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Everything posted by karen

  1. Has anyone tried the new Indium Supplement?

    Exactly. The tools may be useful, but using them without a rational system creates chaos. See past articles: How do we know the heailng worked or didn't? Noni, Goji.. What's Next?
  2. tooth regeneration

    It's good, and maybe the pasty consistency makes it seem like it's not soap . You can always throw in the tooth and gum elixir if you want, but not necessary.
  3. This book is a classic on native nutrition - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, by Weston Price, now online here.
  4. It's been said by politically incorrect biological dentists that a high percentage of procedures done by dentists are really elective. Imagine going to a dentist who says, "You have a cavity. I could drill/fill it if you want - or not, if you want!" And there are less invasive methods that biological dentists can use to get rid of decay without the drilling that traumatizes and can weaken the tooth. Many dentists aren't using mercury fillings anymore, but there are many other hazards in dentistry - even the white composite fillings are quite toxic. Then there's the issue of root canals.. that's a whole 'nother story. Anyway, might want to look into the ingredients in the miswak toothpaste.. Many Ayurvedic toothpastes don't list all the ingredients, only the nice herbal ones, and it's harder to find out what else is in them.. If the toothpaste is the usual pasty consistency and lathers up in the mouth like most toothpaste, then it must contain other ingredients to provide consistency, and those are usually sodium lauryl sulfate and glycerin, both of which should be avoided. If the miswak was a tooth powder, that would be better. -Karen
  5. Raw meat

    Hi ralis, Certainly the structure of food distribution is corrupt, but why not pursue practical solutions on the individual level, such as trying to get locally grown/raised food as much as possible. I don't care if there's a market for trendy foods (and just look at the whole natural food industry for glaring examples), but as individuals we can make more critical choices. -Karen
  6. Raw meat

    You might like to see material from the Weston Price Foundation, particularly this on beef, which addresses issues of sustainability. http://www.westonaprice.org/mythstruths/mtbeef.html Here's a key paragraph: A far more serious threat to humanity is the monoculture of grains and legumes, which tends to deplete the soil and requires the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. The educated consumer and the enlightened farmer together can bring about the return of the mixed farm, where cultivation of fruits and vegetables is combined with the raising of livestock and fowl in a manner that is efficient, economical and environmentally friendly. Cattle providing rich manure are the absolute basis for healthy, sustainable farming. On marginal land, wise grass feeding practices can actually improve soil quality and restore pasture land. It is not animal cultivation that leads to hunger and famine but unwise agricultural practices and monopolistic distribution systems.
  7. Raw meat

    Yup, it's the bigger fish that accumulate the heavy metals.
  8. Raw meat

    Hi ralis, I'm just offering some suggestions, and there are creative ways to find these high quality foods even though they're certainly not as easy to come by as commercial meats, but more accessible than it would seem. Meat is a very dense food, so most people need only relatively small quantities to extract the life energy that's what nutrition is really about. So it's really very cost-effective. Grass-fed meat isn't the same industry as factory farmed meat, and when you buy grass-fed meat you're supporting small farmers. There are all sorts of possible ways to find local sources - going to local farmers' markets is one good way to network. You can often find local co-ops that way. There's a lot of grass roots stuff going on, that you can tap into. Check local listings at www.eatwild.com. Bison is often available even in large grocery stores, and that's generally going to be grass-fed. And there are some good mail order sources - one is www.uswellnessmeats.com. Best, Karen
  9. What, the pictures of the beautiful native people with gorgeous teeth, who've never been to a dentist? Yeah, after spending a fortune on dental restorations, that could be horrifying
  10. Raw meat

    Hi ralis, The key is the health of the animal. When you buy grass-fed meat, you should be familiar with the source. Talk to the farmer, ask how the animals are raised. Animals raised on their biologically appropriate diet don't have the diseases that are associated with factory farming. The animal has to be unhealthy to begin with in order to host parasites. "Organic" isn't enough - animals fed even the most organic grains aren't healthy - they need to be on pasture. -Karen
  11. Raw meat

    I wouldn't use tuna because of high mercury levels.. but raw salmon is delicious. And raw sauces add a lot to raw animal foods. For the raw meat, you can sear the outside for a few seconds just to give a more familiar cooked meat taste, while leaving the inside raw. Then top with salsa, yum! When eating raw meat from heatlhy, grass-fed animals, there's no risk at all. Most people don't have any problem with it. Some people can have some minor intestinal upset at first - I did with raw eggs, only because my system wasn't used to this wide variety of beneficial microbes, but it soon gets used to a healthier ecology. Some people naturally ferment the meat, but it stinks to high heaven, and for some reason I just don't see the appeal . -Karen
  12. Raw meat

    There's a lot of excellent information about the benefits of raw meat (from grass-fed animals). There are two good yahoo groups that discuss this - native-nutrition and live-food. Also the work of Vinny Pinto and Aajonus Vonderplanitz. If anyone thinks it's a questionable fad, remember that traditional cultures include raw meat in the diet. There's carpaccio, for one. I've been eating and recommending raw bison for years - that's usually easier for most people to find locally, although there are good mail order sources for other grass-fed meats. There are ways to ease into eating raw meat that make it more palatable, actually delicious. When I was having digestion issues, I found the raw meat and raw eggs were actually the easiest foods of all to digest. The energetic quality of raw, grass-fed meat is completely different from cooked, commercial meat that I wouldn't even classify it as the same food. -Karen
  13. How many here are prepared?

    If anyone's interested in a really thorough manual for preparedness, check out Holly Deyo's book Dare to Prepare.
  14. Detoxing.....

    My guess is that it's just different packaging.. The ones I've seen say 10 drops 3 times daily, from each bottle, or the full daily dose put into a water bottle to drink throughout the day. I think the website that says 10 drops total per day just got it wrong. In any case, the contents are the same, so it doesn't really matter. It's kind of hard to generalize about what a "healthy person" would need on a regular basis, because we're all exposed to external and internal toxins, and experience emotional stresses at various times in unpredictable patterns.. So the most general rule of thumb is to do detox in spring and/or fall, and also at other times when needed. It's not always necessary to do the full protocol. -Karen
  15. Detoxing.....

    I think there's only one Detox Kit made by Heel, although if it's manufactured in different places, the potencies might be written in terms of X scale or D scale. The products on those 2 sites look the same to me - I don't see where the recommended dosage is different...? Here it is on the Heel USA website. -Karen
  16. Detoxing.....

    My pleasure, Carson. You can tell this is a subject I love Take care, Karen
  17. Detoxing.....

    Hi Carson, Yup, the D is the same thing as X. In Europe the letter D is used, to mean "decimal," instead of using the roman numeral X. So D2 means 2X; D10 means 10X, etc. In some cases the bottle contains the same remedy in several different potencies, because each potency is acting on a slightly different energetic level. The amount of the remedy in terms of grams per milliliters isn't necessary to know - the D2, D10, etc. indication is all you need to know about potency. ORMUS elements are different - I don't recommend that people experiment with that therapeutically. Anything can be used if it can brought into a science based on principle, when we can consciously apply it. It's not the substance that's good or bad, but the rational system we use to know how to properly apply it. I wouldn't use ORMES until that can be done, otherwise it's just hit-or-miss, and we really don't know exactly what we're doing and what disturbances we might be causing in the process. Well, I don't know you well enough to make that kind of recommendation, but generally if you have the feeling that something is kicking up too much turbulence, it never hurts to experiment by laying off whatever practice it is for a little bit in order to sort things out. Often healing practices will bring up issues that you need to focus on processing, and you need to stop or cut back on whatever is bringing things up in order to stabilize yourself. I like the image of rowing a boat across a river, where you pick up speed in order to move forward, but at some point things become too turbulent so you have to slow down or stop a bit in order to stabilize the boat. Then you can move forward again. You can't keep pushing ahead at the same pace. But people will often think they need to keep pushing through, and they may be pushing in the wrong way, causing more imbalance. It can help to have a practitioner who can help you identify what's going on and sort these issues out. Best! Karen
  18. Detoxing.....

    Hi Carson, You're welcome.. the X scale is just one of many.. the C scale uses a 1:99 ratio for dilution instead of 1:9; then there's the M scale, and LM. The labels on the bottles show the potencies. Most are 3X, 6X, or 12X. Also, you might need a few days to clear out the reaction you had before. Make sure you're drinking enough water, and give it a few days. No need to hurry things. They can, but also it can depend on the particular remedy and what is being cleared at a particular time. You might have a healing reaction with one particular remedy at a particular time, and not with another remedy of the same potency, or not with the same remedy at another time. This detox kit is a pretty gentle treatment that can be used by most people without a pracittioner prescribing the remedies and potencies for you individually. But with homeopathy in general, the practitioner would give you the remedies and potencies that are the best match, to minimize healing reactions. Still, some healing reactions are often inevitable. They're generally short-lived, though. Often the effects can be noticed not in terms of feelings or sensations but in terms of behaviors and circumstances. And if you weren't looking for that, you might not think that that was related to the remedy. It's definitely an energetic cleanse, although you could think of it as somewhat on the borderline of the physical, not completely energetic. There are a few possible reasons why people have uncomfortable symptoms from even a good detox/drainage program. One is that it's not individualized enough for them, and they might need to focus on one organ at a time - sometimes people do colon, liver and kidney, in that order. Some people do okay with the one-size-fits-all approach, but others need a skilled practitioner to individualize it. Another reason is that you might have other types of blockages that need to be addressed. A practitioner who uses Dr. Hahnemann's complete system of medicine can look at the bigger picture and see what is happening within a bigger context. Often the symptoms that seem to be from a detox are part of your life force trying to tackle other disturbances, which need to be removed at the same time. Yup, that's the basis of modern alchemy, represented by the homeopathic dynamization of substances. We can take the most poisonous substance - arsenic, snake venom, heavy metals, etc., and turn them into medicines by altering their sphere of action. When the spirit-like essence of the substance is liberated from matter in the process of homeopathic dilution (which is more rightly called "dynamization"), now it acts only on the dynamic, energy level where we can direct it to do what we want it to do, without harm. Look on the label on each bottle, and you'll see that each bottle is a formula, a combination of several remedies of different potencies. Sometimes the spiritual practices are forcing energy to move through a blockage, which can exert too much pressure, and it's safer to actually remove the blockage with homeopathy first. But that takes a practitioner with extensive training to prescribe the proper remedies for you as an individual, in the proper sequence. Glad the info was useful! If you want to read more about homeopathic dilution, I have an article here. Plus other articles on homeopathy on my website. Best, Karen
  19. Detoxing.....

    Hi Carson, What the labels of homeopathics say is often misleading, because of regulations requiring them to give certain dosages.. and usually the dosages are higher than necessary in order to sell more of the product. . There are even vials of homeopathics that say you have to take the entire vial at one time, when all you really need is one pellet - which would last you practically forever! I'm glad you asked the questions! These tinctures are made from various types of substances.. some are herbs, some are minerals, some are animal glandular extracts. They are diluted and energized in the way that homeopathics are made, so that very little if any of the original material substance is left. Past a certain point (over about a 12x or 12C potency), there isn't even one molecule of the original substance left - only the energetic imprint has been imparted to the water (in the case of a tincture). The Heel detox kit contains many remedies at various potencies, some as low as 3X. 3X means that it's only slightly energized, and there is still a very small amount of material substance remaining. A 200X or 200C potency means that it's all energy, no material substance at all. In homeopathy, the idea of low or high potency doesn't have anything to do with how effective the remedy is, or how "strong" the dose is. Sometimes you want a low potency, when you want to work a bit more on the physical level, as with detox/drainage remedies. When you use high potencies, you're getting up into the higher energetic levels, working more deeply, in a sense. The practitioner determines what potency is needed for a particular person taking a particular remedy. Herbs in the usual crude form have certain medicinal effects that can be useful, but by using them in this energetic form, their therapeutic activity is actually boosted - they are acting more deeply and yet more gently. So you don't need to take large amounts of material substance which can have adverse effects. Even medicinal herbs in large amounts have adverse effects - this is why Dr. Hahnemann experimented with diluting and energizing the dose, and found that this removed any harmul effects while enhancing the beneficial effects. Maybe I already answered this, but I'll explain it from another angle. When you have a low potency of a material substance, like 1 mg of an herb, it's very weak and has little effect chemically. So when we're talking about material doses, then you're right, low potency = weak, and high potency = strong. But then we take that material dose, dilute and energize it (through a specific method that involves vigorous shaking of the diluted substance). Say we take 1 part of the substance (say it's the herb Berberis), to 9 parts of water, and shake it vigorously. Now we have Berberis 1X. If we take one drop of that, and dilute that with another 9 parts of water, shake that, now we have a 2X potency. You can see how the dilution ratio goes up exponentially! In this case, the lower the potency, the more original substance is still present. Usually in homeopathy, when treating disease, the potencies that are used are at least 12X or above - often FAR above! That's because disease is lodged in the etheric body, so the remedies need to be equally etheric in order to reach there and destroy the disease according to similar resonance. With detox/drainage, the remedies need to be closer to the material level, just slightly energized. Many people are very sensitive to remedies. Dr. Hahnemann did a lot of work for many years having patients just smell the remedy, not to even take it orally! Some people get the dose even just by holding the bottle! A good method is putting a drop into a glass of water and sipping throughout the day, which you might want to try with these remedies. If you have any other questions about this, feel free to ask. Best, Karen
  20. Detoxing.....

    Hi Carson, I use the Heel detox kit, and recommend it to my clients. It's really a very gentle detox, because it's in highly diluted, "homeopathic" form, which works more energetically than biochemically, to help stimulate function rather than directly altering biochemical processes as herbs do. Still, the detox kit contains low homeopathic potencies, which means that there IS a small amount of material substance there, having some biochemical effect. In that case, the dosage does matter. Whereas with high potency homeopathics the dosage doesn't matter (you could take 1 pill or the whole bottle and it would equal one dose). So with the Heel drops, the number of drops you take can make a difference, and people can have very different responses to it. You could try using half the dose that's recommended, so 5 drops of each bottle instead of 10. Or dilute even further. You'll still be getting the energetic effect. The Heel detox kit is great because it's not only detox, but drainage as well - supporting the organs with organ remedies (sarcodes) to help them to process what's being eliminated so you don't end up simply moving toxins around and depositing them elsewhere. -Karen
  21. Broken rib

    Another possibility is the far infrared mineral lamp. Besides the larger standing model, there's a small desktop model for about $100. The research showed good results with many conditions including bone fracture. Many acupuncturists use it, and I've had the lamp treatments and liked it, although not often enough to really be able to evaluate it. http://www.electronichealing.co.uk/products/healinglamp.htm I've heard the far infrared saunas are amazing.
  22. Broken rib

    Arnica is good topically for minor injuries, but better to use internally in higher potency for this. And other homeopathics for other aspects of the injury, including Symphytum (comfrey). PM or email me if you'd like to know the precise remedies and potencies that you could put together yourself - you might be able to find them in a local health food store and get this going quickly. Then all the other nutritional supports will work even better. Meantime, apply heat.
  23. New website: Lena Rocks
  24. Homeopathy Successfully Treated Flu Epidemic of 1918 The homeopaths (who were numerous at that time!) treated flu patients without fatalities. Suppressive treatments including vaccines are the real cuprits.