Seth Ananda

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Everything posted by Seth Ananda

  1. Astral Projection and the Energy Body

    Hmm, thats not the Solar body that FraterUFA's material is refering too. The Solar body takes a long time to develop, {usually} and is grown out of a slow alchemizing of the substance of the lunar body. Attaining it basically makes you an Immortal.
  2. Astral Projection and the Energy Body

    Hey, I was going to highly recommend Raduga's work, then I looked at this and it is his work, all repackaged... {been a while for me} This guy's work craps on robert bruce's as far as I am concerned, or does at least for the significant number of people who don't respond to roberts methods...
  3. Women & TTB

    I'm curious how you mean 'this is the nature'.. Are you implying women are not as advanced as men 'naturally', {which is pretty much what I refer to as hate speech} or are you referring to the 'nature' of things as they currently stand/seem to be, or something entirely different? Remember that in the past it was much harder or often totally socially unacceptable for women to be teachers, hold any position of power or even to be educated.. In that light, its hardly surprising that the spiritual and intellectual fields 'seem' to be dominated by men. I say 'seem' because who knows how many great women there have been in these fields, that simply never got to speak in front of the masses, run the temples, have their reincarnations looked for and so on...
  4. Some people have been following this in Alwaysons thread, and seem to be getting something out of it, So I thought I should give Cobra breath and the other great Kundalini processes their own Thread. Its always annoyed me that Cobra breath is not available online [at least anywhere I can find] for free, so here it is, and when I say 'it' I am really saying I have had the pleasure of Learning several versions all with slight variations and only some 'under oath' so to speak so here goes... [my favourite and the version I teach, which is not breaking any Oath or some company's tm sticker lol] Inhale, ujay or that slight rasping restricted epiglottis, darth vader breath: Mind - at beginning of inhale start at tip of Tail bone, move mind during Inhale up the back of your spine [towards the skin] over the head, [just under the skull on top of the brain] and finish Inhale at Brow centre. Body - at start of Inhale squeez pc [moolabhanda][and hold till exhale], when the energy passes abdomen draw in stomach muscles[udiyanabhanda] {navel toward spine} [hold till exhale], when energy reaches skull, pull chin towards chest [jalnabhanda] put tongue back into soft palate [kechari mudra], point eyes up and in at ajna, and focus there, take an extra sniff of air [to be full] and focus and hold without strain. Exhale, ssss kind of soft serpent noise, so obviously your tongue moves forward. Mind - At start of exhale, it passes from brow, in along the underside of the brain to brainstem, and over the rest of the exhale it passes down the smooth front side of the spine [towards the organs] and ends with the exhale at the tip of the spine. Body - just before you start the exhale, tip your head slightly back opening the throat lock, then as soon as you start the exhale relax all the Bhanda's completly. towards the end of the exhale, as the energy is sinking down, let your head return to a normal straight position on your shoulders. You may notice thats its path is a bit like the MCO's but around the spine and brain instead. The front and back chanel of the spine are a 'secret' version of Ida and Pingala. Its a lot to get at once at first. Try remembering 'Inhale 123' The 123 are the locks in succession over the course of the Inhale. 1Base, 2stomach, 3neck/tounge And the whole thing should be done in a gentle way, without tension, or relaxed as possible. Saftey is recomended. At least at first do not do more that 20 - 30 breaths a session [unless you really feel you should, lol] while you are getting used to it. Once you are used to it, you can add devotional mantra's or visualisations, especially as you come to a point where your relaxation lets you hold your breath [easily] for a long time. Students usually start with brow center as the focus, but the crown is Introduced later. The 3rd eye gets used to connect to specific deity's or Guru's, or to create worldly events by visualising them strongly. The Crown gets used to merge with the One. Any way I hope you enjoy it Seth.
  5. Women & TTB

    Cool I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but just wondering through, if there was/is a space for more gender specific cultivation practices, would it be better as another subforum just a click away from the general forum, {like buddhism/hinduism/occult} or is this way better for more privacy?
  6. Women & TTB

    So Proper rules against hate speech? And a Forum for Female cultivation? {and possibly male?} What do people think?
  7. Women & TTB

    Stosh, you need to learn what a straw man argument actually is before you through around terms you don't actually understand. Um... So? This is called a question. What does this have to do with women wanting to share their experiences of their own bodies? Another question! And, their experiences of non-popular medically based remedies? Also a question! As a philosophical Taoist, are you denigrating Taoist/energetic, herbal, shamanistic, and alternative medical ways in which women promote their health? And finally, another question! No setting up strawman arguments anywhere in here! So what are you doing in this thread? Are you just here to waste space? Do you have an actual valid point to make? Sorry, i'll get back on topic in a sec, but a number of posters here at TTB's continually shout debate terms like 'Straw Man argument' without having any idea of what that means. Its frustrating, and I assume they just want to appear smart, using big terms, but who knows? The Irony is, when they accuse something of being a straw man argument {falsely} that is itself making something approximating an actual real straw man argument.!?!?!
  8. Women & TTB

    been away... what happened here? looks strange! Actually, if women want a female cultivation section, why not? It would probably help having it all there in one spot. It would also be a good Idea for a mens one, as another "do I ejaculate/or not"... thread seems to come up every few weeks anyway. If all sexual cultivation posts/resources were easily found together in their respective areas... It could be quite useful?
  9. Women & TTB

    Thats what I call spiritual bypassing. The delusion that trusting in spirit alone will sort out everything, when maybe spirit gave us the ability and desire to make things right, to stand for important issues and so on.. Spirits inspiration, our hands? Also you cant impose your interpretation of Dharma activity on others, {thats called fascism} and sometimes an ass kicking is just as necessary as less active 'compassion'.
  10. Women & TTB

    So, what are the good reasons for not having an updated 21century socially aware set of rules about posting hate speech? 1. Because its already alright here, according to some men here. 2. There are no bigots here or fairly regular hate campaigns on any topics including race/gender/orientation, according to some men here, {some who have contributed occasionally to these topics.} 3. Because of some ambiguous reason about us all looking within, which is kind of fascist in its implications that that is therefore the correct practice for everyone here, and also puts the blame on the victim for feeling upset. "poor dear, did the nasty person say unmoderated terrible things about you? Silly you, you should have looked within, so its your fault that they hurt your feelings." What am I missing?
  11. Women & TTB

    Hmm... This thread starts with the question of how we can make the forum a better place for women, and ends in instruction from a man on what women 'should' be doing and 'how' they should be spending their time? This is a strange place...
  12. Women & TTB

    I am not going to say that there are not occasional blurry areas. People might bring up men or women who 'go gay' at some point after a seemingly previous heterosexual existence. But who are we to make assumptions about their experience? How can we be sure that they were not 'closet cases' earlier, playing the role that they thought society demanded? Maybe they are Bi? Is it even any of our business? Is it any different or less valid if their evolution leads them to homosexuality from a previously heterosexual existence than if they were born to it? No. We have no business questioning someone's sexuality {outside of a simple desire to learn}. At least not in some interrogative manner, our questioning agenda implying subtlety that we can maybe get to the root of the 'problem' and can 'fix' them or discover whats 'wrong' with them... The whole statement "if they went gay, maybe they can go back to straight" is usually a kind of hate speech statement. Its implying that heterosexual existence is preferable to the homosexual 'pathology'. And its trying to reassert the false premise of choice as being part of the equation, because if they 'chose' it, its easier to vilify them (rather than face our discomfort), which is harder to do in the understanding that its a totally natural, normal phenomena. Being born gay or slowly turning gay are not in the realms of 'choice', therefore like gender and race, they should be treated as sacrosanct ~ An essential unquestionable part of the individuals dignity and nobility of existence.
  13. Women & TTB

    Can you stop being a man with your mind? If you are hetrosexual, can you stop finding women sexually attractive, and start finding men utterly desirable? If you can how do you know you arent already a little bit bysexual? But in someways its an important question. The 'Gay Cure' places sometimes have brief short term success, and anyone with good concentration skills can do some weird things to their perspective. I did it myself temporarily, but my 'fall back' biology/makeup is heterosexual. Many churches for instance have dropped the gay cure programs due to utterly 'disappointing' lack of long term success. Indeed the hardest thing for bigots seems to be that they can't understand that being gay is not a choice. Over and over they say things like lets 'fuck the gay out of her', what a weirdo or pervert, why would someone choose that lifestyle?... So regardless of what a christian brainwashing camp or a yogi can do to their brain, we have to accept people as they are, while in the 'born this way' category
  14. Women & TTB

    Its not bagging 'white males' to say that some of them bully people. Its not what you are doing. All you are doing is fighting for a set of forum rules, where sexist and racist stuff can be said. Saying its not happening here, that everything is fine is just untrue. We have women here saying that it is happening, and they are the ones that should be listened to. Not someone who is never on the receiving end of it, so never really notices it. Rubbish. There are a number of gay haters on this forum. Drewlotuswhatever, wwroa, and numerous others tell people it is unnatural, disgusting, that they are not born that way, only that way because of masturbation?... which all constitutes being openly allowed to spread hate speech. The 'rules' allow this because they say to respect one another, so you can say nearly anything you want as long as you don't target an actual individual member. There are a number of women haters here too. Women are to be tricked so you can fuck them, women 'are' naturally subservient, women 'are' money grabbing whores, women are to blame for shooting spree's because they dont 'put out' when a man wants them, they 'are' less capable of evolution, they 'are' more materialistic/superficial, women 'only' go for 'alphas', bad boys and jocks, {Jeeshs, the pit is chock full of these threads, but they often get 17 pages or more before going there, and people rarely get reprimanded for hate speech} The 'rules' allow this because they say to respect one another, so you can say nearly anything you want as long as you don't target an actual individual member. There are a number of race haters here as well. Saying "that you only need to walk through a ghetto at night to prove that blacks are a different species", or that racial profiling is acceptable {you liked that post Atherious} or posting antiquated evolution graphs showing Africans as primitive less evolved species... it happens frequently enough. The 'rules' allow this because they say to respect one another, so you can say nearly anything you want as long as you don't target an actual individual member. Well I didn't actually call you one.
  15. Women & TTB

    Hate speech is anything that targets an innocent harmless person, who is how they are regardless of choice, and marginalises them or tries to make them feel bad for something they have no choice in, or control over. It is truly hateful behaviour, and it has no place in a non kkk, global forum in the 21st century. It does not apply to conditions like pedophilia, chosen religions, or cultural differences which are all highly worth critiquing, and the right to critique them should be vigorously protected. (Some might say you don't choose culture either, but it is a changing thing you get born into, and may have many positive or negative elements which can be embraced or ignored. {there is choice within it}) Being a male/female/other is not something you have any control over however. Neither is your race, or sexual orientation. This is how you are born. Targeting anything about any impossible to change conditions, is utterly hateful and destructive. There is nothing for the targeted person to do, other than try to defend themselves, although logically it is not something they can actually be 'wrong' about. 'Wrong' implies the possibility of becoming 'Right' indicating 'change', which for these people is an impossibility. Hatespeech is therefore something that can only ever be harmful, rude, and pointlessly timewasting. There is no possible answer to it. It corrupts the atmosphere, divides communities, hurts people, and can not be answered as a challenge to better oneself. Why continue to allow such a vile and pointless form of expression to be aired here?
  16. Women & TTB

    My creative review of this thread so far. (Intro) "How do we make TTB's better and more welcoming for women?" (Me) "better rules outlawing misogyny & stereotyping!" {Strangely the women here seem to like this post} (Men) "Hell no, everything is fine here, go back to sleep everyone" (Men) "actually white men have it worse here" (Men) "lets sidetrack/off topic this thread by making it about men, and reporting you for wanting to make TTB's better for women" Typical day at the bums.
  17. Women & TTB

    What do we call the people who stood against racial reform, who marched against Malcolm X? Certainly not progressive...
  18. Women & TTB

    Is it ok to call a shoe a shoe? If someone reports someone for actual real bigotry, can that person counter report them for slander? lol
  19. Women & TTB

    Well, I can't be sure, but If a person lives in a bigoted society, yet continues to say there is nothing wrong with it, it seems they are expressing a certain kind of passive bigotry...? What do you think? And lets not forget the anti homosexual sentiment you have expressed in the past? You say its in the past... Should I think otherwise? You tell me
  20. Women & TTB

    Thats ridiculous and disingenuous. Its ridiculous because white males on this forum have not been called a different species, been told that they should just 'put out', that they are naturally submissive, cant evolve higher, or any other dodgy shit that gets thrown around. Its disingenuous because its the fall back argument of those with the privilege and power. Its not real, a ruse to obfuscate the issue. So basically a real issue gets talked about by genuinely marginalised people, which will make a bigot uncomfortable, causing them to respond with "Waaa, what about reverse racism, waaa, what about me?" It takes up space, gets everyone worked up, and sabotages the chance for any real change. Now I am not saying that some imbalances or injustices don't occasionally occur as power starts getting redistributed, but this topic is not about that. This Topic is how do we make a better forum for women, and the only way to do that is with new rules with strong penalties, immediately, for expressed sexism, misogyny, and hopefully also including racism and homophobia.
  21. Women & TTB

    edit: While not meant to be targeting Aetherous specifically I do think its an important point, that fits whoever it happens to fit. Lets not forget that some people want the right to be bigots, and to express it online. They will fight against any change that will curtail their rights to spread their bigotry. No one else will. edit: anywhere there are people attempting to create social justice/reform, there will be others trying to oppose them, generally bigots.
  22. Women & TTB

    I disagree. This would not have come up as a question if representation was so 'great'. We could easily have a lot more women here at the very least. Yes, wanting to make an atmosphere where all, are and feel welcome, is very very hateful... Also, the banning would not have to be retroactive. Strong new rules would pull everyone into line from now... And make a much more welcoming site. 'Mike130something or others', quote was the worst... P.C. is very important. Anti P.C. is usually just bigotry. Where schools ban hate speech, they get called P.C. yet they are steadily increasing safety for women/gay/race members. This is a good thing and TTB's are way behind.
  23. Women & TTB

    Nothing against egg heads. I was just giving feedback from what I have heard. But, I am openly hostile to any bigotry against people who are not harming others, and are the way they are, because they were born that way. I will not stand by and watch people be made to feel shit, or have their self esteem damaged by ignorant wankers. The ugliness on this forum that regularly rears its head is disgusting, most recently being: It poisons the atmosphere here still, as it has done for years. This thread asked how can we Improve the situation? So far myself and a few others have reflected on this and offered what we see. A male or two have stepped in with don't be so sensitive, everything is fine here. ~ Because it is fine for them. 'Privilege' is believing something is not a problem, because its not a problem for you personally.
  24. Women & TTB

    Oh yes its all so happy over here, thats why there are so few women members, gay members, and members from other racial demographics... Its not at all a very white male school yard bullying atmosphere here. Here, being a woman does not mean your yin and therefore subservient, a money grabbing whore, and someone who men are entitled to sexually or else are made responsible for a killing spree. Here, being black does not mean your a different more animalistic species to the rest of us... Here, being gay does not mean that your an unnatural pervert, or only gay cause you masturbate too much, or only gay cause you want to be rather than because you were born that way, or unable to cultivate highly... Well. While many here thankfully would disagree with those sentiments, the rules continue to allow these sentiments to be expressed. Therefore, those sentiments are in the atmosphere here, and thus women, gay people and other racial groups tend to stay away...
  25. Women & TTB

    Thats good to hear