Seth Ananda

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Everything posted by Seth Ananda

  1. Inner Peace and Nei Kung

    Look, people are making all sorts of accusations, so why not back them up with actual data. The threads that went to the pit were full of arguments like: "naziri said this here, but that there" "naziri claims he never ever said he had never met Lin, but in an email {somewhere} he claimed to have never met him!!!" Instead of just saying blah blah blah, actually show cut'n'pastes of the actual letters, or even better show screen shots. 'If' these accusations are real, and based on something in reality, then we have solid ground to work from. Then 'if' there are some serious questions raised, naziri can answer those specific and direct accusations, rather than having to wade through the ton of detritus...
  2. Invocation

    Who knows. Interesting question though... Spirit is often seen as the 'eternal' aspect of us, but how often {if it at all} does a spirit go through a complete transformation like the death/birth transformation for us? Where we loose what we were? I tend towards thinking that the spirits mentioned, of the underworld or heavenly variety, have a very long life span {aeons} compared to ours, and may change slowly, but that is all it is ~ Thinking... Be careful about the pacts you make
  3. 21 day retention challenge for guys and girls

    My post was not specifically directed at you. More just some support exercises for the people practising here. But.. How many days are you on? Throbing pain?
  4. 21 day retention challenge for guys and girls

    When you feel that feeling welling up that you are to horny, and have to 'get it out' by ejaculating, just stop. Don't grab at yourself like an out of control monkey! lol Feel into, meditate upon the sexual sensations. Stay with them... The feeling that tells you you 'need' to ejaculate the second some sexual energy appears, is in part a conditioned response and is also, from a Tantric point of view the base chakra becoming stimulated. The base chakras native form of sexuality is reproductive, ie, ejaculatory... continuity of the species and so on... But the feeling that you 'have' to ejaculate is based on habit and conditioning. As you sit with the sexual feeling themselves, the hornyness feelings, as they are feeling so 'activated' and you just 'feel' them as they are, keeping your attention on them, something starts to happen. You start to realise that sexual feelings are just that. Sexual feelings. Nothing needs to happen. The 'Ejaculation Urge Anxiety' drops away, and you realise that sexual energy is really pleasurable. It feels great to have a surplus of sexual energy in your body, and you will want more. Stay with the practice. I call this becoming Horny Tolerant. Usually we {think} we cant tolerate any horny sensations building up without suffering or ejaculation. Neither are true. And finally, as sexual energy gets stronger within you, you may find you still need to use energy in some other ways to help support your practice. {especially if you last months and the sexual energy reaches manipur/fire chakra} Did you always want to get up at 4 and meditate? Start doing so. Did you 'plan' to work on your fitness or spend an hour a day doing Taiji? Start doing it. Always wanted to be a sculptor? Begin it. Blessings on your practice!
  5. why are you into this stuff?

    No they are very different in essence and effect. They will take you into communion with the Mind of existence. And the decent of power will amplify much in your psyche...
  6. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    Hehe, I have not read them yet. They are on my backlog of books to get round to reading. In my skim through them they are certainly history but not in the way of 'this was printed then and then this happened and so on...' Its more like a journey into the {sometimes pre Christian} world view of magical practitioners themselves, and their roles in society and the ways society was structured around them. That seems important to me, as it helps strip much of the Christian and modern dross around practices like Necromancy, and helps one see the context that the practices we have we actually done in...
  7. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    True Grimoire is great. I love J.S.K. I don't have crossed keys yet but will very soon I dont have these either but also will soon. But Conjur Codex is great, {I don't have the emerald edition yet} and so is 'At the crossroads'. I dont have any of their stuff from what I can tell, but they have some nice looking editions... I'm a sucker for biblioporn like that... Those sexy spines, textured pages... mmmm hrrrrhhrmmm... 3:)
  8. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    The compilation books are highly readable and informative. Brilliant for new people and the rest. Their Grimoire books {that I have seen} also tend to be good for anyone, but especially those who wish to practice... And yes, I feel that those publishing houses are doing wonders for the Occult revival that is occurring at the moment. It's very exciting. Real Magick, free of the banality of the teen witch/victorian prudery/ceremonial pompousness that fills 99.99% of books on the subject I do my best to support them by buying what ever I can from them, and telling others about them
  9. why are you into this stuff?

    In western traditions, mastering artistic and scientific disciplines is part of the development of the Soul. In kabbalah its working and balancing hod and netzach so that you become a stable individual/personality that is a suitable vehicle for the higher forces/states to enter. As you get given mediations {later on} that start the decent of Divine energy, having filled out your personality in these ways will be crucial, as the descent amplifies character traits, including imbalances. {outside of just balancing, there are also much more in depth secrets on these topics that will get revealed later on}

    Were people saying this is a good site? It seems to advertise a lot of things, and has no mention of Lineage...?
  11. Notable sages / saints / mystics / philosophers

    Hermes Trismegistus, Balinas, Appolonias, Plato, Socrates, Plotinus, Porphry, Iamblichis, Empedicles, Hypatia, Agrippa...
  12. Invocation

    And dont go using one Elegua set of rites form one house with the Legba set from another tradition... Sanse {or sance} is a Vodou and Espiritismo fusion. It looks even more Catholic on the surface but i really like the tradition. its sometimes refered to as the '21 divisions', after the 21 categories of spirits they work with...
  13. Invocation

    Xien Kula, You also have Puerto Rican Sanse traditions in the states. Some good houses too...
  14. Invocation

    Wow, I would love to meet Dorothy. I have several of her/their books, and think that Findhorn {in its early days} is one of the most important and amazing experiments to happen on earth. Reading their material is what first helped me connect to nature spirits with any consistency. I love their stuff. It also continues to amaze me how fast people overlook their incredible achievments, or just dont consider what their achievements actually imply about us, spirit and our future...
  15. Invocation

    I should add that feeling bliss and the presence of the God means things are going well. That's where I keep praying, welcoming, and seeking union with the God... I believe anyone at this stage who keeps going, will start to hit the real experiences. Blessings.
  16. Invocation

    I would tend to say the standard ways for a particular God or Goddess, but for Longer periods. Im not trying to sound evasive, its just that Gods and Goddesses often have specific prayers or mantras, favoured beverages or food, scents and colours. I tend to like making and keeping a shrine or alter dedicated to that specific God or Goddess. I like to make offerings. I pray as often as I can for as long as I can, and sing or chant specific appropriate verses, or mantras as regularly as possible. When I am not with my shrine, I like to carry something that remind's me of that God or Goddess, and to continue to do prayers or mantras. For instance I am starting with the Moon soon as the first planetary sphere to work through, and since I am approaching this from the 'Graeco Egyptian Magick' perspective { following Tony Mierzwicki's book of the same name } I will be using the Homeric and Orphic hymns a great deal, as well as my own prayers. I like to try to find unique or creative ways to honour the Deity that I am working with as well. I also sometimes like fasting or a restricted diet during these periods... I do like Crowelys advice to 'Invoke often and inflame thyself with prayer'. I have never experimented with giving myself a time period {like one week} for this. I prefer to just keep doing it until it works.
  17. Invocation

    Yes. Its not like possession in the ATR's, at least not in my experience of it so far. In that experience the spirit of Pan entered me through the back of my head. I was swept up in His enormous being. I was no longer me, but him. I chased women, terrified men, and ran up a hill I myself do not have the fittness to run up, and as Pan I danced and howled at the moon. The whole experience probably only lasted half an hour, but left long term and permanent changes within me.
  18. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    Secrets of the Magical Grimoires, by Aaron Leitch. Its a thick, detailed journey through the Grimoires. Its easy to read, and ranges from history, to practice aspects, comparisons with other possibly similar Grimoires, Leitches personal anecdotes and some really interesting comparisons with African traditional conjur practices. Not everyone agrees with his 'Grimoire Shamanism' theories {which I think originated with Jake Stratton-Kent} but I believe there is merit to these Ideas... For a cheap book utterly packed with info on Grimoires, this is well worth having on the shelf.
  19. Invocation

    Ha, do you mean the horrid experience or the trying to be a badass? I have not read about him and 'newberg?' in years. I dont remember what he said it was like.
  20. Invocation

  21. Invocation

    Yes! And many other weird and wonderful things...
  22. no such thing as emptiness

    lol, the Universe is a prerequisite for analysis happening!
  23. Invocation

    Invocation is treated in a variety of ways these days. Chaos Magic people and the those who fall into the psychological/archetypal/jungian interpretation of Gods often treat it as a way to strengthen deficits in ones personality. Chaos Magicians will invoke cartoon characters, made up characters, tv characters as well as Gods or Spirits... I have used invocation in these ways as well over the years, with some good success, but {to me} it seems to be lacking something. As I said in the Grimoire thread, I see the Gods as being real and the ancient Gods have always felt far stronger to me than say spongebob. Its just I have never had the kind of results with fictional characters as with ancient Gods... lol anyone suprised? I was reading Michael Cecchetelli's book of Abrasax the other day and he pointed out that most people don't invoke to completion. They Invoke to, and stop at some point before full possession. I agree. Full possession was a sacred phenomena in the old mystery schools, be they Hermetic, Neo platonic or other. Once again I blame the stuffy Victorian mages, uncomfortable with the raw out of controll nature of possession for this being 'generally' de-emphasised in most western traditions. De-emphasised to the point where most western Hermetic paths barely count as spiritual systems. I dont know how many rituals I have been to over the years where Gods/Goddesses were invoked to some place where everyone had some 'feeling' of their presence being there with us, then offerings and requests were made, depending on their traditions and then it all wrapped up. Its nice like that, but its also sad to think that even 1 more hour of solid invocation could occasionally have had a God step into the room. Possession Changes the psych in deep and wonderful ways. When I first experienced full possession by Pan, He left me with a vastly enhanced sense of smell for several years. I could smell people round 50 ft away and could smell 'things' about them... I also felt part of something Greater, part of trees and nature, part of the ground. A vastness of being. It lasted for years. My goals now are to work with the planetary Gods, following the Theurgy path. I wish to carry this out as fully and completely as possible, by Invoking each planetary God to full possession, at least several times, over what ever time period is necessary to fullfil that task. Just to add another point though, some people have had horrid experiences invoking something into themselves that should have been an Evocation... All to try to be Baddass...
  24. Grimoire

    I'd like to add the 'Secrets of the Magical Grimoires' by Aaron Lietch Is a brilliant work on the subject. He has put so much work into that book ~ Cheesy title I know, but in terms of history... and modern approaches, and just a complete overview of all known Grimoires, wow! I still boggle sometimes that it is a Lewellyn book. they are often so bland..
  25. People are not perfect, and Buddhists are people. Considering how many Muslims groups are behaving through the large belt of Asian countries, it should be of no surprise when humans regularly fail to live up to their favoured peaceful philosophy. Only the greatest masters from any tradition have total control of their reactions in the face of murder/extermination/theft/rape/torture... Sitting back smugly, where nothing is happening to you, and whinging about some Buddhists reacting as humans is rather stupid.