue) to boost oxygen and perfusion to your brain and clear drugs from your system quicker.
  23. Haiku Chain

    unseen force at play it is imperceivable all play and no work.
  24. why money?

    you said you talked to this teacher after you had surgery. Did the surgeon charge money? Were you offended that this person would charge money, shouldn't he just be concerned about your life or good health? How could this surgeon be worried about something so meaningless to collect money and even bother with a billing department when he could dedicate more time to saving lives instead? I know my martial arts teacher has become more hard core about making sure people pay rather than letting them train for free in light of bad luck stories- if no one pays how can he afford to spend time teaching and pay the rent.