soaring crane

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Everything posted by soaring crane

  1. State of the Board - April 3, 2014

    WTG Trunk, and all the rest of you mod-squadders! You all really do a tremendous job and most all of us appreciate it :-)
  2. new verses of the DDJ

    What if it said: Therefore the great and fully matured man Stays on the path of the substantial reality And doesn't while away his time with meaningless distractions ?
  3. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    Thanks! That's what I expected. It's very advanced practice you're describing here. A slow, slow controlled exhale after holding the breath for so long is a tough challenge. I've done this in the past but never progressed to the point where it felt effortless. But since you posted, I've been experimenting again :-) Note to others: This isn't like swimming under water, or breath techniques when running, or any of that stuff. And it's only one of countless breathing techniques which can be put into qigong practice.
  4. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    ChiD - can you describe the process of exhaling a little more in detail? Is it controlled and slowed diwn, or is it a total letting go of all tension, or is it something in between? Should it be silent? Or a big gush if expelled air? Thx
  5. Intellectualism is for wimps

    haha, Boy, that was a great post, a wonderful idea, thank you!
  6. Good websites to help avoid fapping

    this was worth the click: Cherokee tale of Two Wolves: One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. “One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” “The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
  7. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    well, in those cases, maybe you shouldn't assume the worst. And you should by now know that RV is a sweetheart. Anyway, good on you for the apology!
  8. "Reverse" g'Tummo - Yi/Magnetic Version

    A very interesting post (as usual), SoG. It's an interesting twist, never encountered it before. It's interesting that you don't produce heat. Remember the Kung Fu TV series, the episode where Cain gets locked in the hot box for a day? Reminded me of him, haha. One point though - the sauna at your gym isn't 280°F (~140°C). The hottest saunas in the world are ~120°C, and they're for serious specialists, and kept extremely dry (Finnish style). The super hot sauna cabins at the place i go to are 90°C (but they pour liquid on them). I used to go to a place that had a 100°C "Pro Sauna", but it was dry. So long as it's dry heat, it's no problem to stay for a longer time. Last thing, the level you sit at make a huge difference. Sauna cabins here typically have three levels and the temp difference between the upper and lower level is huge. With steam, 45°C is already quite hot. I can't recall being in a steam room over 50-55°C.
  9. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    ugh Rainbowvein is one of the nicest, most respectful people to grace this website. She asked a valid question in a friendly tone, and you lash out her with defensive derision, revealing a hell of a lot more about yourself than any qigong techniques you care to describe. In my opinion, you owe her an apology now.
  10. What are you reading right now?

    and I've got a crush on Granny Weatherwax Also, the Nac Mac Feegle! And pretty much all of them. I do have quite a collection, but no newer books.
  11. new verses of the DDJ

    Hi Stosh - I'm not 100% clear on what you're asking. You mean the butterfly dream? Or Ch 38 (nee Ch 1) of the Laozi? Short continuation on ZZ and the butterfly -- he was a brilliant humorist and satirist, and just a bit cynical. A troll in today's terms. It's not meant to be profound; it's a biting commentary on his contemporaries in the philosophical circles. That passage was like a spider's web spun to catch flies. There was no doubt in his mind about his own manhood, and anyone who breathes through their heels should be grounded well-enough to know if he's a bug or not I didn't make this evaluation up (and I didn't channel it, haha). It's an argument that has been put out there by modern scholars, and it's the one find most likely. In either event, it's probably better to open up a new thread, no?
  12. What are you reading right now?

    And I have neither, so it seems I have something new to look forward to, thanks :-)
  13. What are you reading right now?

    I prefer German translations! Wahrlich :-) Which Zhuangzi translation?
  14. What are you reading right now?

    Feeling a Pratchett urge coming on ... hmmm... which one?
  15. singing bowl

    nice, I didn't know it was known outside of Germany
  16. Icedude didn't get a chance to really show his full potential. From the short preview I saw, I'd be wary betting against him.
  17. What is Taoism? (Seriously)

    I'm wondering if maybe someone else should be writing the book ... goodnight from CET
  18. hey now ... I expected my thread over there to get ignored. It was just one of those spontan Dingsbums. But it is peaceful, isn't it?
  19. Haiku Chain

    Pause; lighthouse signals, after lonely months adrift, hope in the distance.
  20. You wouldn't get better than 9 to 7 on that one. Too easy.
  21. haha, it'd be fun to send them to the Tin Hatters at the site you mentioned above but which shall remain nameless.
  22. singing bowl

    I recorded the background music for a qigong dvd with my bowls and gongs. A friend loaned me a pro mixer and mics. The sound was good enough for being put way in the background on an instructional dvd but as I mentioned earlier, just nothing like the live experience. A big challenge is the noise made by the striker and or rubber. You hear either the thump or rubbing. This is the most successful klangschalen recording that I have in my collection: Deuter, Nada Himalaya
  23. new verses of the DDJ

    I went looking once. Looking and finding. Yep. I looked inside. I looked at the valleys in the landscape of the body; there are quite a few of them there. There are valleys between the fingers. There are valleys between the toes. There's a valley between the lungs and between the breasts, and another one between testicles. All the inward yin curves along the back of the body, the hollows of the knees, the lumbar spine, the nape of the neck, are valleys. There's a deep valley between the kidneys and there's a beautiful, expansive, magical valley between the twin mountains the make up both halves of the brain. She's hiding there somewhere, calling ... Marble .... Head ... come find me :-)
  24. Good websites to help avoid fapping

    hahaha what'll the internet come up with next? I mean, the idea is really quite honorable and wholesome. But the title! lololol