Jing Attiig

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About Jing Attiig

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  1. Greetings, What do you see when you look at the world - in respect to the human condition ? Do you think that our current approach to educating ourselves and our children is adequate enough to sustain life on this planet ? What is your view ? Are we headed down a path of self/planetary destruction or will things work out for us all ? Are our politicians taking us further and further into a downward spiral, or do you think they are taking into account the necessary changes that must be made to ensure our survival ? Do you think that the current level of control that the media corporations have over what we see, hear and feel everyday in our lives is beneficial to us, things like aspiring to look beautifully (photoshopped) and desiring to to be accepted by our peers even to the detriment of our physical, mental and spiritual health ? Is it beneficial for us to be competing against each other to obtain as much of the earths resources as possible, just to be 'the most advanced' country in competition with other countries, all the while literally bleeding the planet dry. The way of the Tao - is to fall into line with universal harmony - the current human way of life is in harmony with the exact opposite - self destructive annihilation. I wonder, what are your views, do you think we can change enough before it's too late, or have we already overstepped the mark ? Jing Attiig Ordained Taoist Warrior Monk www.taowushin.com
  2. Hi Guys Tao Wu Shin Monastery Forum Have you seen the latest Tao Wu Shin Monastery web-site. It is a Taoist Temple online. We have just opened a forum section and would love for you to feel free to post topics and submissions. The site is constantly being updated. Thank you for your support ven Jing Attiig Tao Wu Shin Warrior Monk [email protected]
  3. Hi Guys Tao Wu Shin Monastery Forum Have you seen the latest Tao Wu Shin Monastery web-site. It is a Taoist Temple online. We have just opened a forum section and would love for you to feel free to post topics and submissions. The site is constantly being updated. Thank you for your support ven Jing Attiig Tao Wu Shin Warrior Monk [email protected]
  4. The Human Problem

    anyone that you know about, or think you know about, does not exist separately from the tao, and does not exist separately from you. all things are one with the tao - from the smallest of ants apparently living only a few days to the oldest of immortals apparently living 1000's of years. only one'self can 'perceive' perfect harmony with the tao - and only at the point of 'no-perception'. in the space of 'no-perception' one will not perceive of any other being in existence as at this point there is simply, only one, and that ons is Tao. returning to the source is itself illusory as there has only ever been one location in existence - the source or the end - it's all one. nothing returns to the tao because nothing leaves the tao, though if one were to 'return to the source', that very same source is actually one with 'the one returning to the source', anything that happens from there onward is completely at one with itself, no matter what happens. "ALL FINDING EMPTINESS AT 'THE END' - EMPTINESS SIMPLY BEING THE 'SOURCE-POTENTIAL' OF ALL. EMPTINESS AND 'THE END' BEING ILLUSORY CONCEPTS - LISTEN FOR THE SOUND BENEATH STILL FEET ?"
  5. How does Taoist immortality work?

    Awareness, Immortal - undying - unborn. Stilling the mind, Perceiving no body, no thought, no thing, non-perceiving. The Tao - no life, no death. The Tao - Beyond life, beyond death. What is immortal, that does not die and is not born ? What is not immortal, that watches the process of 'death' ? When All is Tao. Wondering how many different Tao's are there for there to be so many different 'schools of Taoism'. All being the Tao. Stilling the mind, leaving schools behind, leaving traditions behind, leaving everything behind, but one cannot leave the Tao behind. Would one cultivate the mortal to become immortal - in mind - when one is already Tao BEYOND mortality AND immortality ? a guestly cultivation - interesting www.taowushin.com
  6. The Human Problem

    an atom is programmed to function as an atom - a tree is programmed to function as a tree - a brains programmed function is to be continously programmed by environmental/experiential input. there is only one living thing in all of existence, and that is infinite spirit - undistinguished and undefinable TAO - everything else is programmed illusion - 'matter', which is itself immaterial ie. illusory everything other than the 'aware animating force' is programmed to be what is - functioning perfectly as it is needed to function - and it is incapable of being anything other than the perfectly programmed expression of TAO. do you think that you have a body that is alive ? do you think the molecules and atoms of a 'machine' are any different to the molecules and atoms of a 'human' body ? all of these concepts exist within an infinitely complex entanglement of human thought all of which are illusory, all of which hold you from observing as close to immediate perception of Mind as is possible as a human being - ie. 'awake' - and not one of those thoughts is capable of being awake or even alive. the only living thing in the universe is the "aware animating force" that is beyond the concept of TAO - that is you - and that cannot be defined, grasped or understood. All those who comment here seem to understand perfectly - the Tao which cannot be explained, interpreted, grasped or understood - this is not the eternal TAO - it is simply the self-centred desperate pursuit of thoughts scrambling to be significant. Me Me Me. Not a single being in all of existence has ever grasped TAO. Belief - memory - understandinng - intellect - opinion - views - judgements are all simply self arguing with self - illusion - a result of the environmental programming of the human brain - labelled 'thought'. While you are focused on watching 'thinking' you will not directly percieve 'Mind that is not Mind' - you will percieve illusory concept after illusory concept after illusory concept all scrambling for significance - because you are stuck within your tiny little head - thinking. All the illusions 'to be unlearned' are 'unlearned' the very moment you step outside of your head' for outside of your head there is 'no-thing' in existence. "what is the sound that cannot be distinguished ?" The moment you think - you fall into dreaming. Sweet dreams - to all who think they know. www.taowushin.com
  7. Quick Poem

    As humans do and go, We seem to enjoy argumentation. Discussing things against each other, As if only One is ever right. Were we to release ourselves from any thought, And feel this mind, just for a second, A whole universe would become apparent and clear, Before we ever think - we see, there is sight. One can know this in an instant, In fact One already does. Why bother thinking and hoping and dreaming away, Sit back, watch, observing that which is thus. If one needs direction or purpose, In this everlasting flow, a question of HOW? Just allow your-Self to rest for a second, To see the answer, re-FOCUS on where you are, RIGHT NOW ! www.taowushin.com for those in need of aid or perhaps just stimulation, in this wondrous and magnificent . . . . WHAT ?
  8. a thing known

    Whatever is known, is known now. Would you leave it, and enter into understanding ? Would you cling to it, In hopes of knowing more ? Would YOU come into the question, and distinguish an existence of duality, a cloud - merely transformation in the sky. To be, freely, is what is truth, then, truth will belong to you, as your heart is your own, all things instantaneously become known. The flame in motion, returning that which will or would be, into that which is . . . .
  9. The Human Problem

    23/11/2009 The Human Problem The human brain is a programmed machine. It serves the function of interpreting and storing electrical signals or information so as to provide a means to exist more and more economically in accord with the information that enters through the senses. Simply put, it evolves the human experience by adapting to the requirements of the environment. Our brains are being purposefully programmed with information that is designed in a particular fashion, and, doing as it has been created to do, the brain evolves in accordance with that information. But what if that information has been designed to de-evolve the brain, to make access to its functioning more and more limited and therefore limit the human experience to only a fraction of its true capability. One would have to be concerned at this prospect. When focused on thought, One is functioning within a very limited spectrum of light. All the programs and fears and problems of the human existence exist here, in thought. And so, obviously, the solution must be 'not in thought''. If that is where all the problems lie, ALL OF THEM, then the solution cannot exist there, and so then, it is a simple solution, one that exists outside of thought. Outside of thought, is an unlimited capacity. And the marvelous functioning of the brain serves that as one leaves the dimensions of thought, all the problems and fears that exist there also leave. Simply put, everything sorts itself out. And the true capacity of the brains functioning returns. One becomes unlimited. Each and every problem that you have, only exists within thought. The very second you leave thought, you leave the problem also. The trees and the wind and the birds will not even bother about your problem, and your breath cares not for myriad things. When an infinte world of existence lies just outside your head, why waste time worrying of the dust, of ancient out-of-date thinking ? www.taowushin.com
  10. Do you hear a thought and then follow it? or Do you see a thought and then follow it? If you do either of the above, are you the thought, or that which is doing the following of the thought? If you do neither of the above, then what are you that is seeing or hearing the thought and not following the thought? contemplate the question diligently and you will become aware of the answer p.s a yahoo i.d allows instant messaging, Jing Attiig now has yahoo i.d, and is more than happy to do instant messaging with anyone interested and who also has Yahoo Instant Messaging or MSN thank you and the best of health to all those that need it Ven. Jing Attiig [email protected]
  11. Perception...

    If one were to observe a woman giving birth to a child, but there were screens covering the bottom half of her body, so all you could see was her upper half, and you had no previous awareness of what was happening here, would you not percieve this experience as 'bad', and against the womans wishes to be experiencing this torture and suffering? When the screens are removed, understanding is no longer limited to perception, all makes sense, is this suffering still percieved as 'bad'? Can you see the limits of perception? To percieve is to interpret that which is, to filter it through knowledge, to gain a solid understanding of that which is un-solid and ever-changing. A most interesting observation. Jing
  12. Go with the flow

    A leaf floating atop a river, The natural flow of which, carrys it. The leaf and the water envelope the same experience, Going and coming, together, always with and never against. One who seeks is trying to swim upstream, As all the force of the river pushes against, The seeker will suffer to struggle, Until to realize the river will carry them effortlessly, And finding that which they seek in the journey afloat.
  13. When you were born...

    When you were born you had no clothes, no food, no toys, no views, no opinions, no beliefs. Then you were given food, which you used to survive, but you were not your food. Then you were given clothes to protect and keep you warm, but you were not your clothes either. Then, as you grew a little, you were given toys to play with, but you were certainly not your toys. As you grew a little more you were given views, and opinions, and beliefs, but you were certainly not those either. Now, when you outgrew your clothes, you got rid of them, and when you outgrew your toys, you got rid of them too. Have you still got your views, your opinions, your beliefs? Do you still think they are you? Why have you held onto these things, and why do you think these things are you? These things were given to you by external sources, family, society, education etc, and yet you hold onto them as if they were your very existence. If i offer you some sweets, and you refuse them, i must keep them for myself, you have nothing to do with them. It is no different with views, and opinions, and beliefs, but you held onto them in your early childhood, an act you have not yet ceased. When you were born, did you have your body? Were you your body then, if so what are you now? It certainly looks like a different body. It certainly feels like a different body. Is it the same one? Or were you that which was aware of your body, as you are aware of your thoughts? Do you have your thoughts, are they you? Or are you that which is aware of your thoughts? Are they even your thoughts? You are the awareness that is aware of all these things. I am the awareness that is aware of all these things. That which never changes, that which never dies, that which is always there. That which is AWARE of ALL-THAT-THERE-IS. You and I are ONE, that ONE which is TAO.
  14. When you were born...

    When you were born you had no clothes, no food, no toys, no views, no opinions, no beliefs. Then you were given food, which you used to survive, but you were not your food. Then you were given clothes to protect and keep you warm, but you were not your clothes either. Then, as you grew a little, you were given toys to play with, but you were certainly not your toys. As you grew a little more you were given views, and opinions, and beliefs, but you were certainly not those either. Now, when you outgrew your clothes, you got rid of them, and when you outgrew your toys, you got rid of them too. Have you still got your views, your opinions, your beliefs? Do you still think they are you? Why have you held onto these things, and why do you think these things are you? These things were given to you by external sources, family, society, education etc, and yet you hold onto them as if they were your very existence. If i offer you some sweets, and you refuse them, i must keep them for myself, you have nothing to do with them. It is no different with views, and opinions, and beliefs, but you held onto them in your early childhood, an act you have not yet ceased. When you were born, did you have your body? Were you your body then, if so what are you now? It certainly looks like a different body. It certainly feels like a different body. Is it the same one? Or were you that which was aware of your body, as you are aware of your thoughts? Do you have your thoughts, are they you? Or are you that which is aware of your thoughts? Are they even your thoughts? You are the awareness that is aware of all these things. I am the awareness that is aware of all these things. That which never changes, that which never dies, that which is always there. That which is AWARE of ALL-THAT-THERE-IS. You and I are ONE, that ONE which is TAO.