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Everything posted by freeform

  1. Study materials

  2. Homoeopathy

  3. Homoeopathy

  4. Soup.

  5. Hi Everyone! I'm Allan

  6. ...

    Well, in Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine, she says that allergies are caused by an over-active triple-warmer meridian. Her method of getting rid of alergies is to sedate the tripple warmer as you handle the allergen - it may take a little while but apparently works well. Leo's theory makes sense then, except in an energetic sense it's a sign of an overly active triple warmer.
  7. Pangu

  8. ...

    cat dreaming about a dog? if i was a cat - that'd be more of a nightmare... perhaps you're dreaming of the 'red fire dog'... it was chinese new-year yesterday... Reminds me of a friend who randomly asked me if I'd ever heard of Aleister Crowley (I was a big fan already).. what he didn't realise was that it was his birthday that day!
  9. The Path

  10. Detachment
