Seth Ananda

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Everything posted by Seth Ananda

  1. I cultivate relationships on various levels. But to find out if we like each other, we first have to meet... Me too. Some are hideous energetically and some less so or not at all. Some have been greatly slandered for not being angels, who can actually be quite wise and benevolent when treated with respect. Will do. it would be interesting to have some of this gear. i will look into it. Felt good the next day
  2. Interesting responses, thank you So 'ghost hunting' equipment does register an actual temperature drop. Thats cool, I want some. As for demons not having their own energy, thats strange to me. I need to ruminate on that. I would probably lean towards thinking that they have the energy of harsh extremes, rather than 'no energy' which sounds kind of Christian. {in the way that Christianity sometimes reinterpreted a beings nature to fit their worldview} Have any other/earlier cultures said that? The last time, the demon seemed to radiate the most intensely frosty temperature. I felt like {temperature wise} I was standing in front of a howling blizzard of Ice, and was slightly worried about getting frost bite on my face... The dead is an interesting point as well. I have felt those chilli spots in haunted places but they were far less icy...
  3. More good reading! Thank you Apech
  4. Having a beard is always good in every situation forever. It can only ever increase your handsomeness, skills, strength, speed, intelligence and seductiveness... And to quote a band called 'The Beards' ~ "having a beard is the new not having a beard"
  5. Christian Mysticism

    Hmm to me I stick with the teachings {like Kashmir Shaivism} that describe divinity as having an Active side, and a Passive side. And neither side can be separated. Nonduality alone {the passive side} can do nothing. One is One is One... No transmissions, no discourse, no awareness of other, no movement, nothing... Fortunately though that is not the whole story. There is divine activity, motion, discourse, people who can tell us about and transmit the experience of the One, and all the other amazing or less amazing things that also 'seem' to happen within the One...
  6. I agree and disagree with some of your agreements and disagreements I agree with you here. The only thing I wish to add is that I don't think all schools do that. Look at the shambles of modern Neo advaita. A bunch of mentally masturbating dissociated jerks, all absolutely certain that 'awareness' is the only thing of value and that to 'do anything' shows an 'obvious' lack of awakening.. None of whom have any greater awareness of their inner processes, or anything that their amazing inner being is actually up too. As far as I am concerned they have aborted their spiritual lives in favour of being 'in control' and easy answers. They have sold out the deeper aspects of themselves, and rationalised away any need for deep exploration. As a result I am very cautious about asserting the primacy of consciousness, as it has so little control/grip/understanding/power of any kind. But yes, in deep exploration, that unconscious stuff does become conscious. I am not sure if I believe there is a limit to how far this goes. The unconscious may very well be the universe... thats why I do not seek to 'control' dreams, only to be more lucid and remember them better. Then I learn from what Deep being teaches me.
  7. Hehe, I disagree with your disagreeing! Dreams are not 'just' energy flowing in the subconscious mind during sleep, Nor are they just psychological content from the day, and that level of dreaming may well cease as one gets better at integrating stuff as it happens. Dreams are also portals to other worlds, and the place where the incredible wisdom of our inner being speaks to us. The unconscious is most of our being, plus even more, and is not just some repository for repressed fears and psychological content...
  8. hey not my cup of tea personally. I have a different theory that says that the 'masters' of certain traditions who claim to have stopped dreaming, have become so 'unbalanced' in regards to their emphasis of waking consciousness over all else, and so certain of the primacy of their 'conscious mind' over the unconscious, that they just stop dreaming as they have completely devalued and detached from any content from within. I think there is a great deal of hubris in many traditions with their obsession and prioritisation of the conscious mind, which is really only a blip produced by the magnificent unconscious... In my book, the genuine older traditions were a journey into the world of the Inner, which is why trance work, dream states, oracular teachings and so on were mastered.
  9. Its a sign of modern disconnection from ourselves, or deeper parts of ourselves at least. Anthropologists around the world have noted how vivid many tribal peoples dream lives actually are, where a big deal is made out of dreams and their messages. For most of us though dreams are 'unimportant', so we may have cycles of some dream activity followed by quiet, or seemingly none at all. Fortunately this is fairly easy to correct. Keep a dream diary, and even if you don't have one you remember, still write that down. Start conversations in the morning based on last night dreams and so on... All this tells your deeper being/unconscious that you are starting to value dreams and you will thus start to remember them more. Other alternatives would be taking dreaming herbs, or experimenting with something like ritual magick or shamanism. Its strange but interacting with 'archetypal' energies and their various symbolic depictions is extremely activating to the unconscious mind, and will start to trigger all kinds of strange night events... Seth.
  10. Christian Mysticism

    Middle platonism, is that what you call it. Thanks. I was wondering what to say, but went with 'neo' as its after Plato... Also, thanks for that reading list.
  11. Christian Mysticism

    If we are talking about Influences on Jesus, lets not forget the possibility that he may have been a Rabbi. Influences available at that time are Kabbalah, Platonism/Neoplatonism, the Esseness, The Egyptian mysteries and others... I personally see an incredible similarity between Platonic teachings and Christs teachings. One author pointed out that if Neoplatonism is Platonism minus politics, then Christianity is Neoplatonism plus Jesus. Pick up something on the Enneads and check out how amazingly similar it is in many ways. Also as far as I am concerned all these schools of thought flow from Egypt. They are the perennial tradition.
  12. A sovereign God question

    Well as an animist, I don't really consider that 'things' don't have hearts. I hope it would be obvious that I am not talking about the physical heart here... But back on to Humans, the heart needs relationship to be deeply fulfilled, and as far as I am concerned, the fulfillment of the heart is more important than the fulfillment of the mind. All I can really say is that until I had that experience, I really had no Idea what I had been missing.
  13. The Expansion of Consciousness

    interesting topic but should be in general forum
  14. A sovereign God question

    Hmm im not sure what you mean, unless you are trying to box me within a Taoist set of definitions? I could say of course man is different to ten thousand other things, because hey, they are ten thousand other things... lol
  15. The Bible and Hermetics

    While it may have elements of many traditions from before its time, it is still majorly christcentric
  16. The Bible and Hermetics

    Well he doesn't say that. He says revelations was written first. Then he posts some bogus link from doreal. But Genesis does have a lot in common with the sumerian creation myths, and the old testament does state that Abraham was from Sumer... I should pull out now though before zachariah stichen gets brought up...
  17. The Bible and Hermetics

    Also as for the link, doreal is a charlatan and a nutbar... We know what the emerald tablet says because it was on display in Alexandria, and people from persia, china, greece, India and elsewhere traveled to look at it and we find translations of it in several different languages that they carried back home with them. Doreal is not a Hermeticist, he is an new age ignoramus. So you cant learn anything from Hermetics by studying a non Hermetic source If you are interested in Hermetics get a copy of the Corpus Hermeticum. Or get an introduction to it, to read first as its heavy going in places...
  18. The Bible and Hermetics

    Are you seriously trying to suggest that Genesis from the old testament, or written Torah, was written after Revelations from the new testament? If I am missing something here please tell me cause I feel like I just got sucked into crazytown...
  19. A sovereign God question

    I don't like to say 'I believe' because for me its it's based on my direct experience and not some far off fantasy based on words in a book. So, In my experience there is an active side to the Divine. Naos, Divine intelligence, the interactive mind of existence. It is utterly Sovereign. I consider schools that focus only on 'Being', 'Oneness' or the 'Unconditioned' to be incomplete and missing half the picture. They may be really good at getting students to have or 'recognise' that experience/state but it takes something else to meet the Universal Mind. Those schools are naturally good for people who are not ready to accept something 'greater' than themselves or themSelves yet. Oneness, Peace, Bliss and Being are like the safe side of Divinity. They are safe as in they/it won't ask anything of you personally. In fact often within those schools, your personality {and you personally} does not even really matter, as its all about the underlying vastness and so on... But these schools can only really satisfy the mind and not the heart, not ultimately. The Heart requires relationship.
  20. Groan. Were you upset when nothing happened on 2012? Just had to get yourself a new set of 'saviour dates'? Well 2015 will be a repeat show. Then maybe you can pick up 2020 as your next ones. It has repeating numbers! Two 2s! must mean duality cancelling it self out! We are all going to be one! Praise Cthulhu! Our 2012 date was based on the Mayan calendar {a 13 month calendar} not on our 'gregorian' calendar. Plus the ethiopian calendar only has 5 or 6 days for its '13th' month. Not exactly an 'intune' lunar calendar, unlike the Mayan calendar... And seriously though, look around. If we are becoming more free of 'Archonic energy' wouldn't it look less like an all you can eat Archon buffet?
  21. Legitimate Mystery Schools

    Are not all schools offshoots of other schools?
  22. Christian Mysticism

    I dont think i can entirely agree with this... Some Christian mysticism is focused on becoming so aware of Christ/God that the self is entirely forgotten... Texts like the Cloud of unknowing, St Teresa and St John of the cross's works, Bernadette Roberts book 'the path to no self' and so on...
  23. Christian Mysticism

    I wouldn't say the Holy Ghost is 'only' a reflection... Not when for many it represents the divine activity in us and in the world, a holy radiant consciousness that flows into the body and awakens subtle capacities, or gives advice and direction.
  24. Christian Mysticism

    Hmm I am not sure what else to say. The Heart is inherently relational, and while I have found Non Dual paths very blissfull and also very mentally satisfying {from both the incredible peace, and with the logical reason behind them} my heart never felt satisfied... But in Theurgy style paths, some aspects of Shamanism, Christian Mysticism and so on, the heart itself enters into deep communion and relationship with some exalted other, which totally uplifts, heals and transforms the heart, and via the heart, the Soul... For me personally it feels 'too good to be true' or so beyond my wildest expectations I cant figure out how I got so lucky... Its helping me appreciate why some Christians go so batshit "Horay Jesus" that they just want to stand around holding signs and trying to convert others all day long. When my heart is in communion with a true spiritual being, with all its incredible Goodness, grace, purity and holiness then it seems almost intolerable that others should not get to have that experience as well...