soaring crane

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Everything posted by soaring crane

  1. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    I know it well :-) It gets mentioned often when I play my gongs. note that that isn't a very good gong. It's some kind of fake feng gong or something, brass for sure. And slamming a gong like that isn't the way to get the spirit to come out. That's how you get it to hide. Still an awesome, awesome perfomance
  2. Best Free Online Translations of Tao Te Ching

    why not? You have other languages ... This is one of the most important translations of all, afaik.
  3. Pre-Heaven Qi, lost forever?

    would you agree there's a level of faith involved? I don't mean belief in something or other. I mean profound faith in the way things are going to turn out, and that they're going to turn out good. It's hard for me to articulate and I'd appreciate your reaction to what I wrote. Thanks (and I want to reiterate how happy I am that you came in from the forest)
  4. How do I learn Chinese well?

    That's very good info, thanks. How did Mark Zuckerberg do it?
  5. Clarification and Apology

    ~~~moderator message~~~ Because this thread was started with the sole purpose of requesting information from an individual, which has now been provided and acknowledged, the thread is locked. Mission accomplished, so to speak. ~~~end~~~
  6. Cyclone

    that thing looks like a black hole surounded by clouds of hatred
  7. Best Free Online Translations of Tao Te Ching

    here's the link to the Wilhelm that I tried to post previously. It should open as a pdf and the actual transslation begins on p. 4 oh! same link the shidifen posted up there /\
  8. Haiku Chain

    In my back garden A gnome sits on a mushroom Fishing in my pond
  9. Best Free Online Translations of Tao Te Ching

    The original Richard Wilhelm Don't know if this link will work, can update it later....,d.bGQ&biw=360&bih=567&um=1&ie=UTF-8&lr&
  10. What are you listening to?

    I just recorded ten minutes of my big gong, while mama cooks in the kitchen. Listening to it on headphones as I write. Awesome sound :-)
  11. Chinese symbol translation request?

    Interesting, thanks :-)
  12. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    Beautiful limage, BES, thank you :-))) Tree singing... yesssss! The deep roots, the high branches, joining heaven and earth and taking all who wish to join along for the ride :-) In German, singing bowls are, of course, Klangschalen. I live in Northern Bayern, natch. Glangschoalln haha This is Feng/Wind gong: I have a 60cm Feng (also a 60cm and 50cm Tam Tam, same style as the one I just bought) I'd like to add a larger Feng to my set.
  13. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    oh yessssss... I've seen that before, excellent stuff! :-)
  14. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    oh, RV, you're so right, lol. That word is pretty harsh in English. In the original, it's much softer, the 'a' is pronounced 'ahh' and the 'k' is softer in German (or, in my local dialect, anyway, it's more like a 'G') Zoom -- here's the original ebay Auktion. Im the englishcoach who won it :-)
  15. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    Sounds horrible doesn't it? Just the German word Klang is hard to translate satisfyingly. The English sounds sterile in comparison. To my ears anyway
  16. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    The6gong is for Klangerlebnisse. Do you know a suitable English word for that?
  17. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    Haha :-D the neighbors think I'm some kind of exorcist. Which of course I am, but not the kind they're thinking
  18. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    Concert gongs are hammered, I'm pretty sure all real gongs are hammered, they're all bronze. But those are"tuned". The same thing is true with singing bowls. There are perfect ones out there, but they're boooooring. It's the imperfections that create space for the spirit. Just like people :-)
  19. Chinese symbol translation request?

    What do the red characters literally translate to? I'm really curious :-)
  20. Chinese symbol translation request?

    Are the red characters the www?
  21. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    Yeah the wuhan gongs are always hand hammered and they all have their special resonance and sweet spots. This one is actually more consistent than the standard models. Paiste and other big companies make gongs that are used for concert settings, orchestra percussionist etc. They're extremely well made, and very expensive, but too "clean", too perfect for my needs.
  22. Clarification and Apology

    Well, I certainly do appreciate the work you put into this, Rex (the timestamp says 4:11 am, I hope that isn't UK time), and I do apologize for losing sight of the big picture and causing you so much consternation, and I certainly feel no animosity toward you. It seems to have been my unfortunate use of your quote as the springboard for my "final word" post in the first thread that progressively led to your current state of vexation. I've gone back and read it and the other entries and feel that my words in themselves express my view of the issues accurately, but the impression made is that they're directed at you, calling you out as the main instigator of the problem I'm addressing. But that's absolutely not the case. Please believe me on that. Your statement just fit garammatcally into what I wanted to say. You remain civil and objective in your postings (as you always do) throughout and I should have taken that into consideration when writing my reply. Please do believe me that when I apologise, there's a lot of mea in my culpa. I don't want to upset you or give you any reason to feel singled-out, under personal attack or, God forbid, unwelcome. I'm feeling a little rotten myself, now, too :/ That brings me around to the next thread, your vexatious moderating thread. I made clear how I understand that word, and believe I understood you correctly when you appiled it. You as much as confirmed that here (and also made clear where the sentiment came from, which, as I've stated, I now better understand from your perspective). But you're wrong on that point, at least as far as my motivations go. The only thing on my mind at that time was putting the kibosh on the discussion about Flo. Locking that thread wasn't directed at you or other participants in the discussion. It was what I refer to as going to bat for someone. And as I implied previously, if you're ever in the position where you need the kind of assistance that has been shown to Flo (and quite a few other members, even though those instances don''t get the publicity this one has generated) I'm here for you (so long as my tenure as a mod holds out). In this particular case, please just do try to understand that Flo's troubles were/are of a different magnitude and needed to be given priority.
  23. question

    Ayn Rand was a fantasy fiction author and you'll need to find and quote some binding legal langauge to support your idea that the administration of this website, or any website, has no legal right to delete or edit your posts in its forums. The comparison to decibelle is accurate, but not in the flattering way you choose to take it. You wrote: "if it was common practice for mods of this esteemed group to chop posts and make them vanish into thin air as and when they saw fit" And in fact, it is common practice for the mods to chop posts and make them vanish when they see fit. It just happens so rarely that it generally goes unnoticed. This was one of those instances.
  24. Vexatious Moderating

    Vexatious as I've used it and read it in legal (translations of) documents always invloves an amount of intention. The basis of vexatious moderation would be intentional harrassment of members here, and as I said, it's a heavy accusation that calls for concrete evidence. Here are a few usage examples, not all of them legal in nature: Perhaps Rex was thinking of vexing, which is like vexatious light and much more closely related to the definition you posted. And admittedly accurate to an extent. But nobody resorts to the word vexatious when he simply means annoying, frustrating or exasperating. And my question remains. What about the rest of my post? No, it shoud not be (or not have been) moved to Flo's PPF because it would still be in the public forum. Anyone who doesn't understand that, simply doesn't understand the reality of this issue. The lack of compassion for Flo is really starting to get my hackles up and now I've exhausted everything I have to say on the subject.
  25. Vexatious Moderating

    Nope. Are you going to address my post in its entirety? Regarding this new thread: Vexatious describes intentional harrassment and that's a very strong accusation to make here. Criticize our competency all you want, and you'll probably get quite a lot of agreement, but you're calling our motives into question. Do you believe there was a deliberate effort in place to attack and harrass someone? If you do, please link to the content to support your view.