soaring crane

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Everything posted by soaring crane

  1. Indulge me for a minute (I was thinking of this while driving home earlier this evening) Here's another way to illustrate/visualize what's going on with the myofascial layer. Picture (if you will, lol) a very, very large trampoline. Now put a bunch of kids on the trampoline. Enough to make it interesting, but still leave ample room between each kid. Each kid is standing there, creating a deep indent in the trampoline. Pretty easy image to muster up, right? Now observe the tension that develops in the trampoline between the pressure points where the kids are standing. A direct, narrow line between any two kids is going to have the most tension in it, it's going to be pretty taught and tight. You can see visibly that it's being stretched due to the pressure the kids are putting on their individua spots. But the lines of tension between any two kids get get gradually softer as you move outward from the very center. And there are areas on the trampoline that don't appear under any tension at all. That's what's going on with the myofascial sack, except the "indents" aren't kids, or pressure points. They're energy nodes. This is where the meridians come from, not the other way around. This starts out as a cluster of "stars" and life happens when those lines between the stars begin to form. Macrocosm. Microcosm. The Big Dipper wouldn't be there without the stars. The lines aren't really "there", but they're real nonetheless. And the myofascial "skin" is the thing that connects all of it. It goes into the deepest regions of the body, transfers information from the surface to the interior and vice-versa. It's the reason emotions are "stored" in organs and why the internal pathways are vastly more important than the surface pathways. hope that's not too pedantic.
  2. Wu xing, transformation of metal into water

    no, it's not really "creating", even though it's always referred to as the "creative" circuit. Think of it maybe more as passing the baton in a relay race. Each runner on the team has his strengths and weaknesses. That might be helpful, but isn't really accurate either, though, because: An accurate Wuxing daigram isn't made of five big circles layed out in a pentagon. It's made of five groups of all five phases, with one of the phases displayed as clearly dominant, each in its turn. In the water phase, e.g., the water image would be largest, but the metal and wood would be maybe half as large while fire and earth half of that. Just as a visualization of the sheng circuit. So, in a relay race with this constellation, all five members of the team are running together, with one of them being the lead runner while the others support him/her. Hmmm, kind of like road bicycle race teams, come to think of it.
  3. With the meridians, I think it's important to understand that those charts are tools for therapists and not graphic illustrations of the energy flow in the body. The pathways are generally along the connective tissue, the myofacial sack that wraps virtually everything in the body: the bones, muscles, sinews, organs. It's one continuous "surface" with a hugely complex network laid out on it. The lines between the points aren't narrow and isolated/insulated, there aren't really lines at all, just higher and lower concentrations (of conductivity?) between the points. It's not a buch of wires; I guess it's more like a modern touchscreen phone/tablet (?). That sounds kind of weird but seems pretty accurate to me at the moment. So what I'm getting at is, the points are the high-energy nodes and the pathways between them are much subtler. To feel the pathways, try breathing from one point along a path to the next. Don't concentrate heavily on the path, just focus on one point while inhaling and then focus on another point while exhaling. And relax while doing it. With enough practice, you'll feel the flow.
  4. How do.

    Hello Anthony, and welcome to the forums! Glad you found your way to us :-) Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum terms and rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you, SC and the TTB team
  5. Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

    I did my part and returned almost twenty years ago...
  6. Is faith an illusion of the mind?

    Huh. That's pretty interesting because I didn't agree with any of it. "Knowing"? That's just conceit.
  7. When you look at a zodiac in the night sky, the stars are really there but your mind creates the image ( based on information other people have provided). I think of those charts in a similar way. The lines are only an aid.
  8. SQL Error

  9. Perhaps the degree is worthless, but the experience, not. No experience ever is.
  10. (Split from the member rankings thread as I feel this a worthy topic in its own right) This reminded me of something: the star system in the personal profiles. I feel that should be eliminated, have never seen the use in it and have noticed that it can be applied as a revenge tool.
  11. Super enzyme Serrapeptase and Lower dantian

    I started getting digestive troubles and stopped taking it. Plan is to try again but with a lower potency.
  12. Wu xing, transformation of metal into water

    Metal provides the minerals that make water useful. Distilled water is good for your clothes iron and refilling old car batteries, but not much else. The phases don't "create" one another. They're all there all the time.
  13. What does "Qi cultivation" mean to you?

    There are many here who don't suscribe to either of those religious concepts and, truth is, I feel that religious belief is one of the biggest blockages of all. It's a bit of a conundrum, as I see it. On the one hand, you don't want to cling, but then you have these two huge logs jamming your stream and you're holding onto them with all your strength, afraid of letting go, ducking under the water in faith that the flow will simply take you where you need to go. ("you" being the modern generic English pronoun, of course)
  14. Serge Augier - Shen Gong and Nei Dan in Da Xuan

    Downloading the Kindle version now. Foreword by Yang Jwing-Ming, interersting. Interesting little tidbit right at the start: "In training of the mind (Sheb Gong) you are training something which doesn't exist. If you feel it, it has become materialized in the body - as emotion, for instance - and it is no longer the training of the mind." Very succint, I like it :-) Edit: SHEN Gong
  15. What does "Qi cultivation" mean to you?

    Generally, there'll be a rush, and then a bump.
  16. hallo its good to be home

    Hello cub, and welcome to the forums (again)! Glad you found your way back to us :-) Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum terms and rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you, SC and the TTB team
  17. Please do forgive the tone. In retrospect, it comes across as much more angry and sneering than was intended.
  18. no, that's real. Here's a better source (anything is better than the Washington Times)
  19. But "something about" adds up to "absolutely nothing". My tip: if it sounds like apocalyptical nonesense, it probably is. The background to my "crazy Republican uncle" comment: one of my crazy Republican uncles in the US sent me this very same story a couple years ago.
  20. Haiku Chain

    Spirit windows Eternal soul garage doors Life's mosquito nets
  21. Unmitigated bullshit. Please apply a minimum of critical thinking and do a little research before sharing this kind of propaganda, k? thx. here, I spent all of 30 seconds debunking this "crazy Republican uncle" news story: signed: A father in Europe
  22. Haiku Chain

    Full Love will be made The Milky Way reflecting Your soul in your eyes
  23. To The Naysayers...

    yes, some concrete examples would be helpful.
  24. I can recommend a good doctor for that. PM me.