soaring crane

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Everything posted by soaring crane

  1. Haiku Chain

  2. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    First - stop consuming so much. We're a family of three and used under 3400Kw in 2012, about a third of the average for a US household. Next - those technologies can easily produce more than any society, including the USA, can ever consume. The problem is the bottlenecking in the grid. That's what my engineer colleagues tell me, anyway.
  3. Haiku Chain

    I like Ginger though My desert island woman remains Mary-Ann
  4. Itchy scrot from Iron Crotch

    If you have 20 minutes to spare, spend them with this video. If not (trust me on this one) skip to the 10:30 mark: :D
  5. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    I have connections to the heat pump industry here in Germany. They're best for new-installs with floor heating. There are better options for renovations/updates. The most critical aspect of a heat pump is actually the installation. Quality units (do not buy Chinese, at lest not yet) are generally very dependable but the installer can quickly make a mess of it. The company I work with offers very expensive training for their customers (installers). The cost outlay for the schooling offsets the service costs to the company by a good margin. As far as saving the world (whatever that means) whatever became of the Graphene revolution? Last I heard, there were already a few hundred patents approved for all possible future uses of the wonder-material.
  6. Lou Reed R.I.P.

    Auf Wiederhören ...
  7. Haiku Chain

    fill all hollows in eyes and ears and nose and mouth and the Fundament!
  8. Haiku Chain

    one for holy ghost oh, the temptation is great halloween so close
  9. Man lived to the age of 256

    we can tell, thanks :-) And thank you Mudryah for the post. Yang Jwing-Ming has the story and photo of Li Qing Yuan in his book on muscle/tendon changing. Whether the story is accurate or not, the photo is just amazing!
  10. What exactly is a dan tien?

    I mentioned a book a few posts back
  11. What exactly is a dan tien?

    wei qi = knight in shining armor I enjoyed your entire post, btw
  12. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Buddhist The line isn't between Chinese and Indian, it's between pre-Buddhist and post-Buddhist Chinese. For locations and physical make-up of DT's, I also feel Yang Jwing-Ming's book Embryonic Breathing explores the question intelligently. I train a few times a year with Austrian students of his and they point out the physical aspects of the 'energy centers'. The most profound for me is the middle DT, the diaphragm, seat of the Huang Ting (see info under my name, lol). It may not be traditionally accurate, but I view it now as the line of horizon between the sky and the ground while gazing across an expansive landscape, at dawn. (hope that link works for)
  13. ...

    I hope I don't detract too much from the original intent of the thread, especially being a complete outsider to the subject, but I do believe this is a significant issue. The foot is an integral part of the chain of human biomechanics, and it plays a crucial, central role. Cushioned shoes with built-up heels effectively remove the foot's arch and the Achilles' tendon from that chain; this has many very profound negative effects. To the question of being prepared for battle, I also say it's a better idea not to wear that kind of shoe in the first place. ChiDragon wrote this: "Again, in this case, his heels are too high which will cause all his weights to lean forward. Thus that will make him very difficult to balance himself." And I would ask, how can a person drop the heels to the ground if they're being propped up by 2cm of EVA foam?
  14. ...

  15. ...

    Hi - is this a an open thread? I'm very interested in Bagua, but have no chance to learn locally. I'll be attending a weekend intensive Bagua workshop end of November, taught by Peter Schwarz from Austria. To the videos I'd like to ask about the shoes, especially in the first one. I think huge, puffy heels like those must interfere terribly with one's footwork. I would have trouble maintaining posture doing much simpler Qigong if I had those things on my feet. Shouldn't students be in flat, thin-soled shoes?
  16. Haiku Chain

    what am I saying? Zeep, gorble, pazinga pow! I don't know, either.
  17. Reconnective Healing

    It was a reaction to the person, the man in the vest; I was reiterating what Turtle had written previously. I would never entangle my energies with someone like this.
  18. Reconnective Healing

    absolutely - run away!
  19. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    Is there a chance you didn't read the OP all the way through, TM? :-)
  20. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    It's a process of elimination. To learn what a thing is, eliminate all that it isn't.
  21. Baby Crane - video

    Hi, I just posted a video to my practice page: I wanted to draw attention to it because it's Soaring Crane form (I took this name because this is the first long form that really resonated with me an It's still my favorite). I don't know how many TTB members are even aware of this form. It belongs to the newer Forms but has a very very interesting history behind it. It's relatively well-known here in Germany due to Petra Hinterthuer who brought it to Europe and integrated it into the teacher's certification program of the German Qigong Society. In the video ... well, I explain it under the link. Enjoy PS - the music in the video is one of my favorites for Qigong gorups. It's calld 'Fantastic Oboe Dreams' by German composer/musician 'Thors'. I've seen his CDs available at, they're worth looking for, really.
  22. Lower back pain in meditation

    The two office videos are 'private' - can't view them. But the others are very nicely done, thank you!
  23. Lower back pain in meditation

    is that you?
  24. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    As you wrote, it's not strictly 'theist' but there's a tremendous and evolving pantheon of Taoist Deities/Gods. Each sect has their subset.