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Everything posted by zanshin

  1. Mastering the emotions

    I don't like it. You did say feel free to disagree, so I hope you don't get mad since your goal is not to get mad anyway First, would not want to give up all those lovely positive emotions. I do agree many people are self absorbed in daydreaming and their inner world and this can be negative. Then again perhaps there is a reason for the stereotype of musicians and artists being emotionally volatile, really creative people seem to be pretty hooked into the limbic system. Also, sometimes I think we intuitively and emotionally understand some things that are processed on a deeper level than the rational neocortex. What if you were choosing a babysitter for your child. If there was a candidate with great experience and references who objectively answered your questions well, yet made you feel anxious and tightness in your chest around them vs. another candidate with less experience who maybe was a little less articulate, but you feel relaxed and comfortable in their presence. Who do you think you should choose? Probably better to stay relaxed if someone incidentally cuts you off in traffic, but if it's something like people always driving too fast on your road for safety or a dangerous intersection, then maybe getting mad can be a catalyst for positive change.
  2. Art for Agua: Non-Profit to Benefit Raramuri Tribe

    Having read the book Born to Run I am now totally geeking out to be able to contribute and get a traditional Raramuri carved wooden ball- actually will be a birthday gift for my husband who will geek out even harder. Thanks and good luck!
  3. Getting used to the heat.

    I am curious if you happen to know and don't mind telling. What wuxing phase(s) predominate in your birth chart? Mine is heavy in metal and water. My younger son hates hot sticky weather, but loves the cold. He is fire predominant and in basement right now because I won't turn on AC- I do make some concessions at times. By wuxing, fiery foods maybe not so good, but if you are fiery person perhaps life near the sea would be.
  4. Getting used to the heat.

    Good luck and I'm jealous. I am the opposite. Today low 80s and sticky and just getting warm enough. Bones ache with the cold. Now I just have to remember to keep a sweater in the car for the summer in case have to stop at grocery store or some place they crank the AC down. I don't have advice on how to change. Wish I could tolerate cold better, but am good for a few months.
  5. Tao Te Bums

    He walked up the sidewalk toward the warm glow and the comfort within. He knew how to smile and chat; it was simple. First, he just needed to breath a little more of the crisp night air, so he turned and walked away. As he stepped off the asphalt into the darkness of the forest, he started to run. He tripped and fell, but got back up and ran faster despite the bruises he felt forming. As he wildly tore through the woods, branches whipped his face and thorns tore his skin. Heart racing, he came into a clearing and collapsed supine into crumbling leaves. The cool earth soothed his aching muscles and as his jagged breath slowed, finally he felt that cloying tight suffocated feeling he always felt deep in his lungs ease. Alone, except for the thousands of chirping insects, and perhaps, amidst the steadfast stars the multitude of bums who had come before him smiling down. Tomorrow, he thought, he should find his way back, but for now in tranquility he slept.
  6. Cottage Cheese + Flax Seed Oil

    I think low fat cottage cheese might give a strange consistency, the oil should emulsify with the fat, and then the fat carries the oil for the health benefits. Sometimes fat is good.
  7. Cottage Cheese + Flax Seed Oil

    I just tried it. Didn't read all the links and video, but twice as much cottage cheese as flax seed oil, stirred til emulsified, topped with luscious non-supermarket strawberries fresh picked from the yard. Tasty, pretty much like regular cottage cheese. Now I am waiting for genetic activation and strength. As long as it doesn't make my gray hair go away, it should be fine. Have decided all this marketing to make women do things not to look older is crap. This gray streak that has grown in front of my hair since I stopped putting chemicals on my head to hide it is awesome. People have become much more polite and even offer to help me carry heavy things, which I usually turn down, because even though I don't have strength I like the exercise. It also seems to have improved my powers of invisibility in certain situations. But, now as I go to work in yard to get some more good food growing, am hoping for the power of strength. Will drink a glass of water first.
  8. lesson 1

    The need for salvation fades to emptiness along with numerous necessary things we didn't need.
  9. walking chi kung I like this too. Now I am pumped. Gonna walk about 1/2 hour to the coffee house, drink wine and listen to music. Wonder if there is a drunken stumbling home Chi Kong?
  10. walking chi kung

    I just found Guolin myself. Interesting story and here is link to basic method And story
  11. walking chi kung

    Basics of Drayer's Chi Running andWalking program I have seen before on internet. It sounds like a pretty good idea, but people who have taken seminar seem exaggeratedly weird and prancey. I am curious if "walking Chi Kong" is similar or something different?
  12. Ninja Hit Squad

    Just sent my application Pretty sure you poseurs will never find it though.
  13. I tried pinning and asking for something similar for healers in Healing Circle and so far only Clarity posted.
  14. Are you a mature and responsible adult?

    Hell to the no!
  15. Serendipitous. My son asked me about boxing classes today. If he will read the site and keep interested maybe I'll consider it for summer break. We have a heavy bag in the basement from my karate days.
  16. I just did an experiment with a pulse oximetry. (SaO2= blood oxygenation and 92 to 100% considered normal. ) Normal breathing Heart rate 68, SaO2 99 or 100% Inhale to LDT and held 2 min Pulse went down to mid 60s SaO2 to 95 Interesting that my heart knew to slow down instead of going into panic mode to speed up. Also that SaO2 only to 95 as I really did feel I needed to breath by 2 min but was able to do controlled exhale and back to normal breathing without gasping or anything. I didn't look if my face turned red. I am quite pale anyway so does not take much. About 1 1/2 min normal breathing. HR sped up a little to low 80s to high 70s til SaO2 back to 100 then all back to baseline. I think any breath holding would likely be a terrible technique for most elderly or those in poor health as their baseline likely in low 90s so any drop could be bad for the brain. Trying to see if people will improve baseline with learning simply to breath correctly would be an interesting experiment for those who teach qigong for those groups. Pulse ox costs about 100$ ( US). I was surprised that my number stayed well within normal range with 2 min hold inhale.
  17. Countermeasures after eye surgery

    Vision links
  18. Countermeasures after eye surgery

    I had similar surgery about 12 years ago. They removed vitreous humor which is thick jelly like fluid in back of eye, lasered the retina down, then the back of the eye fills up with aqueous humor from front part of eye which is more watery and does not pull on the retina so much. My vision was basically okay within few weeks, but I really can sympathize. It seemed like it took forever for my perception and equilibrium to get better. Was just starting in qigong back then and did not really understand the energetics and perhaps I still don't. I wondered if I had a little stroke or if something happened with my inner ears after surgery just felt really off. Eventually got better, can't remember specifics but seemed like slowly over a year or 2. Still if I scan my body when relaxed a vague feeling of asymmetry. I did lose some peripheral vision and few years ago that got better, but now getting some cloudiness that maybe I should get checked. Really don't want doctors to mess with me again. I did use some bates methods techniques back when first happened and got some improvement in vision in both eyes, but have not continued or been very diligent in it. I think I will resume and try to learn more from the link on Meir Schneider too. Good wishes and energy to her and hope she can find some ideas to make recovery better and shorter.
  19. I learned a variation as a running technique. It seems like doing an activity like running or swimming might be better in keeping the body relaxed than being still.(from qigong teacher not track coach type breathing, never mind details will make whole thread even more confusing, still little different than others given).
  20. Natural unforced breaths will help lung capacity and keep blood oxygenated, but not so much of a "legal epo" effect. Then again probably better place to start for beginners who breath incorrectly and not very fit.
  21. Yes, I think it was just a friendly smiley face. You guys remember when Lance Armstrong got busted for blood doping with epo? Holding that inhale as in initial post does something similar to increase hematocrit and red blood cell production. An hour and red faced does seem excessive. The way to monitor for safety would be to watch heart rate and blood pressure. A little red faced might be okay but not to point of getting really dizzy. Cloud hands physiologically Is something different and also a good technique.
  22. Found another article dated 2013 that shows him still based at a Chinese institute and involved in research. I think he's still in China.
  23. what would you say?

    to the universe? You're gonna need a lot of tea.
  24. what would you say?

    Stay relaxed.
  25. Sometimes we build our own prison, fortunately I'm a really crappy carpenter.