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Posts posted by alexandrov

  1. Quote

    Accumulation of energy/chi in the grand sense is still always favourable. As the energy continues to build up, slowly but surely it will begin to destroy dormant blockages and tensions. Energy is like water beating against the rock-like blockage. The soft will always overcome the hard by the end. If you do not specifically know the root of your problems, and are just guessing, then it might be difficult to deal with the issue directly. So continue to keep your energy work/accumulation as an active part of your life, and let your body heal itself.


    I appreciate your advice, and this may be true for many people, but from my experience as well as the experience i have seen from others people that have serious blockages/mental issues may in fact not benefit from an increse in energy. I think this is because an increse in energy can increse and exaggerate their instabilities. However I am not saying that your approach is not useful or does not work. Its just that in my case when i build my energy levels too high i run into problems. I have read some of your other posts and to me it seems that you have an exceptional ability to excel in chigung related practices. Not everyone may be able to work through problems and the like as quickly as someone with your aptitude.




    In my experiences blockages at the root level are often to do with power struggle and being able to claim your power over others and submit to others in a healthy way plus all sorts of extreme fears like fear of loss of love, abandonment and fear of death. If you only focus on the sexual side you may not go deep enough as the sexual stuff is often just an expression of the struggles you had to process in the first years of your life.


    This I think is very true, in my experience blockages in the body can be a result of thought patterns, and ones view on their own abilities and place in the world.



    I dont know I just feel that in the past 2 years I have no progressed and have feel into a hole with these blockages, and it seems hard for me to get rid of them as many practices just seem to increase emotions too much


    Some of you mentioned the inner smile maybe il get back to basics and really try that or EFT, does anyone know where I can get any good EFT material ?


    thank you all once more

  2. Quote
    No, I don't think it caused them either.

    Did something cause them? If so, what?


    I think what caused the blockages is my previous use of mantak chias sex practices and pc squeezes


    I do not think any cultivation practices per say caused them. I do not think any one evenT in particular caused them to form.




    (edited to change the word even to evenT)

  3. I started KSMO on and off from like 2008, it was only until about 2 years ago when i intensified practice to the maximum prescribed amount (i didnt do more then recommended) did I experience the symptoms i talked about, then these symptoms went away after a few months for the most part. So I havent done KSMO for like 2 years. I do not think KSMO caused my blockages, in fact i think this technique helps clear such blockages but that in doing so it can cause such emotional disturbances.


    thank you all for your replys and advice.

  4. hello all


    Ok so in the past 9 years heres what ive been doing briefly....


    stage 1: microcosmic orbit, cold draw, hot draw, pranayama, sexual chi gung----from here I learned how to open my orbit and circulate and gather energy, but if I retain my sperm longer then a few days or a week I become more hyper, restless, and sleeping becomes more problematic usually. So collecting all this energy seems kind of like the wrong goal for me because it is not stable.  I discarded all of the muscle work exercises because i found them dangerous


    stage 2: KSMO-key sound multiple orgasm (jack johnson)----here i got some really good orgasmic sensations from the practice but it caused me to become even more strange feeling and hyper so eventually so i stopped. It is hard to explain the way i was feeling at the time, I was never out of control but it was clear for the first time that I had some blockage issues.


    stage 3: hitting on random women-----here i deceided that since i was shy of girls i would overcome my fear and find one to have sex with as maybe this would help my sexual blockages. Well I got over my shyness and have had relationships and had sex, but it hasent helped me


    Now I am at a point where I kind of dont know what to do. I believe i have some serious sexual blockages. I believe these blockages are psychosomatic in nature and are related to A. my views and past experiences with sex and B. my orgasmic energy being blocked. My MCO is not blocked and i can circulate chi fine, but I can not get any orgasmic feelings from it as some others do when having sex. This is another reason why I think I have these blockages



    So essentially I dont care about accumulating energy, chi circulations, having a relationship, I am not depressed, I think i just have serious sexual blockages and want some ideas on what i can do to get rid of them. I think KSMO is a good technique but I am afraid if i go back to it i might feel strange again. I wonder if it deals with kundalini


    thank you all

  5. As i understand it mantis you are fairly young, from chinese herbalists i have talked to you should not regularly take ginseng for long periods until your at least 40. this is especially true if the ginseng is the korean type as opposed to american ginseng or pseudoginseng. this is just what ive been told, i am not an expert nor do i know your reasons for wanting to take it.

  6. i used to practice his first 2 books religeously


    his inner smile and mco are good in fact very good and harmless BUT DO THEM EXACTLY AS HE STATES AND TAKE ALL THE PRECAUTIONS. here the only problem is bulding too much chi in your head or chest, but if you take precaustions this wont happen. Also if you or your family has a history of mental illness esp bipolar or schizo you should stay away from chi practices leading energy to the head. Chia states this as well, he also says if you have a tendency to have mental over activity to see a psychiatrist before you start practicing. TAKE THESE PRECAUTIONS SERIOUSLY IF YOU WANT TO AVOID CHI INDUCED MENTAL ILLNESS.


    his million dollar point is extremely dangerous and can cause irreversible damage to your reproductive tissues even if done correctly, dont do it. He came out and said himself (or micheal winn said) to not do it


    I am not a fan of using the pc muscle excercises either


    so basically i think his lower level chi stuff is very good if the proper precautions are taken, (i never tried his higher level stuff) but i think his muscle excercises are very very dangerous even if done correctly. use Dr, lins mucle technique instead for mmo

  7. your perspective is not limited at all


    in fact its superpractical despite what many so called spiritual people may tell you


    for me the practice that increased my confidence more then any type of meditation, chi-gung, semen retention or anything was very simple


    it consists of hitting on a lot of random women


    recently ive considered public speaking as well


    toastmasters has free events that you can practice your public speaking at or so ive heard


    basically do anything that your afraid of. If youve been afraid of something your whole life you probably have a lot of emotional blockages concerning that particular thing your afraid of. By facing that thing you will release such blockages and go through an emotional and psychic trauma/transformation. cultivation many times is a lot simpler then many will have you believe. Whats more practical to visualize a circumstance or event or actually go out in the real world and face it in the flesh and blood?



    a lot of times you have the confidence to do these things its just that your not used to doing them so you have the perception that you do not have the confidence to do them ime. And this creates a whole host of problems


    if you know you have a particular deficit in your life my advice is man up and face it full force, dont sit back and make excuses as to why its not important to face. Many people do this. Dont tell yourself that facing whatever fear you have is unecessary or unspiritual and to live a spiritual life you need to lock yourself in a closet and not worry about your social skills etc. If you have a thorn in your side follow your intuition and work to get that thorn out. Dont die an old man full of regret.


    only then will your inner dragon be released and you will be able to persue all other things in your life more fully and efficiently

  8. non i really think you should take into account what i have said

    it requires only doing one thing...approaching women

    no matter what condition your in you can still do it

    if you go in stuttering and squirming it does not matter

    thats what i did initially

    approach women going in knowing your gona fuck up, you have nothing to loose

    eventually youll become less afraid and your confidence will grow

    even if you fail every time, you will see that some women will stop to talk to you esp as you get better

    your not different from everybody

    i hate parties and night life

    i hate a lot of music too

    i approach women wherever i am, when im at places i LIKE going to

  9. :D while that often ends up happening the intent is to help so since you have been away did you try talking to a girl?


    My partner got approached by a guy practicing his pick up's at Uni (She is back doing yet another degree)

    All he said was "I'm looking for a friend"


    He was at the refectory, so there were a lot of girls he could ask during lunchtime. They just sat down and talked. She wouldn't give her number :lol: but did give him an email. He was a PHD student so he talked about his course and what she was studying.


    While I can't say how he felt after, she was really happy that someone approached her, concerned that he had no friends she wanted to help him.

    i.e. she enjoyed the conversation too.


    Real World Example.


    stuff like this happens to me all the time, a lot of girls wont give their numbers, and a lot of times even if they do they wont respond, again its a cold approach so you cant expect all too much to come of it, but its a great way to train if you need the training or have women problems

    • Like 1

  10. Quote
    In fact there is a chemical deficiency in people who aren't socio-sexually successful, which does not let them even begin to become successful and that's why it's so hard for them, simply because people to make an outcast of these people. Not to mention the lack of skills that has to be learned through experience, a person without such experience and therefore skills cannot even begin to develop simply because people are expected to already have enough experience and skills to gain more skills and experience.


    ok non  I have had similar life experiences as you have, and in fact I agree with a lot of what you say. and up until a few months ago I was horrible with women my whole life. I didnt have the social skills, confidence or anything to get laid. In fact the scant few women that came into my life before the past few months came to me I didnt approach them. And they all had emotional problems. Im an average looking guy, im short and I dont have muscles, in fact im skinny, and I dont make much money. I live at home with my family.


    In the past few months I started randomly approaching women, and in the beginning used PUA advice on body launguage, openers, etc etc. Now I dont need to use them anymore because by doing hundreds and hundreds of random approaches I now have developed absolutely booming confidence and a set of my own customized skills that match my own unique personality. A lot of PUA stuff is bullshit, manipulative, or just plain wrong in my view, but some of it can be very helpful in the beginning to get you started. In the beginning it was one of the hardest things I had ever done. The first month of random approaches was almost traumatizingly scary. My heart would be racing, when I would talk to women Id be stuttering, many would simply walk away before i could say much (still happens), it was painful. Now I have the approach down and im working on first date skills, its tough and painful because ive had over thirty dates this year and I only still talk to like 2 of these girls, and not even very often. Sometimes its hard not to think of myself as some sort of a failure, or having some major deficiency. But now because of my growth It does not really effect me much because i know if i keep going i will get it, and if i got this far so can you.


    Since I never really had dates my whole life I am in the process of learning how to do them just like i slowly and painfully learned how to approach. In fact im so good at approaching now I can approach almost any woman with very little fear, and amazingly i can do approaches that 90% of guys I know cant. And the only reason I can do this is because i practiced it. my rejection rate is still high but i can get about 1 in 7 numbers on cold approaches. With cold approaches however it should be understood that sucess rates are usually low no matter how good you are. In fact I have some friends that in high school got all the girls and played football and are powerlifters and my approach confidence and skills are better then theirs believe it or not, even though they get laid way way more then me!


    my advice to you is get on a PUA forum, meet a wing and go out and do random approaches. You will never look back TRUST ME. It will be very hard in the beginning and each day youll have to drag yourself out to do it, but please just do it. I was in the same position as you sitting in my room going on and on about theories that may or may not be correct. But in the end only practice will help you, trust me because i can tell by the way you write that we have very similar conditions.

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  11. First, I want to ask you if you're sure you want to lose your desires for friends and a girlfriend. Why? Because desires are treasures. You may not realize that now, but when you lose your desires, you may want them back. So think twice before losing your desires.


    To lose your desire for anything, including friends and a girlfriend, simply consider daily the disadvantages and the downsides of that thing. If you contemplate for 5 minutes every day on the disadvantages and the downsides of the desired objects, your desires for those objects will be reduced in a short time. That short time can be a week or a month or a few years, depending on your individual conditions.


    To regain your desire for anything, just do the same process in reverse: consider the advantages and benefits of the same things. And again, it may take time to regain the desire just like it takes time to lose it.


    One more warning: be careful with your desires. I'm telling you how to lose them effectively and quickly, but you may not like the end result. So make sure you know what you're doing in your heart and make sure you're not just following dogma.




    solid advice

  12. meditation and energy practices can be good, but also i would think the most simple and direct solution for you would be to make more friends and get a girlfriend


    there is nothing wrong with having the desire for more friends or a girlfriend, its just like the desire to eat or urinate or anything else, if you have that desire it means its probably a normal and good thing to live it out. Since when was it a bad thing to have more friends?


    do you have some problems preventing you from having a girlfriend or friends?

    • Like 2

  13. Quite a few Kunlun Practitioners have also positive experiences which tell me that this path does work.


    So if there is a path which works for some people but if there is a small handful of people who fail to progress on the path, cold logic sense will tell me that the small handful of people are not ready for the path. post by bodyoflight


    have you seen their siddhis?


    or are you just assuming they have progress cause you asked them?


    if i sit in a room for 10 years in isolation i might get siddhis or i could become insane, if i get siddhis but 1000 other people that try it go insane it does not mean that they were weak willed, it means that the technique likly is dangerous and not practical.

  14. My experiences with strong spiritual, and even mundane, motivating factors have give me a glimpse into how one can live an extended celibate lifestyle. But in those instances, there is a drive towards some goal- spiritual growth, financial success, increased physical ability, etc. Those things happen and celibacy FOLLOWS. There is always some goal. The objective is NOT "hey, I'm going to be celibate!" instead it's "hey, I have a goal" and sex just never enters the picture. And those factors have to be so strong that they dominate all of your life- to the point where you just don't think about other stuff, like sex.


    great insight, i second this


    If you have truely not stimulated yourself for as long as you say, then your testosterone levels are probably very low, which would exlain the lack of morning wood. Since testosterone belongs to essence, you would be doing yourself a service to stimulate yourself in order to increase the amount of testosterone essence/jing as being a male it is vital to your health.


    second this as well


    If i was you id masturbate maybe once every 2 weeks to once a month. And id also not do PC contractions, they screwed me up although they may work for some.


    Not getting any erections at night while you sleep is a symptom that your body is not functioning properly. It could also be due to diet

  15. I am not saying that you should change the way you are etc to get with women. I think sticking to your own beliefs and principals is more important and will actually make you more confident and self assured in the long run. And also yes I think its true that the best looking and most biologically fit women (alpha females) in a society tend to go for natural Alpha type males. I also think true natural Alpha type males are fairly rare. With PUA stuff some beta and other males can fake alpha status but since they are faking it, it is usually very very hard and stressful for such betas to keep up with the "alpha" females they get with. unless these betas acutally do rearrange their lives to get alpha status. Sometimes they can keep up with them but the cost is usually high. Or betas can do other non PUA things like get rich, or gain fame, nice car or other social status in order to become attractive to "alpha" type females. I personally dont use much PUA stuff, I just go talk to random women when im out. I find PUA stuff to be unnatural for the most part and manipulative. I dont try to be something or someone im not, I just think its good to learn to have the confidence and skills so that WHEN YOU DO FINALLY MEET SOMEONE WHO IS REALLY COMPATIBLE FOR YOU you can interact with them much more easily. I mean most alpha females ive known just have a lifestyle that is something i cant keep up with, nor would ever want to even if I had the choice. Its too stressful and filled with pointlessness imo. In conclusion There exists a biological heirarchy and for males there are many ways as described above to circumvent this heirarchy to get women that are "biologically superior" to themselvs. However this biological heirarchy will always be there and betas that wanna work their asses of to get with alpha females will continue to do so for various reasons despite the stresses involved. IMO id rather date a 6 or 7 thats laid back then a 9 or 10 thats a high effort alpha female. These are just generalizations though


    my 2 pesos

  16. mutual consent wasnt considered here.

    This is a layered issue. I do think having fantasy sex in your mind involves intention.

    Diety yoga is something that involves sexual energy. by Shaktimama


    not to get off topic but could someone please explain diety yoga and how it relates to sexual energy, basically my understanding is that you say a mantra and form an image of the said diety in your mind (visualization) and then basically your sexual energy goes into somehow building energetic bodies (in yourself)in relation to the diety??? is this correct??

  17. Absolutely. I think this is a profound insight.


    I hope I am not being too crude in my words, but I want to make this point.....


    We hear today so much in society, people like Dr. Phil and other clueless people, always saying "Sex isn't important, It's in the media too much, Young people don't need to think about sex so much."


    Well, that is so much bs. Whether you believe humans are spiritual beings, or whether you believe they evolved from apes, one indisputable fact, is that we are programmed to feel good when we we have achieved getting laid by someone hot.


    We also know that when you are younger, is when a lot of your personality traits are developed. If you don't develop certain traits and qualities at a young age, it's possible you never will.


    So, when people say "don't worry about sex, dating, gfs, etc. it will happen for you when it's meant to", we can know they are naive people. You have to make what you want happen. I would say, for a guy, when he is in high school, 13, 15, years old, etc. You gotta get laid. It's the only way to get confidence. You will feel like the man, and will show more confidence in everything you do. As a result, girls will be attracted to that confidence. It's a simple case of the rich get richer, and the poor stay poor. If you develop that confidence at 13, it will stay with you. If you develop it at 23, it won't really be fundamental to who you are, and you will still carry a lot of tension and doubt about yourself in the back of your mind. Getting laid in high school is certainly going to give you a lot more confidence than it will at 25. If it takes you until 25 then even if you do start getting chicks you will know it's just pretend and you're just trying to be something you aren't really. It comes down to whether you want to have in your mind that you're a little jack off loser for the rest of your life, or if you want it that you're a pimp in the back of your mind forever. In addition, with guys, the more girls you bang, the more other girls will want you, and the more they will hate the girls you are banging. It's strange how that works.



    wow some great insights here, but id have to disagree on some points. Im in my mid 20s and didnt talk to any girls in high school and I now have more confidence then most of my friends around women who did get laid in high school. Additionally I am a nice guy at heart and could have got laid much more then I actually have if i wanted to be ruthless and give up my principals, but to me my principals are more important. I am now able to go talk to random women and ask them out simply because I started one day just going around and doing it whenever I went out until it became natural. I still have about a 90% fail rate, but fuck ive never seen any of my friends do the stuff I do. Point is ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO GAIN CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF. Its not about the women ITS ABOUT YOU! If I went back in time a few years ago i couldent even look girls in the eyes long until I knew them for some weeks and got comfortable around them.....FUCK THAT. Now I make fun of them, tell them they are beautiful, and am able to say all the things I ever wanted to say to women.... simply because I practiced doing it. Oh ya and when I started the emotional pain was so intense I really really wanted to stop and i felt so depressed at times... but im so glad i didnt, because if I did stop I AM SURE I WOULD ALWAYS BE SHY around women FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Before I did this I was just a socially awkward person. Today I had to go to the i ended up giving a girl my phone # like probably not call but who cares....the fact is i was able to go out and do this ....something i would have never never never been able to do a while back without pissing my pants or running away.......gonig out with a friend and doing this helps loads also

  18. OK,well this forum is about Taoist concepts like yin and yang. I want to learn about yin and yang. OK maybe I'm looking for this knowledge too much from without but sometimes you gotta start somewhere.



    Non, I find nothing wrong with your posts, and actually myself I often find your topics interesting and I think you are really thinking hard here about important concepts. This is good. Carry on please and ignore others if they dont like what you have to say. Much of what you say imo can be considered to be in the realm of theory and thats perfectly fine. The interactions between men and women are a perfectly natural, important, and relevant topics for discussion here as far as im concerned. Thank you for all your contributions to the forum, I rnjoy reading them and they provoke me to also think further of these subjects.

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  19. On the other hand, schmucks like NON have not even began the road to enlightenment yet. If these type of schmucks engage in women, wine and party every night, they will die a drained old man by the age of 45 and would not even do a single day of meditation in their lives.


    So yes, please put things in perspective and see the difference between Non and Yogi Drukpa Kunley. Both are totally different class of beings altogether.


    do you have something personal against NON? He only comes here to try to get help, leave the poor guy alone. Who are you to judge his level of spirituality?

  20. like cultivating good emotions is relaxing the organ, like a sponge soaking in all the water, then the negative emotion is like squeezing out the sponge. The more water in there to begin with the more you can squeeze out. Just as always squeezing with negative emotions will make the sponge dry and crack. Negative emotions get you material gain and positive emotions give everyone and everything else gain (ie. the view everyone is connected). Some people give away everything though that they finally have nothing, and that is not good. Of course then the material negative things will be attracted to them always too because they are charged full of positive energy, but this also is not a balance. Also though if the sponge becomes too full and never squeezed it could become stale with energy.


    great insight yes i think too much of any emotion (especially if you are artificially trying to control or sustain certain emotions) can lead to stagnation and other serious problems