soaring crane

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Everything posted by soaring crane

  1. Li Jin-fei

    Mr Fok in Cockermouth... Is this a Monty Python skit?
  2. yes, that fairtrade label/system is one of the flimsiest of the sort. I wouldn't and don't put much faith in it at all.
  3. Let's rename the Like button the Noteworthy button

    you know, another alternative would be to do without the whole idea.
  4. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    Regarding general weight loss, my wife has struggled with it for ... decades. Now she has a personal dietician and the plan is working. The most important factor in the plan is that she eats three meals a day, and absolutely nothing else. She has to leave an absolute minimum of 4 hours, and better 5 or even 6 hours, between meals. In the between times, she can't have anything with any flavor at all. That leaves tap water, period. She's been doing this now for I think six weeks and has shed (I think) eleven kilos. She doesn't eat light, the calorie figure is higher than she expected, but she's eating more protein-based than usual. The food she's permitted is strictly limited, but we both feel that the long breaks between meals are having the biggest effect. Breakfast is absolutely essential. She's bursting with energy, too. Regarding body shape and spiritual development:
  5. Let's rename the Like button the Noteworthy button

    About a third of the time I use it, it's simply an acknowledgment button. A way to inform someone that I've read their post and most probably replied to it. But I agree "like" is too rudimentary. Also the Facebook like button is a powerful tracking tool, not something we really want to be associated with....
  6. I don't like either of them, that's why I put "ego" in quote marks.
  7. My story

    Seems quite the reasonable conclusion, yes. And the second time her name has come up:
  8. We don't delete posts, ever. At least not intentionally lol. I don't think this new format will be activated for general discussion.
  9. Haiku Chain

    to preach to the choir to stare into the mirror to take your own pulse
  10. The name of the site

  11. consciousness and intention is what you're talking about in your previous post, and that's not far off from the guy with the long white beard and flowing robes.
  12. I think you're making a lot of inaccurate assumptions about the people here. I would wager that the majority don't believe in the god you're describing. Put me in that category.
  13. Can we change the title of the pit?

    haha, that would be ironic, but no, of course not. The Pit is where really contentious things end up, you know that.
  14. Well, couldn't it also be that the "ego" looks for convenient scapegoats and in some people labels them "demons"? Most people I have known who claimed to be posessed, and it's been an impressive number, were really just caught up the victim role. And their excuse for being so unlikable and unliked is that it's the demon's fault. Most of them were told this by energy workers/new-agers or others in that line of work. Or maybe they picked up the idea in an internet forum. You don't, imo, "help people" by listing a few personality traits and claiming in essence, "if you have any of these, you may well be posessed by a ne'er do well spirit". And that's precisely what you've done, plus added the kicker that the "only" way to fix this problem is to chant some exotic words you don't understand. Regarding what you want to discuss, people here are free to reply to any thread they wish, with any info they feel appropriate. If you want more control over discussions, you'll have to either set up a ppf or use the new anarchy function once you qualify for it. And as usual, like attracts like ...
  15. Can we change the title of the pit?

    you seem to be getting exactly what you want right here in the tech forum. So much so, in fact, that this thread will probably be split soon. The question is ... where to? :-)
  16. Can we change the title of the pit?

    My personal opinion on this is that this website has enough forums and subforums to accomodate anyone who is here to participate in conversations related to the broadbrush heading of 'spiritualism'. Renaming the Pit wouldn't change anything and I don't think this is the place for the kind of dumping grounds I think you're describing, Songstan. The internet is overflowing with that kind of website and I say let TDB remain the little island of relative sanity it is now. Also, the kind of subsections you're describing would require a lot of monitoring, and who is going to do that?
  17. seek and ye shall find. But first you have to seek, and before that, you have to actually want to seek: What has most certainly changed in the past couple decades is the amount of air traffic (thanks, Ryanair!), and that's enough to explain the current frequency of this phenomenon. More air traffic means more planes flying at varying altitudes and more chance to spread CONtrails in places where they don't disappear quickly. This whole "conspiracy" is pathetically juvenile. Here's another angle the head-bobbing believers have trouble explaining away: What happens to the air inside the planes that are flying though these supposed toxic clouds? Planes don't carry their own supply of compressed air, like scuba divers. The air in the plane comes from the atmosphere the plane is flying in. How do they avoid filling the cabin with these mysterious environment-destroying poisons? (or heavy metals or whatever it is, depending on which head-bobber you happen to ask). And don't take me wrong. I really hate these skies, they're fugly and depressing. I often look at the milky slop up there and feel like it's time to give up on humanity altogether. The most beautiful skies in my adult life were during that week a couple years ago, when air traffic was shut down due to the Icelandic volcano. The sky was such a deep blue, it was something like a dream, for four or five days straight. And I was far from the only one to notice and enjoy it. edit: just now saw that theLearner posted the same link. Well, it's a good one, lol
  18. That's your reasoning for the issue I brought up? You really think airline pilots may have been told that it's a good idea to poison the world including their own families and they agreed because of maybe global warming, or something?
  19. not to mention (and the nutters never do) the people who are supposed to be running this operation, and it's in the 10s of 1000s now, have to live somewhere on Earth. They'd be poisoning themselves and their families, too. The whole notion is so ludicrous that it took the invention of the internet to get it up an going. Crazy thing is, I haven't spoken about this for years. I remember very clearly the last conversation I had on the subject, with a friend who had been to a end of the world conference and was all in a lather over these chemtrails. That was four or five years ago. BUT only this past Friday I met for coffee with a friend who I haven't seen for a long while. She spent about half an hour going on and on about the evils of the church and religion and the "sheeple" who believe everything the pastors tell them and how much she despises them for not looking for the truth ... Then she shifted gears when a plane flew over head. She pointed at it and said, "There they go, spreading more chemtrails". I told her chemtrails are bullshit but she went on and on, repeating everything she'd read in the comments at youtube videos, etc. I told her to search for opposing viewpoints, same thing she claimed religious people don't do. She blubbered a little and then I told her she's just as much a sheep as the churchgoers she was railing against. The religion of the tinfoil hat is just another church as far as I'm concerned, and the believers are just as resistant to reason and logic as the Talibaptists. oh yeah, what I was getting at is the coincidence of that unexpected conversation and the sudden appearance of this worn-out old topic here in such a short timespan. Coincidence? Or maybe somebody planned it to happen just like that!
  20. Moderation: This thread was moved to Off Topic because it's clearly the proper home for it.
  21. "Chem" trails are a fantasy. I think contrails otoh affect our weather by creating a virtually permanent cloud cover over large metropolitan areas.
  22. Horse stance

    ok, I'm incorporating horse stance into my Zhan Zhuang sessions again. You all are to blame. Thank you :-)
  23. Pics of the effects of human over population

    speaking of living in tune with nature: The worst place on Earth?
  24. Saving Money on Taxes

    It's amazing how much time and MONEY people are willing to invest in getting out of their responsibility to the community that supports them. I sat down once with a friend and a calculator to show him how he was actually spending more on his tax avoidance than he would if he simply paid his taxes honestly to begin with. But he didn't care.
  25. Haiku Chain

    only here and now See the sun set beyond the edge of my notebook