If any of you tao bums get to read Li Hong zi's article in (i think) New York times magazine you should, i found it over the net. For those of you who don't know who Li hong zi is he is the founder of fulan gong his ideas about alien connections with human society are pretty confronting.
Basically his view is that through the evolution of the human race the last big boom in civilization has excelled to extream proportions. 50 years ago we couldn't imagine the tools we have today but for hundreds of years ancient civilizations slowly progressed through the ages. Li hong zi's thoughts are that alien technology has enchanced human civilization. And that in exchange with this our governments are going to legislate human clonning in the future and limit child birth globally like the one child policy in china today. His idea is that an alien invasion is at hand and these beings cannot inhabbit a body that has a soul inside BUT. If heaven and earth do not permit a sole to in habit the body ala through sex these beings can controll these shells witch we call clones.
i know, sounds full on! but the interesting thing is the link he makes with alien life and the realm of taoism and what's even more interesting is that it comes from a recent qigong master.